FRequent hiccough. Regurgitation of food while eating, with hiccough. Frequent eructations. Bitter eructations before breakfast. Sour eructations. Putrid eructations. Gulping up of a bitter sour fluid at night. Water-brash of drunkards. Heartburn. Nausea early in the morning. Nausea after a meal. Qualmishness after a meal, as if one would vomit. Chronic morning sickness, with vomiting. Palpitation of the heart, followed by inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit immediately after a meal. Empty retching also of drunkards. Violent vomiting. Vomiting of sour smelling and sour tasting mucus, towards evening, with headache around the lower portion of the skull. Tasteless vomiting. Nightly vomiting of bile. Morning vomiting. Vomiting after a meal, periodical. Vomiting, with cramp of the calves and feet, lock-jaw, cold feet, anguish, and trembling. Vomiting of blood, also of black blood, or coagulated, with colic, pressure in the forehead, and undulating motion in the chest. Gulping up of blood from the stomach. Vomiting of pregnant females.


Constant pressure in the region of the heart. The region of the stomach is very sensitive to pressure. Sick feeling in the pit of the stomach, towards evening, as if nauseated. Constant pain in the stomach. Pressure in the stomach as from stone. Aching pain in the region of the stomach, directly after a meal. Oppression in the pit of the stomach, with excessive anguish at night. Pressing in the epigastric region early in the morning, followed by cutting in the abdomen with continued nausea. Feeling of fullness in the stomach and pit of the stomach, particularly after a meal. Tension in and across the stomach, followed by pain in the abdomen. Cramp-like pains in the stomach; with pressure. Contractive cramping pains in the stomach. Griping

lacerating pains, particularly after a meal, or before breakfast. Cardialgia from abuse of coffee or Chamomile. Painful feeling of contraction in the region of the pylorus, with difficulty of swallowing the food, which appears to rise again in the oesophagus. Scirrhus and cancer of the stomach. Choking and gnawing in the stomach. Lacerating in the stomach. Lancinations in the pit of the stomach, also in the evening, even in bed. Raw and sore pain in the pit of the stomach. Throbbing in the region of the stomach, also particularly after supper. Burning in the region of the pylorus. Burning in the pit of the stomach. Cardialgia with intense anguish. Gastritis.


The clothes around the hypochondria and epigastrium feel tight. Pressure as from incarcerated flatulence under the short ribs. Contractive pain in the hypochondria. Cramp-pain in the left side, with qualmishness in the pit of the stomach. The region of the liver is sensitive to contact, and does not admit of lying on it. Throbbing in the region of the liver, also as if there were an abscess. Tensive pressure in the region of the liver. Stitches in that region, also aggravated by contact and motion. Hepatitis also chronic. Swelling and induration of the liver, also after abuse of China. Jaundice, also with aversion to food and fainting turns.


Colic of pregnant females. Colic after bathing. Colic from suppression of the haemorrhoidal flux. Periodical colic, setting in before breakfast or after a meal. Colic as from a cold, also with sensation as if diarrhoea would set in. Tensive pressure in the hypogastrium, on drawing breath, talking, or touching the part. Cramp-like pains in the left side of the abdomen, with qualmishness, particularly in the hypogastrium, or with griping and digging in the region of the uterus, attended with increased discharge of coagulated pieces of blood. Griping and clutching in the epigastrium, going and coming. Griping and digging up in the abdomen. Griping and pinching around the umbilicus, after cutting. Hysteric abdominal spasms. Burning in the region of the orifice of the stomach. Burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, coming from below Burning in the abdomen. Distention of the abdomen, after a meal and after drinking. Excitement (seething) in the abdomen from below upward, without any heat being perceptible. Pinching in the abdomen; with pressure after a meal, as if from worms. Cutting pinching with nausea. Cutting in the abdomen, with desire to vomit and eructations. Cutting in the umbilical region. Cutting in the abdomen, early in the abdomen, early in the morning, preceded by pressing in the pit of the stomach, and attended with constant nausea. Cutting every morning in the hypogastrium, with inclination to vomit, disagreeable sweetish taste in the mouth, languor, and great drowsiness. Burning cutting in the epigastrium, particularly during motion. Stitch in the side during motion. Retarded circulation in the abdomen, also with heat, burning, and pulsations in the abdomen. Heaviness in the abdomen, as from a load. Bruised pain of the bowels, also in the loins, early in bed, with nausea. Pain in the abdomen, as if sore and raw, also at every step. Enteritis. Enlargement of the abdomen of children, with glandular swellings and consumption. Rising of flatulence in the abdomen. Flatulent colic after stool. The abdominal muscles feel bruised when moving or touching the parts. The abdomen is painful when touched. Peritonitis. Pressing towards the genital organs in the abdomen. Sensation and indications of inguinal hernia. Frequent protrusion of inguinal hernia. Femoral hernia. Umbilical hernia of infants, particularly from much crying.


