SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS…


SANG.CAN – Indian Puccoon, Blood Root, Red Root – See “Transactions of American Institute of Homoeopathy,” I.


Rheumatic pains in the limbs. Acute inflammatory and arthritic rheumatism – (Acute swelling of the joints of the extremities.). Stiffness of the limbs and rheumatic pains, with headache. Great weakness. Debility, with vertigo and pain in the hypochondria. Weakness and palpitation of the heart. Is tonic in diseases of the lungs. Paralysis of the right side. Convulsive rigidity of the limbs.


Heat and dryness of the skin. Itching and nettle-rash before the nausea. Warts. Old indolent ulcers; ill-conditioned ulcers, with callous borders and ichorous discharge. Nasal polypi; fungous excrescences,. Jaundice.


Sleeplessness at night. Dreams of a frightful and disagreeable character.


Chill with the headache. Chill and nausea. Sensation as if hot water were poured from the breast into the abdomen. Fever and delirium. Pulsation through the whole body. Quickened circulation, with vomiting. Pulse full, soft, and easily compressed, in pneumonia. Suppression of the pulse, with fainting.


Extreme moroseness.


Vertigo with nausea, long-continuing with debility, with headache. Vertigo on turning the head quickly.


Confused and dull feeling in the head. Determination of blood to the head, with whizzing in the ears and a transitory feeling of heat. Heaviness in the head. Pressing drawing in the forehead. Headache, as if the forehead would split, with chill and with burning in the stomach. Pain in all the upper part of the head. Boring pain above in the fore part of the head. Nausea, disposition to vomit, without being able to do so; then headache, with rheumatic pains and stiffness in the limbs and neck. Beating headache and bitter vomiting. Headache, with nausea and chill. Headache, with vertigo and pain in the ear. The headache occurs paroxysmally. Pains in the head, in spots, soreness, especially in the temples. Pains in the head, in rays drawing upward from the neck. Severe pains in the head, with nausea and vomiting. Distention of the veins in the temples, perceptible on touching.


Severe burning, heat and redness of the face. A red cheek, with burning in the ears. Redness of the cheeks, with cough. Cheeks and hands livid, in typhoid pneumonia.


Feeling as if the eyes were affected by acid vapor. Very great glimmering before the eyes. Diminished power of vision.


Beating under the ears. Burning of the ears, with redness of the cheeks. Pains in the ears, with headache. Beating humming in the ear.


Heat in the nose. Nasal polypus. Loss of smell. Fluid coryza, with frequent sneezing. Influenza. Coryza, rawness in the throat, pain in the breast, cough, and finally diarrhoea.


Stiffness in the jaws. Pain in the upper teeth. Salivation and looseness of the teeth.


Heat in the throat, alleviated by the inspiration of cool air. Burning in the oesophagus. Angina. Ulcerated sore throat.


Feeling of dryness of the lips. Tongue as if burned. Tongue sore, pains like a boil. White-coated tongue, with loss of appetite. Increases the appetite.


Pressing in the stomach. Soreness in the epigastrium, aggravated by eating. Feeling of warmth and heat in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, with headache. Inflammation of the stomach.


Severe nausea. Nausea as if vomiting would succeed. Nausea after eating. Loss of appetite and periodic nausea. Long- continued nausea, with chill. Heartburn and nausea. Regurgitation and disposition to vomit. Vomiting. Bitter vomiting, with headache. Vomiting worms. Vomiting and diarrhoea.


Severe and continual pain in the hypochondria; vertigo and debility. Pain in the left hypochondrium. Diseases of the liver. Torpor and atony of the liver. Inflammation of the abdominal viscera. Beating in the abdomen. Cramp in the abdomen. Flatulent distention of the abdomen. Indurations in the abdomen. Paroxysmal pain in the abdomen. Slight cutting drawings in the abdomen. Colic, with torpor of the liver.


Ineffectual pressure to stool, then vomiting. Diarrhoeic stools, with great flatulence. With the diarrhoea, termination of the coryza and catarrh. Diarrhoea terminated the attacks of pains in the chest. Dysentery. Haemorrhoids.


Frequent and copious nocturnal urination. Gonorrhoea.


Abdominal pains, as if the menses, would appear. Abortion. Uterine haemorrhage. Amenorrhoea. Escape of flatus from the vagina, with dilatation of the os-uteri. Climacteric disorders.


Chronic dryness in the throat, and sensation of swelling in the larynx, and expectoration of thick mucus. Aphonia, with swelling in the throat. Continual severe cough, without expectoration, with pain in the breast, and circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Tormenting cough, with expectoration. Pulmonary consumption. Cough with coryza, then diarrhoea. Croup. Whooping cough.


Hydrothorax. Asthma. Pneumonia. Typhoid pneumonia, with very difficult respiration, cheeks and hands livid, pulse full, soft, and vibrating, and easily compressed. Diseases of the lungs. Pain in the breast, with periodic cough. Pain in the breast, with cough and expectoration. Pain in the breast, with dry cough. Burning and pressing in the breast, then heat through the abdomen and diarrhoea. Acute stitch in the breast. Pressing pain in the region of the heart. Pressing pain in the chest and back. Palpitation of the heart.


Pain in the nape of the neck. Stiffness in the nape of the neck. Pain in the back. Pain in the sacrum and bowels. Rheumatic pains in the nape of the neck, shoulders, and arms.


Pain under the shoulder-blade, with chill. Rheumatic pain in the shoulder. Sudden rheumatic pains in the shoulder-joint. Rheumatic pain in the right arm and shoulder, worse at night in bed. Rheumatic pains in the arms and hands. Burning of the palms. Redness of the hands and severe burning. Lividity of the hands in pneumonia. Ulceration at the roots of the nails.


Rheumatic pain in the hip. A bruise-like pain in the thigh, alternating with burning and pressure in the breast. Stiffness of the knees. Burning in the soles of the feet and in the palms of the hands. Burning of the hands and feet, at night.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.