PHOSPHORUS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy PHOSPHORUS…


PHOSPH. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” V.


Aconite, Agaricus, Alumina, Ambr., Am.-carb., and mur., Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea-carb., CArb-v., China, Coffea, Graphites, Iodium, Ipecac., Kali, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Magn., Mercurius, Nux-v., Opium, Petrol., Plumb., Pulsatilla, Rhus-tox., Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Veratrum – Is frequently suitable after; Calc-carb., China, Kali, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Nux-v., Rhus tox., Silicea, Sulphur Afterwards are frequently suitable: Petrol., Rhus, Sulphur


Of large doses: Emetics, and, if the Phosphorus had been very much divided, Magnesia with water (Orfila). Of small doses: Camphor., Nux-v., Coffea, Vinum.


Scrofulous and rachitic affections. Is suitable to persons with phthisical constitution. Is suitable to persons with blonde hair, or red hair, also to lean slender persons. Catarrhal affections. Ailments from chagrin. Rheumatism and attacks of gout of years’ standing. Weakness form loss of animal fluids, semen. Bad effects from onanism. Hysteric and hypochondriac affections. Burning in various parts. Lymphatic abscesses, full of fistulous ulcers, with callous edges, fetid, badly-colored pus, and hectic fever. Affections of bones. Exostoses, with nightly pains. Bad effects from suppression of scarlatina and measles. Chlorosis.? Dropsical affections.? Chilblains. Drawing in arms and legs, with weeping mood. Lacerating and sticking after every cold. Sensitiveness to cool weather. Pain increases when the weather changes. Liability to take cold in the open air, bringing on colic, pain in the nape of the neck, stiffness of the arms, toothache, lachrymation, hiccough, cutting and stitching in and above the pit of the stomach, dullness of the head, or at last cold and damp-cold feet and hands, with hot cheeks. Catarrhal feeling through the whole body, with chilliness and drowsiness. A slight wetting or cold of the feet brings on weariness in all the limbs, burning of the hands, headache. Agitation of the blood. Seething of the blood, with chilliness and trembling, and anxiety in the intestines. Haemorrhages from various parts of the body, haemoptysis, bleeding of the gums, varices,. Pulsations in the whole body. DEadness of the hands and feet. A sort of insensibility in the whole body. Pain in all the limbs. The limbs feel bruised. All the joints are painful, especially during motion. Languid feeling, as of being bruised. Heaviness of the hands and feet. Heaviness of the mind and body. Liability to strain a part. Sprained feeling in every limb during quick motions. Languor and weakness in the joints. General sudden excessive weakness. Hysteric weakness. Languor, with great nervous weakness. Sick and paralytic feeling in the body. The whole right side feels paralyzed, with nausea. As if paralyzed, mentally and bodily. Tremor of the hands. Emaciation, especially of the hands. Hectic fever and emaciation. Convulsions.


The majority of the symptoms appear early in the morning, and in the evening in bed, other symptoms commencing at dinner, and disappearing after dinner, in the forenoon. Most of the symptoms cease after dinner, in the forenoon. Feels better in the open air. Many symptoms are most violent from afternoon till next morning. Constant yawning and watery urine during the paroxysms of pain.


Formication and itching in the paralyzed parts. General itching of the body. Burning itching of the whole body. Round herpetic spots over the whole body. Furfuraceous dry herpes. Blotches and blotch-like spots, brownish and bluish-red, as in leprous patients. Yellow or brown spots on the body. Sanguineous spots. Painful hard blisters, in various parts. Small boils on the nape of the neck, chest, and thighs. Sore excoriated spots on the skin, with redness, or smarting and stinging pain. Affections of glands after contusion. Tensive drawing in the glands.


Frequent yawning, with chilliness in the evening. Drowsiness after dinner. Morning drowsiness. Stupefying slumber in the daytime. Sleeplessness and restlessness. Light sleep. Restless sleep, with dreams, and anxiety while awake. Wakes in the evening with violent vertigo and nausea. Symptoms at night, in bed: Great thirst. Pressure at the stomach and nausea. Pain in the lower limbs as if bruised. Violent stitches through the ear and teeth. Violent palpitations of the heart. Pressure in the abdomen. Spasm of the chest. Inclination to vomit and continual eructation tasting of the ingesta. Drowsy, a sort of giddiness, without being able to sleep. Frequent waking in the night, with chilliness. Frequent waking in the night, from feeling too hot. Tossing about and moaning, with anxious dreams. Sleep full of dreams. Restless at night and dreaming constantly. Frightful dreams. Feels as if he had not slept enough in the morning. As if paralyzed and bruised in the morning after rising. Great languor of the limbs, particularly the thighs.


