OPIUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy OPIUM…


OP. Papaver Somniferum. Hahnemann’s “Mat. Medorrhinum Pura,” IV. Duration of Action: from a few hours to months.


Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Camph., Cann., China, Chamomilla, Cicuta, Coffea, Colchicum, Conium-m., Croc., Digitalis, Hepar-s., Hyoscyamus, Ipecac., Lachesis, Lact., Menyan., Mercurius, Mosch., Nitr.-ac., Nux.-v., Phosph., Phosph.-ac., Plumb., Pulsatilla, Ruta., Stramonium, Tart., Veratrum


Of large doses: very strong Coffea, also injection (Hahnemann).Coffee with Lemon juice or Vinegar (Carminati Murray) Vegetable acids, according to Orfila, increase of effects of Opium as long as it has not been removed from the stomach. Camphor., Ether., Ammonium, Natrum (Ackerley). Cold effusions of the body (Kopeland, Johnes). Emetics (Sprague). Ipecacuanha. Asa- foetida (Monro). Warm baths. Of small doses; Belladonna,Camph., Coffea, Hyoscyamus, Mercurius, Nux.-v., Strychnine., Plumb., Stramonium, Vinum., Opium antidotes: Lachesis, Mercurius, Nux-v., Strychnine., Plumb., Stramonium


Opium seems to be useful only in recent cases. Affections from abuse of liquor. Ailments of old people. Bad effects from fright and fear, or also from sudden joy. Apparent death. Diminished sensibility, succeeded by diminution of irritability. Numbness and insensibility of the limbs, with coldness of the limbs. General insensibility of the nervous system, and deficiency of reaction after taking certain medicines. Painlessness during the complaints. Frightful pains, penetrating to the very marrow of the bones. Uneasiness in the limbs. Buzzing sensation through the whole body. Trembling of the limbs; convulsive, spasmodic. Trembling of the limbs, with distortion of every muscle. Convulsions and spasmodic motions, with foam at the mouth. Convulsions with cries. Convulsions, with sleep after the paroxysm. Convulsions in the evening or towards midnight, with drowsiness, clenched fists, and involuntary motions of the hands and head. Tetanic spasm, with rigidity of the back or the whole body. Rigidity of the whole body. Epileptic convulsions with tetanus, and violent delirium. Epileptic convulsions, particularly at night or towards morning, with suffocative paroxysms, loss of mobility and sensation, with violent movements of the limbs. Sleep after every epileptic fit. Great indolence, also with relaxation. Excessive debility. Fainting turns, with vertigo. Relaxation of the muscles and limbs. Slow gait. Tottering gait. The limbs remain immovable in whatever position they are placed. Nausea, and incipient paralysis of the lower limbs. Apoplexy. Emaciation of the body. Decomposition of the blood, derangement of the digestive organs, deep sleep. Dropsical condition of the body.


Renewal and aggravation of the pains when becoming heated. Opium is said to act more powerfully when administered by the rectum, in the form of the injection, than by the mouth.


Pale bluish color of the skin. Blue spots on the body, here and there. Burning pain, and sometimes itching of the skin. Stinging itching in the skin, here and there. Redness and itching of the skin. Cutaneous eruptions, and sometimes itching. Small, red, itching spots on the skin, here and there. Itching and creeping in all the limbs.


Yawning, with pain in the articulations of the jaws. Drowsiness. Great inclination to sleep. Coma-vigil. Unintelligible talk during the sopor. Drowsiness, sopor, stupor. Continuous sopor in the night, with increase of thirst, clean tongue with dark-red edges, and dry, parched lips. Sound sleep, with rattling breathing, as after an Apoplectic fit. Almost constant slumbering, the eye-lids being half closed, accompanied with constant grasping at flocks, and moving of the hands over the bed-cover. Stupor, without consciousness, and rattling in the chest. He hears everything that is said, but is unable to rouse himself. Sopor and insensibility, with natural warmth, and a natural pulse and respiration. Restless, sleepless nights. He is very drowsy; nevertheless he is unable to fall asleep; the pulse being slow. Sleepless nights with delirium. Sleeplessness, full of imperfect images, and full of fancies. Restless nights, sopor alternating with walking, delirium, hot skin, stupor. Inclination to vomit on waking. He starts in his sleep. During sleep, frightful jerks in the limbs. Starting. Redness of face. Snoring, during an expiration. Moaning while asleep. Lamenting cries during sleep. Restless sleep, full of moaning and groaning. Anxious sleep, full of dreams.


