Hard, difficult stool, sometimes mingled with mucus. Hard stool, with cutting in the rectum. Diarrhoea, after drinking milk. Exhausting diarrhoea. Green or sour-smelling diarrhoea of children. Stool having a putrid, sourish, foetid smell. The stools are too soft. A number of jelly-like stools, with colic. Stool of a whitish color. Slimy diarrhoea, with distended abdomen. Constant desire for stool, only a little being passed. Unsuccessful urging to stool towards evening. Scanty stool, with straining and tenesmus. Nausea previous to every liquid stool. Much blood with stool, after cutting in the abdomen. Discharge of sanguineous mucus after stool. Emptiness and relaxation in the abdomen after stool. Headache after a papescent stool. Expulsion of ascarides. Contractive pain in the rectum, and thence in the perinaeum and vagina. Frequent and painful contraction in the anus. Tensive pain in the anus. Tenesmus in the anus. Tensive pain in the anus. Tenesmus in the anus, with feeling of soreness, sometimes occurring at intervals. Pain in the rectum during stool. Violent cutting in the anus and rectum, at night. Cutting in the rectum during stool, with discharge of blood. Stitches in the anus. Stitching and burning at the anus. Burning in the rectum, day. Heat and swelling of the margin of the anus. Soreness of the anus. Sore pain of the rectum, mostly between stool, accompanied with varices of the rectum, painful when touched. Itching and stinging in the rectum. Violent itching of the anus and creeping in the rectum. Smarting in the rectum, after stool. Oozing of moisture from the rectum. Discharge of mucus from the rectum, with stinging and lacerating. Protrusion of the rectum. Prolapsus-recti. Protrusion and itching of the varices of the rectum. The varices become painful. Bleeding of the varices when walking. Flowing haemorrhoids.


Continual desire to urinate, with painful bearing down in the pelvis, in the morning. Sensation as if drops came out of the bladder. Pressing on the bladder and frequent micturition, with tension in the abdomen. Pressure on the bladder, in the evening, with burning after micturition. Wets the bed before midnight. The urine becomes turbid and foetid, when standing, with white sediment. Turbid urine, with brick-dust sediment. Blood red urine. The urine deposits blood in the vessel. Discharge of a milky fluid from the urethra after micturition, at noon. Discharge of prostatic juice after micturition. Pinching pains in the bladder. Spasms of the bladder. Violent burning in the bladder, without desire to urinate. Burning in the urethra. Smarting in the urethra during micturition. Secondary gonorrhoea.


Copious sweat of the genital organs. Itching about the parts. Weakness of the parts. Itching inflammation of the penis. Hot glans, with a pale-red, sometimes itching eruption. Red tips on the glans. Continual suppuration and itching of the prepuce. Heat in the testicles. Cutting in the testicle. Pinching lacerating in the testicles. Rheumatic drawing in the testicles, sometimes also in the thigh. Swelling of the scrotum. Pains in the testicles. Great increase of the sexual desire. Nightly emission, with dream. Emissions after onanism.


Painful stiffness, apparently in the uterus. Pressing in the uterus, oppressing the breathing, accompanied with colic. Prolapsus of the vagina and uterus. Induration of the neck of the uterus. Cancer and scirrhus of the uterus. Swelling and humid itching eruption on the inner labia. Soreness and redness of the labia, in the perinaeum, and posteriorly between the thighs, also before the menses. Contractive pain in the vagina. Violent stitches in the pudendum, almost extending as far as the umbilicus. Itching of the pudendum. Discharge of blood from the vagina, only when walking. The menses are too scanty. Sepia is frequently indispensable at the critical age. Before the menses: violent colic, with faintishness. Shuddering all over the body. Burning in the region of the pudendum. Acrid leucorrhoea, with soreness of the pudendum. Sensation as if the pudendum were enlarged. Pressure in the abdomen. During the menses: exhaustion in the morning. Toothache and throbbing in the gums. Obscuration of sight, and great weakness, going off while lying. Pains in the limbs, also as if bruised. Abdominal spasms, with pressing downwards. She is unable to sleep, owing to lacerating in the back, chilliness and heat, thirst, and painful contraction of the chest. Leucorrhoea, with stitches in the uterus. Leucorrhoea with itching in the vagina, or of the pudendum. Sanguineo-mucous discharge from the vagina. Yellowish leucorrhoea. Watery leucorrhoea. Mucous leucorrhoea. The leucorrhoea increases when she is attacked with frequent eructations and retching. Discharge of a green-red fluid from the vagina, during pregnancy. Leucorrhoea, especially profuse after micturition. Leucorrhoea having the appearance of pus. Leucorrhoea like milk, only in the daytime, with burning pain and producing soreness between the thighs. Corrosive leucorrhoea. Profuse mucous diarrhoea, having a foetid smell, with drawing pain in the abdomen. Disposition to miscarriage. Affections of pregnant females: Toothache. Nausea and vomiting. Colic. Costiveness. Cough. Stinging in the breast, worst when becoming cold in walking or riding in a carriage. Soreness of the nipples. chafing of infants.