Coldness; in the whole body, as if deficient in animal heat. Coldness of the limbs. Icy-coldness of the hands and feet. shuddering, with yawning. Shuddering with headache and pain in the stomach. Chilly feeling in the evening, with anxiety, or in bed. Subdued chilly tremulousness in the whole body. Fever: violent chills at night, with diarrhoea. Fever in the afternoon, commencing with violent chilliness. Febrile heat and sweat at night, with insatiable canine hunger, followed by chilliness at night, with violent pains in the head, abdomen, and lower limbs. Afternoon fever for many days. Warmth through the whole body, with dullness of the head. Flushes of heat, especially in the evening, with slight feverish restlessness and burning heat in the palms of the hands. Anguish and heat. Fever with small, hard, quick pulse. Fever with thickly-coated tongue. hectic fever, with dry heat towards evening. Accelerated circulation of the blood. Throbbing of the carotids. Increase of pulse. Pulse quick and full. Pulse quick and faint. Exhausting sweats every morning. Night-sweats.


Great lowness of spirits. Gloomy, taciturn, reflecting, lazy, out of humor. Anguish. Anxiety with oppression. Anxious for the future. Internal uneasiness. Anxious and irritable when alone. Loathing of life. Inclines to start. Discontented and irresolute. Peevish. Great irritability. Hypochondriac. Obstinate. Spasmodic laughing and weeping. Absence of shame. Great indifference to everything. Indisposed to work.


Forgetful and dizzy. Slowness of thought. Fanciful delirium. Somnambulism. Clairvoyance. Violent dullness of the head, and vertigo. Painful dizziness. Dizziness, with violent headache, chills, and shuddering. Stupid feeling. Gloomy, uncomfortable feeling, in the morning when waking, going off after rising. Weakness in the head. Slight stupefaction and pain between the eyes, in the forehead. Vertigo, followed by nausea and an oppressive pain in the centre of the brain, with stupefaction. Violent vertigo. Vertigo with headache and excessive secretion of saliva. Vertigo with vanishing of ideas. Chronic vertigo. Various kinds of vertigo.


Headache when lying, with nausea. Violent headache from stooping. Headache when feeling the slightest vexation. Headache in the forehead over the eyes, every morning. Violent dull headache, with nausea, eructations, and water-brash. Dull, stupefying headache. Violent feeling of numbness and dizziness, with oppressive pain in the head, inability and disinclination to work, especially to perform intellectual labor, with drowsiness. Headache, with a confused feeling, as is felt at the approach of a catarrh. Fullness of the head. Pain as if the b rain were bruised or dashed to pieces. Oppressive and pinching headache. Oppressive headache, in the forehead over the eyes; here and there, on the surface of the brain. Pain as if the head would burst. Constrictive headache every other day. Lacerating in the forehead, in both temples. Stitches in the head, in the morning when walking. Throbbing in the head, when lying. Pulsative pain in the right side of the head, deep in the brain, in the evening. Congestion of blood to the head. Humming and roaring in the head. Burning pain in the region of the forehead, sometimes with nausea. Burning pain about the head. Stinging on the side of the head. Exostosis on the hairy scalp. Violent itching of the hairy scalp. A number of scales on the hairy scalp. Itching blotches on the hairy scalp. A number of scales on the hairy scalp. Itching blotches on the hairy scalp, painful like boils when touched. Dry scales. Great falling out of the hair.


Pressure in the eyes, with dimness. Dull aching in the orbit. Pressure in the eyes, as from sand. Pressure and burning in the eyes. Tension in the eyes. Determination of blood to the grain of sand; with burning and itching in the eyes. Inflammation and redness of the eyes, with itching and painful pressure; discharge of burning and smarting fluid. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Arthritic ophthalmia.? Swelling of the eye-lid, with itching and pressure. Tumor on the border of the orbit. Agglutination of the eye-lids in the morning when waking; with secretion of gums during the day. Difficulty of opening the lids. Photophobia of scrofulous persons. The eyes are dazzled by the light of the day. Weak, languid, drowsy eyes. Vanishing of sight when reading. Short sightedness. He sees everything through a gauze. Blackness before his eyes. Darkness at candle-light. Frequent attacks of sudden blindness in the daytime, and sensation as if a gray cover were hanging over the eyes. Cataract. Glaucoma. Amaurosis. Black passing spots before the eyes. Luminous vibrations before the eyes, and whizzing in the head. Sparks before the eyes, in the dark.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.