PHOSPH AC – See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” V.
Asa-f., Belladonna, China, Conium, Ferrum, Ignatia, Lachesis, Ledum, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nitr. ac., Opium, Phosph., Rhus., Secale, Sepia, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Thuja, Veratrum Phosph.acid is frequently most serviceable after: Lachesis and Rhus – After are frequently suitable: China, Ferrum, Rhus., Veratrum
Camph., Coffea
Arthritic affections, particularly when inveterate. Paedar thoraco (spina-ventosa. Swelling of joints in children?). Debility, from loss of animal fluids (blood, semen), also with pain and only with burning. Bad effects of onanism. Bad consequence of too rapid a growth. Bad effects of grief,
chagrin, care, anxiety, unhappy love. Bad consequences of suppressed scarlatina or other exanthems. Hypochondriac suffering. Scrofula and rachitis. Diseases of bones, also particularly paedarthrocace, inflammation, and caries. Bone- pains, and to her sufferings from abuse of Mercury. Drawing and jerking lacerating in the limbs. Intense pain in the periosteum of all the bones, as if scraped with a knife. Burning through the whole lower half of the body, although the limbs feel cold to the hand. The upper and lower limbs go to sleep in the night; he is obliged to have them moved by others. The thighs and legs feel weak, with tingling as if gone to sleep. All the joints feel bruised in the morning, in the arms, lower limbs, and nape of the neck. Hands and feet feel bruised and paralyzed. Bruised, contractive sensation in the limbs. Bruised sensation in the hips, arms, thighs, and nape of the neck, as if caused by too rapid growth. with single lancinations in all these parts at the same time, especially when going up-stairs, and when beginning to walk. Jactitation of the muscles, especially in the lower limbs. Tumultuous movements in the blood. Great agitation of the blood. Sensitive to cool air. Emaciation, with wretched appearance and sunken eyes. Languor of the body, inactivity of the mind, mental oppression. Excessive weariness or walking. Weakness all over, also nervous weakness, with great disposition to sweat in the daytime. Epilepsy.
Pain caused by Phosphoric acid remain unchanged by external pressure. The nightly pains can be relieved by pressure. He changes his place constantly; the pains are less during motion than the rest.
Formication of the whole body. Violent burning prickling in several parts, increased by scratching. Soreness of the skin. The skin is insensible. Red spots on the upper and lower limbs. Scarlet-like exanthems. Erysipelas. Rash over the whole body more burning than itching. Clusters of red, fine rash. Itch-like pustules on the nates, balls of the toes, and toes. Moist or dry herpes. Boils. Ulcers, itching, inveterate, or flat, with dirty pus of indented base. Burning pain of the ulcers. Smarting pain in the wounds, even in those of bones.
Great drowsiness in the daytime; sleeplessness at night. Falling asleep late in the evening. Anxious waking. During sleep moaning. Restless sleep, with dry heat, Anxious and vivid dreams. Early in the morning out of humor, weak and drowsy. In the morning, pressure in head and bitter taste in the mouth.
Feeling of coldness. Frequent cold creeping, with chilly feeling and palpitation of the heart. Attacks of shuddering, in the evening, followed by exhausting sweat. Shivering over the abdomen, with cold tips of the fingers. Chilliness of the whole body, with drawing in the limbs. Chilliness the whole forenoon, in paroxysms. Alternation of shiverings and heat in the evening. Chills over the whole body, with icy-cold fingers, no thirst. Heat and sweat all over, day and night, with violent desire for water. Pulse irregular, frequently intermittent. Pulse more full, the temporal and radial arteries being distended. Profuse sweat. Morning-sweat, with heavy dreams of dead person. Profuse morning- sweat. Sweat the whole night, with hot feet and hot forehead.
Lowness of spirits. Sadness. Anxiety and uneasiness in the whole body. Great irritation of the nerves, the mind feels oppressed, the body faint. Out of humor, not disposed to talk. Taciturn, indifferent, apathetic, indisposed to work.
Want of ideas and weakness of mind. Illusion of the sense. Dullness of the head. Inability to think. Vertigo. Frequent vertigo from heat in the head, even when sitting.