Frequent pressure in the larynx. Sudden hoarseness. Hoarseness and fluent coryza. Hoarseness, with dry cough, from titillation in the throat. Cough of pregnant females. The cough is worst after lying down in the evening. Dry, snort evening cough. Dry cough, with vomiting of a bitter liquid. Cough, fatiguing the chest and stomach. Spasmodic cough. Dry cough, as if proceeding from the stomach and abdomen, or as if occasioned by constipation. Scraping cough. Cough, which is frequently dry, short, and hacking with pain in the pit of the stomach, and scraping, raw, sore pain in the region of the larynx. Cough at night, waking one from sleep. cough, day and night. Cough, with difficult expectoration. Expectoration from the chest, tasting very salt, also with cough, particularly in the morning and evening. Cough, with blood-streaked expectoration. Hacking cough, in the evening, after lying down, with profuse expectoration of pure, coagulated blood. A good deal of purulent expectoration, with violent cough, great oppression of the chest, an rattling. Suppuration of the lungs. Short breathing when walking.


Dyspnoea, with tenacious mucus in the chest. Oppression of the chest, morning and evening. Asthmatic, especially when palpitation of the heart occurs. Difficult rather than short breathing. Oppression of the chest, with stitches, during a deep inspiration. Dyspnoea, with oppression and shortness of breath. Pain in the chest, from motion. Pain in the side when breathing and coughing. Very violent pressure in the chest, without touching it. Severe pressure in the chest, in the evening, when in bed. Pressure on the upper part of the sternum, as from a weight. Feeling of heaviness in the chest. Constrictive sensation in the chest. Attacks of tightness in the chest. Aching of the whole chest. Stitch in the right side of the chest and scapula, during an inspiration and cough. Stitches deep in the chest. Violent stitching in the chest, at every inspiration. Sticking in the chest during mental labor. Stitching in the heart, in the afternoon. Rawness in the chest, as of raw flesh. Violent burning in the sternum. Violent lacerating in the lower ribs. Seething of the blood, and congestion to the chest, as if haemoptysis were about to set in. Gurgling or bubbling sensation in the left chest. Beating in the pit of the stomach, in the morning, followed by seething of blood in the left chest, resembling palpitation of the heart. Palpitation of the heart, with stitches in the left side of the chest. Palpitation of the heart, with great anxiety, and trembling of the fingers and lower limbs. Intermission of the beats of the heart, with anxiety. Itching of the surface of the chest. Brown spots on the chest.


Pain in the small of the back. Painful weariness in the small of the back. Weakness of the small of the back in walking. Pain as if sprained in the small of the back. Burning pressure in the small of the back. Reddish herpetic spots above the hips. Beating in the small of the back. Pressing pain. Pain in the back, only when sitting. Pain in the back, only when walking. Cutting digging-up and pressure on the back. Crampy lacerating. Stiffness in the back, diminishing when walking. Chilliness on the back. Drawing between the scapulae and in the upper part of the chest. Burning constrictive pain around the shoulders, chest, and neck, in the evening. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Tetters in the nape of the neck and behind the ears. Tensive pain of the one side of the neck, as if swollen. Red, itching, herpetic spots on both sides of the neck.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.