Out of humor. Sadness. Restless mood, anxiety, and apprehensiveness, accompanied with constant paroxysms of sudden and painful uneasiness about the heart, and heavy breathing. Ill-humored, desponding. Dread and future and and want of confidence in himself. Inexpressible anguish, with pressure at the heart and lacerating in the small of the back.


Absence of mind, as if absorbed in thought. Mental derangement. Illusions of the fancy and visions. Delirium, also chattering delirium. Languor of the mind, is unable to hold an idea, feels almost stupid. Weakness of the head. The head is gloomy and stupid. Confusion of the head. Painful dullness of the head, as if stupefied, with humming in the head. Dizzy when rising from bed.


Aching through the forehead. Headache immediately after a meal. Headache, obliging him to lie down, coming on again after the least chagrin and the least exercise in the open air. Reeling, with headache affecting the whole head. Constant heaviness in the head. Headache as if the brain were compressed. Lacerating in the head, to and fro, worse when stooping. Occasional shaking sensation in the brain. Wavering sensation in the brain, when walking. Stitches in the head, from within outwards. Stitches day and night, extending to the ears, the root of the nose, and the malar bones, with painfulness of the teeth. Burning in the head and a fine beating or pecking headache. Burning-creeping sensation in the forehead. Painful creeping in the head. Creeping in the scalp. The head is painful to the touch, like a boil. Corrosive itching of the hairy scalp of the forehead, face, and around the mouth; rash-like pimples make their appearance. Swelling of the head, attended with swelling of the face, neck, and even chest. Tinea-capitis. Periodical Tinea- capitis, every year. Tinea-capitis, every year. Tinea-capitis, eating away the hair, with nightly itching and pus, sometimes of a greenish color, or with crusts. Small soft tubercles on the hairy scalp.


The eye-ball feels sore when turning the eye or when pressing upon it. Bruised pain in the orbital bone. Pressure in the eye, as if from dust. Pressure in the eye, when exerting the sight. Aching and contractive pain in the eyes, evening. Burning pressure in the eye. Twitching and contractive sensation in the lids. Cutting in the eyes, with difficulty of opening the lids, in the morning. Burning of the eyes. Ophthalmia, arthritic, scrofulous with swelling, closing the eyes. Inflammation of the lids. Agglutination of the eyes, in the morning they are red. Swelling of the lids. Red, hard swelling, like a stye. Lachrymation, with burning pain in the evening. Lachrymation, with oedematous swelling around the eyes. Blear-eyedness. Photophobia, in scrofulous persons. The objects look pale. Sensation of a gauze before the eyes. Incipient amaurosis.


Otalgia. Painful beating in the internal ear at night. Sudden drawing pain in the ear. Swelling of the ears and lobules. Discharge of bloody pus, with hardness of hearing. Parotitis, also after scarlatina.


Sore feeling at the nostrils. herpetic eruption around the mouth and nose. The tip of the nose is red and painful to the touch, as if it would ulcerate. Bleeding of the nose, at night. Dryness of the nose. Stoppage of the nose.


Pale face. Sickly appearance, with sunken cheeks, blue margins around the eyes, and pointed nose. Red face; also with burning heat or sweat. Cold sweat on the face. Swelling of the face, particularly of the eye-lids and lobules of the ears. Swelling of the face and hands. Pale swelling, with burning, closing of the lids, and lachrymation, followed by an eruption of vesicles filled with a yellowish liquid. Erysipelatous inflammation of the face. Erysipelatous inflammation of the face, with swelling also on the neck. Vesicular erysipelas. Erysipelatous inflammation of the face, with tensive aching, sticking, and burning tingling. Drawing and lacerating in the eyebrows and malar bones. Chronic eruptions in the face, suppurating. Herpetic eruptions. Burning vesicles around the mouth and nostrils. Acne-rosacea around the mouth and chin. Crusta- lactea, with thick crusts and secretion of a foetid, bloody ichor. The lips are dry and parched, covered with a reddish, brown crusts. Black lips.


