SPIGELIA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy SPIGELIA…


SPIG. Spigelia Anthelmia. See Hahnemann’s “Materia Medica Pura,”



Aconite, Aurum, Baryta, Bovista, China, Digitalis, Euphr., Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Lauroc., Lycopodium, Magn-mur., Mercurius, Mosc., Natr-mur., Nux-v., Petrol., Phosph, puls., Sabad., Sabin., Silicea, Spongia, Stramonium, Tarax., Veratrum


Aurum, Camph. Spigelia antidotes Mercurius


Bruised all over. Pain as if sprained or bruised in the shoulder-joint. Trembling of the lower, and then of the upper limbs. The whole body is very sensitive to the touch. All his limbs are affected, especially when walking; his spine feels bruised. Arthritic lancinating laceration. Great heaviness in the upper and lower limbs. He is very sensitive to cool air. Great lassitude of body and mind, especially after standing. Convulsions.


All the symptoms are worse in the afternoon.


Yawning, without drowsiness. Constant restlessness in all his limbs at night. Restless sleep, frequently disturbed, full of anxious, frightful dreams. Stupefied sleep. Confused dreams.


Violent chilliness over the arms and shoulders. Violent chilliness through all the limbs. Chilliness in the afternoon, followed by heat and thirst. Fever: chilliness in the evening, with cold hands and distended abdomen, without thirst. Alternate chilliness and heat the whole day, with Redness of face. Chills every morning after rising. Chilliness of the whole body, without thirst. Slight chilliness in the back, towards the abdomen, as far as the umbilical region. Thrill of cold shuddering over the whole body. Cold hands hot face, no thirst. Alternation of heat and chilliness. Pulse feeble and irregular, at times quick, at others slow.


Sadness: attended with great anxiety. Sadness, with ill-humor and redness of the face. Taciturn. Vexed and sensitive. Cheerfulness, alternating with palpitation of the heart and anxious oppression of the chest.


Weakness of memory, forgetfulness, also with indolence of the mind. Painful dullness of the head. Dullness of the head, with pressure through the forehead. Wild and confused feeling in the head. Painful gloominess in the forehead and temples. Constant stupid feeling of the head, rendering any kind of mental labor difficult. Vertigo to falling.


Headache from shaking the head, with vertigo or heaviness. Pain in the forehead. Periodical typical headache. Aggravation of the headache in the open air. Heaviness of the head, with pain when shaking it. Pressure in the head, worse on stooping. Pressure in the temples. Tension in the head. Violent lacerating in the head, forehead, occiput, and temples. Boring in the forehead. Shaking and swashing sensation in the brain when walking. Heat in the head. Sensitiveness of the scalp to the touch, and particularly when moving it. Ulcerative pain on the vertex. Pain as if bruised at the occiput. Aching bony swelling at the temple, near the orbit, with painful soreness when touched. Burning on the temples.


Nervous pains in the eyes. Pains in and above the eyes also particularly deep in the orbits. Pain of the eye-balls, during motion, as if too large. The pains in the eyes are aggravated by moving the eyes and facial muscles. Intolerable pressure in both eyes worse when turning them. Pressure in both eyes, as if from sand. Sticking in the right eye, particularly during motion. Digging sticking, with depression of the upper lid. Sticking with boring, penetrating to the interior of the head, sometimes attended with a maddening pain. Tingling in the eyes. Arthritic ophthalmia. Rheumatic ophthalmia. Corneitis. Inflammation of the margins of the lids, with ulceration, and smarting soreness. Inflammation of the whites, also with turgescence of the vessels, or early in the morning, with heaviness of the lids and inability to open them. The eyes look dim and faint. Distortion of the eyes. Great inclination to wink. The upper lids hang down as if paralyzed. Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. Vanishing of sight when looking at anything. Indistinctness of sight, as if the eyes were full of water. scintillation. Long- sightedness. Flashes before the eyes. Transient amaurosis. Cataract.


Pain in the ear like otalgia. Darting pain in the ear, extending to the eye and lower jaw. Burning of the ears. Painful sensitiveness of the hearing to sound. Stoppage of the ears. Periodical deafness. Humming before the ears, also with undulating pulsations in the ears. Ringing in both ears, with feeling of obstruction.


