NUX MOSCHATA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy NUX MOSCHATA…


NUX MOSCH. Nutmeg. Helbig, “Heraclid,” I. Duration of Action from eight days to three weeks.


Conium, Ignatia, Mosch., Nux-v., Opium, Pulsatilla Sepia, Sulphur


Camph., Carraway.


Rheumatic pains in the limbs, particularly when occasioned by cold. Arthritic affections, also arthritic nodosities. Scorbutic affections. Bloody and serous discharges. Is said to strengthen the stomach, particularly after sanguineous depletions. Spasmodic complaints. Eclampsia of infants. Spasmodic paroxysms and attacks of weakness of hysteric females. Scrofula and atrophy. Rachitis. Tabes-dorsalis. Aching pains at small spots, wandering, also with digging sensation, apparently of the bones. Drawing in the muscles of the extremities, as after taking cold, more during rest. Pains in the parts on which he is lying. Diseases arising from wet and cold, in complaints which are relieved by the application of warmth and increased by the cold open air; in affections accompanied by drowsiness and disposition to faint. Nutmeg appears to be particularly suitable to persons with a cool, dry skin, not disposed to perspire. Nutmeg is more suitable to children and females than to other persons. General uneasiness in the muscles, with dizziness. Pain in the nape of the neck, bones, and every part of the body, as from taking cold while in profuse perspiration. The lower limbs and small of the back feel bruised and languid. Great languor, with particular weakness of the knees, with drowsiness. Convulsions.


Bluish spots on the skin. Scorbutic affections. Chilblains. Wounds. Boils. Old ulcers on the legs. Plague.


Great drowsiness, with great inclination to laugh. Drowsy and dizzy, as if intoxicated. Irresistible drowsiness, particularly after eating. Deep sopor. Dreaminess, with drowsiness and closing of the eyes. Vivid dreams. Restless sleep at night.


Chilliness and sensitiveness to cool air. Slight chills in the evening, with colic, pain in the small of the back, slight appetite, white-coated tongue. Intermittent fevers: quartan, tertian, compound tertian, with drowsiness, white tongue, rattling, bloody expectoration, slight thirst, even during the heat. Increased circulation. Malignant fevers. Typhoid fevers with putrid or colliquative diarrhoea. Putrid fever.


Whining mood, with lachrymation and burning of the eyes. Indifference. Hypochondriac mood. Fitful mood.


Weakness of memory. Absence of mind. Gradual vanishing of thought, in reading, with disposition to sleep. Dullness of sense, and dizzy vanishing of thoughts. Slowness of ideas. Imbecility. Delirium and imbecility. Delirium with violent vertigo. Dullness of the forehead, as if from vapor. Gloominess of the head. Reeling, with great anguish. Vertigo: with heaviness

of the head and loss of memory. Apoplexy, reeling, and delirium. Is useful in all non-inflammatory affections of the brain, paralysis, and other nervous affections.


Pain in the forehead. Heaviness of the head, with oppressive

dullness and feeling of swelling in the left half of the head and face, with prickling in those parts as from an electric current. Violent sensation in the forehead as if it would be pushed out. Pressure in the head. Hot pressure in both sides of the head. Compression of the head from behind and before. Sensation in the head, on shaking it, as if the brain were striking against the skull, with heat in the head and pain.


Feeling of fullness in the eyes, with sensation as if the pupils were contracted. Burning of the eyes and profuse lachrymation. Feeling of dryness in the eyes, with dullness of the head and forehead. Dryness of the lids with tension. Weakness of sight. Amaurosis. Allusion of sight.


Pain in the ear if a dull instrument were pushed to and fro. Dragging pain in the ear, also sticking dragging. Stitches in the ears.


Frequent sneezing. Stoppage, particularly of the left nostril, with tingling, sneezing.


Blue margins around the eyes. Pale face. Heat of the cheeks with slight redness. Violent pain in the right malar bone. Freckles. Painfulness of the skin under the chin, as if pimples would form. Pustules on the chin, with a broad red border.


