Pain of the submaxillary glands when touched, without swelling. Stitches in the submaxillary glands, which are swollen. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, painful when touched, with drawing pain in the glands and sore throat when swallowing, as if swollen internally. Hard swelling of the submaxillary glands. Nightly drawing and sticking in the lower jaw. Caries and swelling of the lower jaw. Toothache, especially when eating warm food; and when cold air gets into the mouth. Toothache after a meal. Toothache, with swelling of the bone and periosteum of the lower jaw. Violent toothache, the whole jaw aches. Tensive toothache. Drawing in a hollow tooth, in paroxysms. Lacerating pain, also with drawing and jerking, most violent at night. Digging and boring in the teeth. The teeth are loose and sensitive to pain when chewing. Inflammation of one of the lower molars, with swelling and soreness of the gums. Painful sensitiveness of the gums to cold water painful inflammatory swelling of the gums. Sore gums. The gums bleed readily.


Constant dryness of the mouth. Constant mucus in the mouth. Coated tongue, also with brown mucus. Numb tongue. Ulcer on the palate, extending as far as the gums. Elongation of the uvula, with dryness of the throat. Swelling of the uvula.


Sore throat, with much mucus in the throat. Sore throat during deglutition. Soreness of the throat, as if from singing. Stinging sore throat, only when swallowing, the neck being painful when touched. Difficult deglutition.


Bitter taste in the morning. Loss of taste. Aversion to meat- soup. Aversion to meat. Canine hunger. Great thirst with loss of appetite. Thirst with dryness of the throat. Acidity in the mouth. Continual hunger, and repletion of the stomach. Weakness in the stomach. Colic, a sort of writhing in the intestines. Pressure at the stomach, also followed by water-brash and vomiting. Eructations and acidity. Pressure at the stomach. Cutting in the epigastrium. Chilliness. Palpitation of the heart with anxiety. Drowsiness and faintness. Nausea, going off after lying down. Heartburn.


Frequent, empty loud, or sour eructations, also with burning in the throat. Sour and bitter eructations in the morning, as if from a deranged stomach. Heartburn from the stomach. Nausea, as after tasting an emetic. Nausea after every heating exercise. Constant nausea, also with vomiting, even at night. Nausea every morning, also with headache and pain in the eyes on turning them. Water-brash, also with shuddering. Vomiting after every drink. Vomiting of the ingesta at night.


Violent pain in the pit of the stomach, going off by hard pressure on the part. Painfulness of the pit to pressure. Load in the stomach like lead. Aching pain, followed by cramp-pain in the stomach. Griping, pinching, and crampy sensation over the stomach and the hypochondria, in frequent paroxysms. Griping and sudden grasping in the stomach. Burning in the pit of the stomach.


Drawing dull pain in both hypochondria. Hardness and distention of the region of the liver. Throbbing ulcerative pain, increased by contact and walking.


Violent colic. Colic with constipation. Lacerating in the abdomen. Writhing pain in the abdomen. Pinching in the hypogastrium, without diarrhoea. Cutting colic, in paroxysms. Cutting in the hypogastrium, without diarrhoea. Burning in the bowels. Aching pain in the abdomen. Distention of the abdomen, as far as the stomach. Hot, distended abdomen, also in children. Pot-belliedness. Violent rumbling in the abdomen. Foetid flatulence. Lacerating in the groins in the evening. Pain of the inguinal hernia. Inflammation of the inguinal glands, of the size of peas, painful to the touch.


Constipation the first days, afterwards very hard stool. Costiveness. Constipation for three days, afterwards stool composed of hard lumps. Several papescent stools a day. Papescent stool with fragments of mucous membrane, followed by smarting burning at the anus. Frequent desire for stool, passing only mucus, with chilliness of the body and qualmishness in the throat. Stool mixed with bloody mucus. Ascarides with the stool. Jerking, almost dull sticking pain in the rectum. Cutting in the rectum. Tension in the anus. Burning at the anus. Stinging pain in the varices.


Desire to urinate, with scanty emission, or also with copious emission. Micturition almost every night. Desire to urinate, with smarting in the urethra. Yellow sediment in the urine. Pressure on the bladder when urinating, with subsequent burning.


