MERCURIALIS PERENNIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy MERCURIALIS PERENNIS……


MERCURIAL. Dog’s Mercury. See “Neues Archiv,” II., translated by Dr. Becker.


Strong feeling of weariness. Very tired and as if bruised all over. Lassitude. Remarkable drowsiness. A feeling of emptiness and weariness in the whole body. Great exhaustion and sleepiness, with dizziness and inability to work. Drowsy and dizzy.


Burning and itching of the skin or actual burning pain shifting from one place to another, at times prickling.


Uneasy sleep, full of dreams.


Cold over the whole body, with hot flush in face, pressure upon the chest and heavy breathing. Fever; in the evening on going to bed. Shivering in the evening. Feeling of cold in the stomach. Great heat in the head and on the hands; the veins in the hands are swollen, the face is red. Great burning or buzzing heat in the head and over the whole body.


Excited. The head feels confused, as if lost in thought. Giddiness, as if from intoxication. Merry and cheerful. Sullen, quarrelsome, and peevish.


Dizziness in the forehead. Vertigo succeeding headache. Dizziness, with heat in the head. Disposition to giddiness when sitting. Turning in the head, pressing ache in the forehead, part of the occiput feels numb.


Violent pressing pain in the forehead, in the morning. Pressing pain in the temples. Constant pressure and tension in the head and forehead. Pressure in both temples. Aching pain in the forehead and eyes. Pressing headache, commencing in the right temple. Painful tension in the forehead and eyes, subsequently extending to the temples and vertex. Tension and heaviness of the head, with a feeling of heat. Feeling of heaviness in the head. The scalp feels tense, numb. Lacerating and stitching in the head. Feeling of fullness and tension in the head. Head as if inflated, confused. Aching lacerating pains in the temple. Burning sensation in the region of the vertex. Burning and digging in the parietes of the head. Heat in the head, with darkly-flushed cheeks.


The eye-lids feel somewhat heavy and dry. Feeling of weight, tension, and dryness in the eye-lids. Heaviness of the eye-lids, with aching and burning in the eyes. The eye-lids are difficult of motion. Burning of the eye-lids, with dryness, watery secretion of the eyes. Burning heat in the eyes, with pressure. A slight suppuration of the eye-lids at the edges. Vacant look. Starting of the eyes. Fixedness and aching in the eyes. Opaque appearance of the eyes. Dull eyes, as after sleep. Languid look, as if intoxicated. Smarting in the eyes. Watery dull eyes. Difficulty of moving the eyes. Pressure in the eyes and forehead. Pressure deep in the eyes. Tension in the eyes and temples. Lacerating or aching pain in the borders of the orbits. Painfulness of the eyes. Weakness of the eyes. Mistiness of sight. Dilated pupils, with great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light.


Aching pain in the left eat. Pain in the ears.


Constant dryness in the nose. Moist, catarrhal nose. Violent catarrh. Burning pain inside of the nose. Burning in the nose, sometimes with pricking.


Feeling of coldness in the face. Sensation of tension and numbness in the skin of the face. Pressure and lacerating above and in the region of the eye-brows. Great redness and heat of the face. Great redness of the cheeks. Numbness in the left side of the face, with slight lacerating pains. Very exhausted look, with blue rings around the eyes.


Dryness in the mouth; with heat, without thirst. Burning in the mouth. Heartburn in the back of the throat. Tongue dry, swollen. Tongue white, coated. Constant burning and smarting on the tongue. Pricking pain in the tongue.


Sour taste, like vinegar. Disagreeable bitter taste, with heartburn and sickness.


Lacerating in the under jaw and in the edges of the roots of the teeth. The gums are somewhat reddened.


Scraping in the throat. Roughness in the throat, and speaking as if there were catarrh. Great burning, astringent pain in the throat.


Violent nausea after previous heartburn. Violent tasteless eructations.


Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Feeling of discomfort, sickness, and distention in the stomach. Pressing in the stomach, with feeling as if it were swollen.


Jerking, though not violent, griping in the belly. Griping pain in the region of the navel, which extends to the bladder. Tension in the abdomen. Corroding sensation in the region of the spleen. Aching pain in the region of the spleen. Aching pain in the liver.


Griping in the bowels, and liquid stools. Diarrhoea, with constant pain in the bowels. Stool somewhat inclined to diarrhoea. Costiveness. Urgent pressing sensation in the rectum, with pressure and tension in the sacrum. Itching burning in the anus.


Burning in the urethra.


Menstruation, which usually lasts three days, now lasts only day followed by cramps in the belly and headache.


Pressure and painfulness of the chest. Aching in front of the chest, with pressure on the stomach and oppressed breathing. Sticking pain in the left side of the chest. Throbbing in the right side of the chest, in the evening, when going to sleep. Hot, almost burning breath. Confused, undulating sensation in the region of the heart. Oppressive contraction in the region of the heart. Peculiarly undulating and throbbing motion in the region of the heart, the praecordia, and the upper part of the abdomen; or a remarkable rolling and throbbing, with trembling and undulating, in all the blood-vessels, without heat. Repeated palpitation of the heart, with oppression.


Dragging pressure in the sacrum, constantly. Pressing and bearing-down pain in the sacrum.


Lacerating in almost every limb, at times momentary, at others constant and shifting. On motion, constant pain in the muscles. Dragging pain in the arms.


Aching lacerating pains in the thigh, legs, and feet. Darting burning pain in the middle of the thigh. Aching lacerating pains in the shins. Burning in the sole.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.