General coldness with stupefaction. Inclination to shudder. Chilliness in the back, with suppressed, scarcely perceptible pulse. Intermittent fever, with soporous condition, snoring, convulsive movements of the limbs, constipation and suppuration of urine, and warm sweat. Fever; first chilliness, afterwards flushes of heat in the face. Alternation of moderate warmth and coldness. Great redness of the face, with burning heat of the the body; afterwards convulsive beating with the arm and foot, with loud cries, heavy breathing, and coldness of the face and hands. Heat with thirst. Heat of the body, with great anxiety. Restlessness, oppression, confusion of ideas, and scintillations, during which a burning, disagreeable heat ascends to the head. Acute fever, with delirium after a short sleep. Diminishes the beats of the pulse and the inspirations. Slow pulse, the respiration being slow, heavy, and snoring. Slow pulse, with moaning, slow breathing, red, puffed face, and profuse sweat,

with convulsions. Faint, suppressed, slow small pulse. Strong, quick pulse, which finally becomes weak and intermittent. Quick and unusually weak pulse, with quick, oppressed, anxious respiration. Quick pulse, with headache. Quick, violent, rather hard pulse, with a dark red face. Congestion of blood to the brain. Violent, quick, hard pulse, with heavy, impeded respiration. Sweat and red rash, with itching. General sweat over the hot body, with great thirst, full, strong, vivid eyes, and bright mind. Febris helodes.


Sadness, generally preceded by ecstasy. Lowness of spirits. Melancholy. Sullen mood. Lamentations and howling. Anxiety. Excessive anguish. Anguish about the heart and restlessness. Fearfulness and tendency to start. Taciturnity. Great cheerfulness. Daring boldness. Cruelty. Rage and frenzy with distortion of the mouth.


Loss of mind. Stupefaction of the senses, also with faint looks and excessive debility. Complete loss of consciousness and sensation. Imbecility, dullness of the mental faculties and senses. Stupid indifference to pain and pleasure. Slow consciousness. Constantly stupid, as if drowsy and intoxicated. Weakness of memory. Complete loss of memory. Delirium. Visions. Frightful fancies. Delirious talk. Confused talk, with anxious heat, and feeling as if intoxicated, at times starting as if in affright, at times angrily and furiously grasping the hands of those around her. Furious delirium. Confusion of intellect. Mania. Furious mania, with distortion of the mouth. Mania, with strange fancies. Violent mania, with red face, glistening eyes, and increased lightness of the body. Mania, with swelling of the head and face, protruded, inflamed eyes, and red-blue, thick lips. Delirium tremens. Dullness of the head. Cloudiness of the head, also with weakness of the intellect and illusion of the senses. Violent intoxication, with stupefaction. Vertigo, with stupefaction. Vertigo after fright. Vertigo, as if everything were turning round with one. Vertigo, with anxiety and delirium. Apoplexy, with vertigo, buzzing in the ears, loss of consciousness, red, bloated, hot face, red, half-closed eyes, dilated, insensible pupils, foam at the mouth, convulsive movements of the limbs, and slow, snoring breathing; the paroxysm is preceded by sleeplessness, or sleep with anxious dreams, rush of blood, and heat in the whole body; after the paroxysm a nervous irritation, with laughing and delirium.


Painful headache, increased by moving the eye-balls, also particularly in the occiput. Headache on one side of the forehead, with pressure from within outward, increased by external pressure. Lacerating and beating in the forehead, with sour eructations sour vomiting. Pressure in the forehead, as far as the eyes and nose. Sensation of tightness in the head. Pain in the head, as if all the contents were torn. Heaviness of the head. Congestion of blood to the head. Throbbing of the arteries of the head. Twitchings in the temporal muscles.


Staring and glistering eyes. Glassy, protruded, immovable eyes, which do not see anything. The pupils are insensible to the light. Dilated pupils. Contracted pupils. The eye is only half- closed, and the pupils are dilated without possessing any irritability. Open eyes, with the pupils turned upward. Scintillations gauze. His eyes see black, he is giddy. Complains that his eyes are obscure, and that he is getting blind.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.

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