Drawing pain in the flesh of the right jaw. Spasmodic contraction with pressure, from both articulations forwards. Painfulness of the teeth, in the evening. Grumbling in the teeth, as if toothache would set in. Pressure, as if the teeth were grasped to be pulled out, or arising from damp, cold evening air, also with pain in the nape of the neck, feeling of looseness of the teeth, and relief of the pain by warm water. Lacerating in the teeth at night, with inability to close the jaws, which feel paralyzed. Sticking and lacerating in the teeth of pregnant females, with lacerating in the ears and temples. Increased disposition of the gums to bleed.


Great feeling of dryness in the mouth, particularly at night, with slimy feeling, thirst, dryness of the nose, and mealy sensation about the palate. Aphthae. Paralysis of the tongue.


Kind of quinsy in children, with violent fever. Paralysis of the organs of deglutition. Scraping in the throat, particularly on swallowing, or with feeling of dryness and scraping.


Canine hunger. After a meal: feeling of languor. Malaise which disappears after exercise. Weakness of stomach and digestive functions. The headache is apt to set in after eating, and particularly after breakfast.


Eructations as from the oil of Turpentine. Scraping eructations, after every meal. Heartburn. Hiccough. Nausea in the forenoon, alternating with increase of appetite. Nausea and vomiting of pregnant females. Retching and vomiting. Vomiting and loathing. Sea-sickness. Asiatic cholera.


Repletion of the stomach, with tightness of breathing. Distention of the stomach. Pressure at the stomach, also with burning rising. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from incarcerated flatulence. Spasm of the stomach with great weakness of that organ. Warmth in the stomach. Bloatedness of the stomach, bowels, and uterus.


Strengthens the liver and spleen. Obstruction of the liver or spleen. Relieves swelling of the liver, with appearance of bloody stools. Feeling of heaviness in the region of the liver. Pressure in the liver, with diarrhoeic stools. Biliary calculi. Swelling of the spleen.


Colic around the umbilicus, relieved by pressure. Pressure in the abdomen. Contractive sensation in the epigastric region. Pinching in the abdomen below the stomach, as if colic would set in. Cutting in the epigastrium, with distention. Cutting in the middle of the abdomen. Distention of the abdomen, as if from flatulence, depriving one of sleep at night. Flatulence after parturition, with labor-pains.


Slow difficult stool. Urging to stool, as if diarrhoea would set in. Empty urging, with sensation in the anus as is swollen. Diarrhoea, early in the morning, after taking milk. Slimy diarrhoea, as from worms. Chronic diarrhoea in the case of a pregnant female. Stools look like stirred eggs, with great loss of appetite. Diarrhoea with loss of appetite and great drowsiness. Diarrhoea from debility and taking cold. Colliquative, putrid diarrhoea particularly in typhoid fever. Various kinds of diarrhoea in young and old people. Lienteria and dysentery. Bloody stools. Worm affections of children, with drowsiness and cutting in the abdomen.


Urging with scanty emission, at night. Painful dysuria. Urine diminished, saturated. Burning and cutting of the urine. Stone. Colica-renalis.


Spermatorrhoea. Deficiency of semen and weakness of the sexual powers.


Menses too late, preceded by pain in the small of the back. Menses too early, with pressing in the abdomen and drawing in the limbs. Various non-inflammatory uterine affections. Sterility. Threatening miscarriage. False, deficient, or spasmodic labor- pains. Painful bloatedness of the uterus after parturition. Difficult labor.


Hoarse voice. Sudden hoarseness, on walking against the wind. Catarrh and roughness of the trachea from taking cold. Creeping and titillation in the upper part of the chest, inducing cough, also with soreness in the trachea. Cough of pregnant females. Dry cough with interruption of breathing. Cough coming on in bed or when getting heated by working, with creeping from the chest to the throat. Discharge of blood. Cough, asthma, spitting of blood, and consumption. Pain rawness in the chest when coughing.


Difficulty of breathing. Want of breath after eating. Sudden pain around the chest, in the region of the diaphragm, on drawing breath. Oppression of the chest, proceeding from the pit of the stomach; with difficulty of breathing, or with rush of blood to the heat. Tightness of the chest, with constrictive pain in the muscles. Painful feeling of weight on the chest, impeding the breathing. Spasms in the chest. Painfulness of the fore part of the chest, in the evening, impeding the breathing. Spasmodic stitches in the region of the heart, early in bed, with colic. Tremor of the heart. Palpitation of the heart. Palpitation of the heart with fainting.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.