SARSAPARILLA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy SARSAPARILLA…


SARS. – See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” V.


Am., Chamomilla, Clem., Cocc., Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur,.




Arthritic and rheumatic complaints, with diminished secretion of urine. Lacerating in almost all the joints and limbs. Sudden drawing pains in various parts of the body and about the head. Languid feeling in the hands and feet. Trembling of the hands and feet, lacerating in the forehead, and pinching in the abdomen. Emaciation.


Itching in various parts of the body. Burning itching over the whole body, with chills. Blotches as from nettles. Herpes on every part of the body. Shrivelled skin. Ulcers from the abuse of mercury. Big and hot swellings.


Frequent yawning. Drowsiness. Restless sleep, with dreams. Lascivious dreams.


Frequent chilliness. Internal chilliness and drowsiness. Constant feverishness of the whole body.


Desponding. Dread of labor, awkward.


Absence of mind. Inability to perform mental labor. Dullness and stupid feeling of the head. Weakness of the head as after a fever. Vertigo.


Pressure in the forehead and occiput. Pressure and heaviness around the whole forehead. Cramp-like headache on one side, commencing with obscuration of sight and luminous vibrations before the eyes. Lacerating in the whole frontal region, sometimes deep in the brain. Beating headache, in the evening;

worse at night, with violent nausea and sour vomiting. Pressure and cuttings in the outer parts of the head. Lacerating in the head, with pressure, increased by motion and walking. Pulsative stitches in the forehead. Itching of the scalp.


Continual burning in the eye-lids, sometimes alternating with aching pain. Inflamed dry eye-lids. Lachrymation; agglutination in the morning. Dilatation of the pupils. Dim-sightedness, as of seeing through a fog, or as if the eyes were covered with a gauze.


Violent pressure in the ear, extending into the temple. Tingling in the ear. Inflammation and swelling of a gland below the ear, passing into suppuration.


Itching eruption under the nose. Bleeding of the nose. Dry coryza.


Stiffness and tension in the muscles of mastication and the articulations of the jaws. Contusive pain in the face, in the lower borders of both orbits. Pale-red, a little elevated, rough spits on the forehead.


Pain of the jaws, as if broken. Toothache of the right side, with creeping in the roots of the teeth. Swelling and soreness of the gums.


Stitches in the tongue. Aphthae on the tongue and in the palate. Tenacious mucus in the mouth and throat. Dryness in the throat and stinging during deglutition. Constrictive sensation in the throat and chest, with difficult respiration.


Bitter taste. Metallic taste. Flat, sweetish taste.


Bitter-sour eructations. Gulping up of a bitter-sour liquid. Constant nausea. Nausea and faintness after dinner.


Aching pain in the pit of the stomach. Frequent cramp-like sensation in the pit of the stomach. Constriction in the stomach, with nausea, going off at night. Heat in the stomach.


Pain in the left hypochondrium, as if bruised, with beating. Contractive pain of the intestines. Frequent crampy feelings in the abdomen. Heat or coldness in the abdomen. Foetid flatulence.


Obstinate constipation, with violent urging to urinate. Great desire, with contraction of the intestines and excessive pressure from above downwards. Violent and constant urging. Soft stool, with tenesmus in the rectum. Discharge of blood at stool. Ulcer at the anus, covered with a black blister.


Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission. Tenesmus of the bladder, with cutting pain during micturition. Pressure on the bladder the whole day, but scanty emission. Severe tenesmus, as in gravel, with emission of white, acrid, turbid matter, with mucus. Gravel.? Stone.? Burning during micturition, with emission of oblong flocks. Burning in the whole urethra, at every micturition. Painful constriction of the bladder, without tenesmus. Discharge of yellow pus from the urethra, with redness and inflammation of the glans and fever in the evening, with shivering.


Intolerable stench about the genital organs. herpes on the foreskin.


Delaying menses. Scanty and acrid menses, with burning of the inner side of the thighs. Frequent pinching in the abdomen during the menses. Mucous leucorrhoea when walking. Itching around the nipples.


Coryza and cough. Dry cough, with burning in the nose.


Foetid breath. Oppression of breathing. Painful constriction in the chest. Pressure in the region of the sternum, worse when touching it. Stitching in either side of the chest. Tensive pain in the outer parts of the chest. Almost continual palpitation of the heart, with some anxiety.


Pain in the small of the back, extending towards the genital organs. Small violent stitches in the back, between the scapulae. Pain in the back, increasing to violent pressure when stooping.


Lacerating in either arm, from the shoulder to the hands. Paralytic pain in the shoulder-joint. Paralytic weariness in the elbow-joints. Paralytic lacerating in the fore-arm. The hand is painful, although not swollen. Pain as if sprained in the wrist- joint. Cold hands. Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration in the tips of the fingers. The fingers go to sleep. Herpes on the hands. Rhagades in the thumb.


Paralytic, weary, and bruised feeling in the hip-joints. Swelling and stiffness in the knees, with stitching pain. Lacerating in the knees and legs. Cramp along the tibia, down to the toes. Red herpetic spots on the calves, itching violently. Intense pain of the soles. Swelling of the feet. Cold feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.