Constipation, with rush of blood to the head. Constipation, with obstructed circulation in the abdomen and affection of the portal system. Constipation, as if from contraction and constriction of the bowels; of infants and from abuse of coffee. Constipation of pregnant females. Ineffectual urging to stool, also frequent and anxious. Frequent urging, with tenesmus and pressure in the anus, and cutting around the umbilicus. Costiveness. Large hard faces. Difficult stool, also with burning. Hard and soft faeces. Diarrhoea, especially early in the morning and after dinner, dark-colored. The stool is enveloped with white mucus. Fetid diarrhoea. Discharges of thin green mucus. Colic, succeeded by discharge of dark-colored mucus, causing a smarting burning in the annual region. Frequent small diarrhoeic stools, corroding the anus. Small stools, mostly consisting of mucus, and accompanied with urging and tenesmus. Putrid diarrhoea. Watery diarrhoea, after a cold, also with cutting and drawing from the abdomen and small of the back to the thighs. Dysenteric diarrhoea, with discharge of bloody, mucus and faeces, cutting in the umbilical region, and tenesmus of the rectum. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Pitch-like, bloody, shaggy stools. Stools lined with blood and mucus. Undigested stools. Previous to stool. At stools; he feels as if something remained behind. Stool every day, but with sensation as if the rectum were contracted or constricted. After stool; burning smarting as from piles. Ineffectual urging. Discharge of blood from the anus. Burning and pricking at the rectum, with haemorrhoidal tumors at the anus. Violent aching pain in the rectum, arresting the breathing, about midnight. Painful spasmodic stricture of the anus. Contraction and narrowing of the rectum, hindering the expulsion of stool. Creeping and titillation in the rectum nd anus, as if caused by ascarides. Discharge of ascarides from the rectum. Itching of the margins of the anus, changing to a smarting and sore pain, as if caused by haemorrhoids.


Retention of urine. Painful ineffectual desire to urinate. Painful desire to urinate, with discharge of the urine drop by drop, attended with burning and lacerating. Strangury. Nightly urging to urinate, terminating in discharge of blood and burning. Frequent inclination and urging, also in the afternoon. Painful emission of thick urine. Discharge of pale urine, followed by

discharge of a thick, whitish, purulent matter, with violently burning pain. Reddish urine, with brick-dust sediment. Haemorrhage from the urethra. During micturition: burning and lacerating pain in the neck of the bladder. Burning in the urethra. Itching in the urethra. Spasmodic stricture of the urethra, with retention or difficult emission of urine. Discharge of mucus from the urethra. Gonorrhoea.


Smarting itching of the glans. Itching of the scrotum. Heat in the testicles. Constrictive pain in the testicles. Inflammation and swelling of both testicles, with hardness and drawing up of the testicles, attended with sticking and spasmodic choking sensation rising into the spermatic cord. Hydrocele. Itching burning in the region of the neck of the bladder. Nocturnal emission, with sexual dreams. Emissions without erection; afterwards languor of the lower limbs. Continued erections, which are painful.


Contractive uterine spasms, a griping and digging, with discharge of clots of coagulated blood. Congestion of blood to the uterus. Metritis, with burning heat, heaviness, sticking, and pressure. Prolapsus of the uterus from straining by lifting, with hardness and swelling of the os-tineae. Internal swelling of the vagina, resembling a prolapsus, with a burning pain, making contact intolerable. Burning in the pudendum, with desire for an embrace. Inflammation of the labia. Varices on the labia. Corrosive itching eruption on the pudendum. The menses appear too early, also with abdominal spasms. During the menses; nausea early in the morning, with chilliness and fainting turns. Debility in the afternoon, with headache. Leucorrhoea, also fetid, tinging the linen yellow. In pregnant females; nausea and vomiting. Desire to urinate. Retention of stool. Colic and abdominal spasms. Toothache. Headache. Too violent labor-pains or after-pains. False, spasmodic labor-pains, particularly when accompanied with ineffectual urging to stool. Precursory symptoms of miscarriage, or disposition to miscarriage. Metrorrhagia after parturition. Phlegmasia alba dolens of lying in females. Suppression of the lochia. Puerperal fever. The nipples are painful to the touch. Pain in both nipples, as if milk would be secreted in the breasts. Soreness of the nipples in lying in females. In infants: ophthalmia neonatorum. Dry coryza. Hernia. Constipation. Convulsions.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.