PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM…


PHEL. – Five-leaved Water Hemlock. See Hartlaub and Trinks’ “Mat. Medorrhinum,” II.


Bryonia, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Stramonium, Sulphur




Phellandrium is said to irritate the mucous membranes and to increase the action of the skin and urinary organs. Indolence, with languor, and no interest in anything Weariness. Feeling of weakness, particularly in the knees, during rest and motion, after dinner. Sensation in the whole body as if all the vessels were trembling, when sitting or standing.


The majority of the symptoms seem to come on when sitting, standing, and even lying, and to abate and disappear in the open air.


Excessive drowsiness during work. Waking after mid night, with anxiety, nausea, loathing, which rises from the abdomen to the stomach. Dreams.


Diminished temperature of the body. Coldness and chilliness, with frequent shaking. Shuddering, as if cold water were poured over him. Agreeable warmth in the whole body.


Insolence. Vexed mood. Sad and apprehensive mood. Oppressive anxiety and ill-humor, with tightness about the chest.


Vertigo and heaviness of the head. Vertigo, aggravated by walking. Cloudiness and intoxication of the head, in the open air. The head feels large, full, and heavy. Violent, painful, long continued heaviness on the vertex. Constrictive pain in both sides of the head, with dull headache. Dull headache, particularly in the anterior part of the head. Increased warmth in the head, with stupid feeling. The headache seems to abate in the open air.


Intermittent pressure around both eyes. The eye-lids close with heaviness and drowsiness. Lachrymation in the room and open air.


Frequent painful tearing deep in the ear.


Red, burning nostrils, swollen, attended with coryza and hoarseness. Complete loss of smell. Fluent coryza and hoarseness.


Burning on the cheeks, with redness of the face.


Redness and swelling of the gums of the lower cuspidati, with ulcerative pain on pressing upon them.


Great dryness in the mouth and throat, rendering deglutition difficult, at night.


Roughness in the throat, with hoarseness and shortness of breath, continuing a long time. Burning sensation down the oesophagus. Sore throat.


Slimy taste. Want of hunger, sensation as if the stomach were full all the time, loathing of food.


Sensation as if an acrid, rough vapor were ascending from the stomach. Sensation of qualmishness and emptiness in the stomach. Nausea, loathing and inclination to vomit in the stomach. Pinching and cutting in the region of the stomach. Long- continued burning in the stomach. Indescribable disagreeable feeling in the stomach.


The abdomen feels bloated. Dull sticking above the pit of the stomach, independent of breathing. Sudden painful pinching and contraction, particularly around the umbilicus. Pinching and cutting in the abdomen, as previous to diarrhoea. Burning from the abdomen to the stomach, followed by eructations tasting of the ingesta. Qualmish feeling in the abdomen.


Liquid stool, with subsequent tenesmus and soreness at the anus. Stool, with flatulence and pinching in the abdomen, and succeeded by tenesmus of the anus.


Urging to urinate, with scanty emission and violent burning after micturition. Pale and watery, almost greenish urine.


Itching of the prepuce. Cessation of the menses. Premature menses. Appearance of the menses with; languor, yawning, violent pain as if bruised on the inner surface of both thighs, very painful when sitting, standing, walking, and lying.


Hoarseness. Cough, with mucus and hawking at night. Dry suffocative cough and short breathing.


Oppression of the chest in walking. Pointed stitches in the region of the heart, with drawing.


Bruised pain in the small of the back when sitting, relieved by walking. Twitching between the shoulders on the cervical vertebrae.


Lacerating in the shoulders and arms.


Sensation in the knees as if blood would accumulate there, almost like burning.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.