Itching and red spots on the glands. Redness of the prepuce, near the corona, as if excoriated, with frequent itching. Itching and humid spots on the scrotum. Hydrocele. The sexual desire is very much excited. Weak and almost extinguished sexual desire. Increasing sexual desire. Discharge of prostatic juice at every stool.


Labor-like feeling in the vagina Itching of the pudendum. Menses too early. Menses too early and too feeble. Retarded menses. Diminished menses. Increased menses. Diarrhoea before the menses. Great costiveness immediately before and during the menses. During the menses. melancholy anguish in the pit of the stomach. Violent burning and soreness of the pudendum, also an eruption on the inner side of the thighs. Colic. Immediately after the period, a bloody mucus flows from the nose. Painful smarting leucorrhoea, especially after taking sour things. Discharge of a quantity of white water from the womb, with violent itching of the pudendum. Leucorrhoea during micturition. Milky leucorrhoea, in paroxysms, preceded by cutting around the umbilicus. Violent motions of the foetus in a pregnant female. Mis-carriage. Inflammation and suppuration of the mammae and nipples. Induration of the mammae. Cancer of the mammae. The infant refuses the breast and vomits after nursing.


Rough throat, sometimes with dry and hacking cough. Sore feeling in the larynx. Cough with hoarseness. Cough from titillation in the throat. Soreness of the chest from the dry and hacking cough. Suffocative night-cough. Fatiguing cough, day and night, aggravated by motion, with scanty expectoration of mucus. Cough with vomiting when expectorating. Excessive continual cough, with discharge of a quantity of translucent mucus. Vomiting of quantities of purulent matter, when coughing. Ulceration of the lungs. Cough with bloody mucus, also in the morning. Discharge of clear, pure blood towards noon, with deep hollow cough. When coughing the chest is painful as if bruised.


Frequent deep and sobbing breathing. Arrest of breathing, when lying on the back; when stooping; when running; when coughing. Shortness of breath; when doing some manual labor; when walking fast. Panting when walking fast. Oppression of the chest. Frequent oppression of the chest and head, with anxiety. Weakness in the chest. Pressure in the chest when coughing and sneezing. Aching pain in the sternum, towards the pit of the stomach. Stitch through the back. Stitches in the side. Stitches in the chest, especially during a deep inspiration. Congestion of blood to the chest. Heat in the chest, with chilliness and coldness of the whole body. Burning pain in the chest. Palpitation of the heart when sitting still. Oppressive heaviness in the region of the heart.


Violent pain in the small of the back. Lameness in the small of the back. Pressure and tension in the small of the back. Pain in the small of the back, on touching it. Spasmodic drawing in the small of the back. Stiff back, after sitting. Violent lacerating or beating pressure in the back, with chilliness, afterwards dull oppressive headache, with heat in the head. Lacerating and sticking in the back. Sticking in the loin when sitting and lying. Inflamed abscess on the psoas muscle. Swelling and curvature of the vertebrae. Pain between the scapulae, as if the parts would be torn asunder. Bruised pain in the scapulae. Stitches between the scapulae. Tension in the nape of the neck. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, with headache. Glandular swellings in the nape of the neck, also hard. Itching pimples on the nape of the neck, like nettle-rash. Abscess on the nape of the neck. Swelling of the cervical glands. Swelling of the thyroid body.


Drawing aching pain in the axillary glands. Violent swelling of the axillary glands, also with suppuration. Pain in the shoulder, a sort of pressure, extending into the hand. Lacerating in the shoulder during motion. Languor of the arms, with trembling during slight work. Lacerating in both arms. Uneasiness and trembling in the arm. Congestion of blood to the arms. Lacerating in the upper arm. Drawing pain in the elbows, apparently in the marrow. Incipient lameness of the lower arm. Induration of the cellular tissue of the fore-arm. Lacerating in the wrist-joint, painful when touched, and when moving it. Pain in the wrist- joint, as if sprained. Stitches from the wrist-joints through the arm, at night. Cramp-pain and paralytic weakness of the hand. Drawing pain in the hands. Prickling and numbness of the hands. Ulcer on the hand. Paralytic drawing in the fingers. Creeping in the fingers. Lacerating in the fingers. Weakness and stiffness of all the fingers. The joints are painful when pressing on them. Sensation as if the tips of the fingers were ulcerated. Blisters on the fingers, as from heat, with tingling itching. Frequent panaritia, also with proud flesh, or even when caries has already set in.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.