Violent from heat in the stiffness of the nape of the neck. Violent pain over the eyes. Dull headache in the forehead and temple. Dull headache, with buzzing in the head. Dull painful pressure over the orbits. Hard pressure in the forehead or temples, almost as if bruised. Headache, as if the brain were pressed up wards, with painful pulsative throbbing in the brain. Aching and stitching pain in every part of the head, at intervals. Compressive pain in the whole brain. Lacerating in the vertex and occiput. Pain of the scalp, when touching it, as if sore, or as if the hairs were pulled. Itching of the scalp. Feeling of coldness on the hairy scalp. Great falling off of the hair, particularly after grief. Flaxen, withering, gray hair.
Constant pressure in the eyes. Pain as if the eye-balls were compressed. Itching in the eye. Burning in the eyes, with burning tears. Burning and pressure in the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes and stye on the upper eye-lid. Inflammation with congested vessels towards the inner canthus. Inflammation of the eye-lids. Faint, glassy, staring look. Sunken eyes. Dilatation of the looking at bright things. Increased short-sightedness. Dimness of sight with quick and short luminous vibration before the eyes. Black streak before the eyes.
Lacerating in the outer and inner ear. Stitches in the ears, with drawing pain in the jaws and teeth. Ringing before the ears. Whizzing in the ears. Roaring in the ears. Intolerance of noise and conversation.
Creeping and burning of the nose. Swelling of the dorsum of the nose. Scurfs on the nose. Purulent discharge from the nose. Sensation smell. Fetid smell from the nose. Catarrhal fever, with pain in all the limbs and loss of appetite.
Blue margins around the eyes. Sunken eyes. Formication in the face and in other parts. Burning pain in the skin of the cheeks. Itching of the whole face. Large pimples in the face. Moist scurfs, herpes on the cheeks. lips, and in the corners of the mouth. Dry lips. Ulcerated deep sores in the vermilion border of both lips, with tensile smarting, even when not touched.
Pain of the lower jaw, as if were torn out of its joint. Lacerating in the teeth, extending into the head. Boring stitching toothache, ending with swelling of the cheeks. Burning pain in the fore-teeth, at night. The teeth become yellow. Soreness of the gums when touched, bleeding when rubbing them. The gums stand off from the teeth. Painful tubercle on the gums.
Sore and raw pain in the mouth, between the acts of deglutition. The mouth is slimy, oily, and thirsty in the morning. Tenacious, viscid mucus in the mouth. Smarting on the tongue when chewing solid food. Feeling of dryness on the tongue and in the palate, without thirst. Swelling of the tongue, with pain when talking. Nasal speech. Sore ulcerated velum.
Rawness of the throat, with pain from talking or swallowing. Sore throat when swallowing. Soreness of the left side of the throat, ulcerative, beating, tensive and dry. Inflammation of the throat, with a smarting vesicle.
Putrid, flat taste. Violent thirst. Loss of appetite. Acids occasion eructations and ailments.
After a meal dullness of the head. Pressure in the stomach, with drowsiness. Load in the stomach like lead. Repletion and anxiety. Sensation as if the stomach were balanced up an down. Sour eructation. Nausea, as if in the palate. Constant nausea, as if in the throat. Nausea unto vomiting in the region of the stomach. Vomiting of the ingesta.
Painful oppression of the stomach when touching the pit. Stitches, with pressure, in the pit of the stomach. Coldness in the stomach. Burning pain at one spot of the region of the liver.
Pressing and pushing in the hypochondria, with great anguish. Periodical crampy sensation, with pressure under the short ribs. Feeling of heaviness in the liver. Stitching in the region of the liver and spleen. Burning pain at one spot of the region of the liver.
Pressure in the epigastrium. Painful pinching in the abdomen, like flatulent colic. Crampy pain in the abdomen. Excessive pinching contraction of the intestines. Griping and pinching in the umbilical region, when sitting. Cutting pain across the abdomen, in paroxysms. Tensive stitching pain in the whole right side of the abdomen and chest, almost arresting the breathing. Cutting colic, with drawing in the pelvis. Burning in the abdomen. Distention of the abdomen, with nausea. Tensive pain in the epigastrium, almost arresting the breath. Rumbling in the epigastrium and abdomen. Emission of a quantity of flatulence, particularly after taking anything acid. Swelling of the inguinal glands.