Biting in the nose. Herpetic eruption, around and in the nostril, with sore feeling to the touch. Stoppage of the nose. Fluent coryza after the least cold.


Pale disfigured face, with yellow margins around the eyes. The cheeks and lips are at times pale, at others dark-red. Puffiness of the face. Typical, nervous prosopalgia. Prosopalgia on one side of the face, with anguish about the heart and great uneasiness. Violent pains in the face, not allowing the least contact or motion, with shining swelling of the affected side. Pressure in the malar bones. Darting lacerating or lacerating with pressure, particularly in the right malar bone. Burning in the malar bones, particularly the right. Tension and burning in the lips.


Tensive pain in the articulation of the jaw. Toothache, with prosopalgia, pale, bloated face, yellow margins around the eyes, palpitation of the heart, chilliness, and restlessness. Darting pain through all the teeth, most violent in a decayed tooth. Painful jerks in a decayed tooth, from the crown to the root, aggravated by cold water, or by the contact of air. Throbbing lacerating.


Stinging dryness in the mouth. Burning vesicles in the mouth. Painfulness of the back part of the tongue, as if swollen, particularly when chewing. Burning pain of the palate.


Pressing stitches in the region of the larynx.


Flat, putrid taste. No appetite. Canine hunger, also with nausea and thirst. Sour eructations, reaching the tongue. Nausea, as after long fasting. Nausea before breakfast. Desire to vomit.


Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from a lump. Pressure in the stomach. Great sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach, the least contact or pressure of the clothes excites great anguish, with heat and redness of the face, and sensation in the chest as if something were lacerating loose.


Painful pressure in the abdomen. Violent pinching in the abdomen. Pinching stitch in the abdomen. Sharp stitches in the abdominal cavity. Lacerating drawing through the abdomen. Slight burning in the abdomen. Cutting and sticking in the region of the abdominal ring.


Long, ineffectual desire for stool in the abdomen. Spasmodic pushing and pressing in the rectum. Frequent desire, without being able to pass anything. Stool, the first portion of which is hard, the second loose. Crawling in the rectum and anus, as from ascarides. Itching of the anus. Dull pressure in the rectum, between the stools.


Watery urine. Urine with whitish sediment. Burning stitch in the urethra, with desire to urinate.


One-half of the glans is swollen. Discharge of prostatic fluid. Twitchings in the scrotum.


Catarrh, a sort of catarrhal fever, dry, violent, hollow cough, occasioned by an irritation deep in the trachea, especially when stooping. Sort of suffocative cough.


Shortness of breath, particularly when talking, with anxiety, redness of the cheeks and lips. Dyspnoea, during motion in bed. Danger of suffocation, when making the least motion or raising the arms. Sudden suffocative attacks, with anxiety and palpitation of the heart. Spasms of the lungs, in affections of the heart. Pain in the chest, at intervals. Strong painful oppression in the middle of the chest. Pressure and drawing in the chest when standing. Lacerating, with constriction of the muscles of the chest, when standing. Cutting constriction of the chest, with anguish. Lacerating, with constriction of the chest. Spasmodic sensation in the chest, as if proceeding from the pit of he stomach, with arrest of breathing. violent pain in the upper part of the left chest, resembling a pain as if sprained. Sticking in the chest, resembling a pain as if sprained. Sticking in the chest, contracting it. Tensive stitch in the chest and abdomen. Tensive drawing stitch in the region of the true ribs. Continuous tensive stitch in the chest, more violent during an inspiration and expiration. Stitch in the chest, from with in outwards. Quick painful darting in the front part of the chest, as from an electric spark. Darting pains in the outer parts of the upper portions of the chest, below the axilla. Dull stitches in the region where the beats of the heart are felt. Dull, oppressive sticking in the heart. Unusually strong beating of the heart; he frequently hears the beating; the beating could be seen externally through the clothes. Palpitation of the heart and anxious oppression of the chest. Palpitation of the heart, early in the morning after rising, when sitting, with anxious oppression of the chest; the heart seems to be in a tremulous motion. The palpitation of the heart increases by sitting down, and by bending the chest forward. The anguish increase during a deep inspiration, and when arresting the breathing; he has then palpitation of the heart and oppression; the heart beats more violently, and he feels the pulsations of the heart when laying his hand on the pit of the stomach. The part above the place where this beating is felt feels as if painfully oppressed by a load.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.