OXALIC ACID symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy OXALIC ACID…


AC. OX – See “Transactions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy,” I.


(When taken in large doses.) As the vomiting in such cases is speedy and continual, emetics are unnecessary, and will often fail of their effect; besides, during the time lost before their operation, the acid would, in general, have acted long enough to prove fatal. Vomiting may be prompted by tickling the throat. Chalk is one of the most valuable antidotes, given in large quantities. Magnesia may also be given with advantage; Ammonia and Ether are worthy of trial. The stomach pump may be used, but, on account of the rapidity with which this poison acts, it is not advisable to lose time by its application until after the antidote has been administered.


Extreme lassitude of the body. Pain, but chiefly great lassitude and weakness of the limbs. Tremor of the limb. A peculiar general numbness, approaching to palsy. Loss of consciousness. Nervous symptoms. Convulsions.


All the pains from Oxalic-acid seem to occupy only a small spot, half an inch to an inch in length, viz.: in the eustachian tube, right wrist, right hypochondrium, region of navel, knee. They seem to be excited and aggravated by movement, as the pains in the bowels, testicles, kidney, back,. From time to time he has those peculiar jerking pains, like short stitches, confined to a small spot, and lasting only a few seconds. Oxalic-acid has a decided action on the joints, ankle, knees, hips, wrist, shoulders. The symptoms from Oxalic-acid occasionally intermit for some hours, or a day, and then return in a diminished degree.


Itching and smarting soreness about the neck. An eruption or mottled appearance of the skin, in circular patches.


Continual and vivid dreams, always of a frightful nature. Sleep very restless, but without dreams. Great sleepiness in the morning.


Creeping of cold, particularly from the lower part of the spine upwards. In the evening, sneezing, with chilliness. An internal sensation of the heat. General sensation of heat. Exhausting fever, with dyspepsia and singultus. Flushes of heat and perspiration all over the body. Clammy perspiration, hands, feet, and face cold, and covered with a cold perspiration. Pulse more frequent and harder than usual. Pulse small, tremulous, intermittent. General excitement in the evening.


Sensation of fullness in the face, and excitement, with disinclination to conversation. Seems in its primary action to diminish the power of concentrating ideas, and afterwards to increase it. Nervous and vascular excitement.


Giddiness. On lying down vertigo, like a swimming, towards the left side. Emptiness in the head, sensation of faintness, as if all the blood had left the brain, with anxiety. Slight compression in the head. Continual dull pain in the forehead and vertex. Sharp pains in the forehead and vertex, with a feeling of lightness. Dull headache. Fullness in the forehead, above the eyes. Removes immediately a dullness in the forehead, to which he was frequently subject in the morning.


Pain in both orbits.


Pain in the nose. Sneezing, with chilliness.


An internal sensation of heat, particularly in the face. Drawing pain, with rigidity, near the angle of the lower jaw.


Dull aching pains of the molar teeth of the jaws, worse in the right.


Inflammation of the tongue and mouth.


Soreness of the fauces on swallowing. Chronic sore throat. Expectoration of thick yellowish mucus from the throat.


Eructations after every meal. Hiccough. Vomiting. Qualmishness of the stomach, with sickness. Burning pain in the stomach, and generally also in the throat. Pressure in the stomach. Severe pain in the stomach. The slight touch of the stomach caused the most violent pains. Excessive sensibility of the stomach, with disposition to costiveness. Every evening pyrosis. Violent thirst.


Distressed feeling around the navel, and through the whole abdomen, with a sensation of great weakness in the latter. Dull aching pain in the abdomen, worse round the umbilicus. Colic like pains in and around the navel. Sensation of soreness in the abdomen. Distressed feeling and great weakness in the whole abdomen, with flatulent colic.


Violent symptoms of irritation in the alimentary canal. SEvere pain in the bowels, and frequent inclination to stool. On rising, a violent tenesmus in the upper part of the rectum, a prolonged, very painful urging. Constant involuntary discharge of fluid faeces, occasionally mixed with blood. Constipation.


Urging to pass water, with copious discharge. Great increase of sexual desire. Sensation of contusion in both testicles.


Expectoration of thick yellow mucus from the throat. Slight cough, from tickling in the larynx and trachea, also sensation of soreness in the larynx. Difficulty of breathing, with constrictive pain in the larynx, and wheezing; oppression of the whole chest towards the right side. Sharp shooting pain in the left lung and heart. Sharp lancinating pain in the left lung; the pain in the heart is very violent, like electric flashes, coming from within. Immediately after lying down in bed at night, palpitation of the heart.


Acute pain in the back, gradually extending down to the thighs. Numbness and weakness in the back and limbs.


Sharp shooting pain in the shoulder-joint, coming on suddenly. The wrist painful, as if it were strained or dislocated. Sensation as if the hands were dead. Lividity of the nails and fingers. Uneasiness in the limbs and feet. Slight lameness and stiffness in the lower extremities. Lividity, coldness and almost complete loss of the power of motion in the legs.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.