Pain in the region of the articulation of the jaw. Pain in the articulation of the jaw, as if bruised. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Darting in the nerves of the roots of the hollow teeth. Cutting toothache, as when a wound is inflicted. Intolerable burning sore pain in the gums. Lacerating toothache at night, in all the teeth. Lacerating toothache, aggravated in the open air. Rheumatic arthritic toothache, relieved by warmth. The teeth feel loose, with painful tingling. The teeth are painful when chewing. The fore-teeth are loose, and feel painful when touched by warm or cold drink.


Foetid smell from decayed teeth. Feeling of dryness. 43 Accumulation of water in the mouth. Nightly discharge of yellow or bloody saliva from the mouth. The tongue is not coated, but very dry. Parched, red, or brown tongue.


Feeling of swelling in the throat, accompanied with a bruised pain.


Putrid, slimy taste in the mouth. His mouth feels bitter the whole day. Complete loss of appetite. Complete loss of appetite for any kind of food. Difficulty of swallowing solid food, as if the pharynx and oesophagus were contracted. Dryness of the throat, with thirst. Canine hunger, with emptiness in the stomach and loss of appetite.


Creeping in the stomach and horrid eructations. Burning eructations. Shuddering, especially after a meal. Pressure at the stomach after a meal. Shuddering and nausea over the whole body. Nausea after eating and drinking. Nausea, as if in the throat. Nausea in the chest, with canine hunger. Nausea in the stomach and qualmishness in the chest. Water-brash. Sudden vomiting when eating.


Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if swollen, impeding respiration. Oppression in the stomach towards evening. Violent throbbing below the pit of the stomach. Ulcerative pain in the pit of the stomach. Cold feeling in the stomach.


Violent colic, particularly at night, aggravated by eating and drinking, also with bloody stools. Pressing in the abdomen, as if the intestines were raised towards the heart. Colic, composed of cutting, lacerating, and pinching, affecting the whole of the intestines. Burning in the abdomen and thirst. Cramp-like drawing in the umbilical region. Excessive pinching in the abdomen. Distention of the abdomen in the umbilical region, with violent pinching. Sticking above the umbilicus. Contusive pain below the umbilicus. Contraction and pain in the abdomen. Painful distention, with colic, after a meal. Scarlet redness of the abdomen. Contraction in the groin.


Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Constant tenesmus, with nausea and lacerating in the intestines. Stools mixed with blood. Red and yellow stool, mixed with mucus, jelly-like and fluid. Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea; every evacuation being preceded by pinching. Stirred-up stool. Stirred diarrhoeic stool. Nightly diarrhoea, with colic, disappearing after stool, or with headache and pains in all the limbs. Involuntary stool, also at night. Sore blind haemorrhoids, protruding after every stool. Drawing in the back, from above downward, with tension and pressing in the rectum. Creeping in the rectum, as of ascarides. Itching pain in the anus, as if occasioned by haemorrhoids.


Retention of urine. Dysuria, with discharge of drops of bloody urine attended with tenesmus. Incontinence of urine. Hot urine. Dark urine. White, turbid urine.


Rigidity and swelling of the parts. Tympanitic swelling of the scrotum, with much itching. Horrid eruption on the genital organs, closing of the urethra by swelling. Humid eruption on the scrotum, and swelling of the prepuce and glans. Humid vesicles on the glans.


Violent labor-pains, as if the menses would suddenly make their appearance. Pain in the vagina, as if sore. Metrorrhagia, with coagula of blood and labor-like pains. The lochia again became bloody? Puerperal fever? Phlegmasia alba dolens? Ailments from suppression of the milk or from weaning? Vanishing of the milk, also with burning heat over the whole body. Vitiated and diminished discharge of lochia, with shootings upwards in the vagina, with a bursting feeling in the head. Discharge of offensive black water from the vagina, two weeks after delivery. Repeated attacks of milk-leg. Heavy numb pain along the bones of the leg. Soreness and swelling of the mammae, from cold or external lactation.


Hoarseness deep in the trachea. Scraping, rough feeling in the larynx, causing hoarseness. Roughness in the throat and trachea, as if the chest were raw and sore. Grippe. Roughness of the throat, inducing a short and hacking cough. Cough and coryza, with expectoration. Short, anxious, painful cough. Cough, with a disagreeable tension across the chest. Panting cough, with concussion in the head. cough, with expectoration of bright red blood and qualmish feeling in the chest. Chronic haemoptoe.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.