Metallic, astringent taste. Constant loathing. Qualmishness, prostrate feeling.


Frequent nausea, with anxiety, alternating with general uneasiness or else continuing, accompanied with great dullness of the head. Nausea, with disposition to vomit, in repeated paroxysms. Constant nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Nausea, cutting in the abdomen, retching with urging to diarrhoea, vomiting of food having a sour taste, with great exertions, trembling of the body. Empty or putrid eructations.


Sensation as if the stomach were overloaded, with putrid eructations, dispositions to vomit, pinching in the regions of the stomach, and stinging pain in the anterior and superior portion of the head, Ineffectual retching. Violent vomiting, with head- ache, trembling of the hands, and general racking of the body. Spasmodic vomiting of tenacious substance. Excessive vomiting of bile. Haematemesis. Cholera morbus, with vomiting. The vomiting p73 is preceded by an exceedingly troublesome feeling of nausea, anguish yawning, profuse lachrymation, violent pressure at the stomach. The vomiting is followed by great languor, drowsy and weary feeling, loathing, desire for cooling things, pale, sunken face, and dim swimming eyes. Violent oppressions of the stomach, momentarily relieved by nausea. Violent beating in the region of the stomach. Unpleasant sensation of warmth and burning in the region of the stomach. Congestion of blood to the stomach. Excessive pains in the stomach. Violent cardialgia, bordering on inflammation. Inflammations of the stomach.


Burning in the left hypochondrium, in the pit of the stomach and abdomen. Cutting and sticking in the pit of the stomach, particularly when drawing in the abdomen. The abdomen is sensitive to contact. Swelling of the epigastrium. Painful tension all rounds below the short ribs. Violent cutting and writhing in the abdomen.

Lacerating, violent cutting, and pinching in the abdomen. Aching, tensive pains in the region of the pubic bones. Pulsative sensation in the abdomen. Sensation of great fullness in the abdomen. Meteorism.


Colliquative diarrhoea, with meteorism. Involuntary diarrhoea stool. Diarrhoea and vomiting. Palpitation of the heart during the diarrhoea. Tenesmus. Bloody stools. Heat and burning pains in the anus.


Violent tensions with pressure in the regions of the bladder. Violent pressure on the bladder, with violent tensions in the perinaeum. Violent pressure on the bladder, with burning in the urethra. Inflammatory red urine, depositing bloody, red filaments when standing. Dark brown turbid urine, having an acrid smell.


Pustules. Tearing in the testicles.


Pustules. Discharge of watery blood from the vagina.


Feeble voice. Dumbness. Cough and sneezing. Loose cough at night. Rattling of mucus. Cough of children, occasioned by anger. Gasping for air at the commencement of every paroxysms of cough.


Short difficult breathing. Want of air, obliging one to sit erect, relieved by coughing and expectoration. Nocturnal paroxysms of orthopnoea. Unusual oppression of the chest. Difficult breathing accompanying the dysphagia. Velvety feeling in the chest. Paroxysms of sore pain in the chest, with desponding mood. Feeling of warmth about the heart, and sudden attacks of great languor. Warmth and anxiety about the heart, with violent palpitation re-echoing in the head. Tingling and pushing in the pit of p73 the stomach, with violent sudden beating of the heart. Palpitation of the heart with out vexed mood, with lowness of spirits. Palpitation during the diarrhoea stool. The heart almost ceases to beat. Dilatation of the heart.


Burning in the back. Rheumatic pain in the back. Painful sensation in the back, as if from weariness.


Pain in the shoulder, as if sprained. Cracking in the shoulder- joints and tearing extending to the hands. Violent lacerating jerking and intermittent drawing in the arms. Rheumatic pain in the elbows. Rheumatic drawing in the hands. Trembling of the hand. Deadness, dryness, hardness, and insensibility of the tips of the fingers.


Heaviness in the loins. Violent rheumatic drawing and uneasiness in the lower limbs, particularly in the region of the knee. Lancinating tearing pain in the thighs and calves. Sticking in the hip and knee. Intensely painful burning, slow jerking in the knee-joint.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.