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MAGNESIA SULPHURICA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy MAGNESIA SULPHURICA…


MAG. SULPH. Sulphate of Magnesia. See Hartlaub and Trinks, “Annals,” IV. Duration of Action: days, and even weeks.


Calcarea-carb., China, Mag.-mur., Nux.-v., Pulsatilla, Sulphur




Lacerating pains in the limbs, particularly at night. Bruised feeling in the whole body, as if he would fall sick, or on waking in the morning, particularly in the back and arms, which feel sore the whole day. Great languor with staggering gait. Languid weakness of the feet, with trembling of the whole body.


Feels better in the open air. The symptoms appear slowly, but strongly, then disappear for a time, and reappear with renewed



Itching blotches, either hard, or as from nettles, with burning after scratching.


Irresistible drowsiness towards evening. Restless, scanty sleep. Frequent staring at night. Violent colic at night, in bed, not allowing any rest, with moaning. Violent headache at night, in bed, preventing sleep, with colic, weak and exhausted sensation in the feet, and lacerating in the small of the back. Bruised feeling, which prevents sleep. Confused, anxious, voluptuous, or frightful dreams.


Shuddering, with lachrymation, catarrh, and heaviness of the eyes. Chilliness with thirst. Shaking chills, particularly during the violent headache. Fever, first chilliness in the evening until he lies down, afterwards sweat, with thirst, early in the morning. Alternation of chilliness and heat, at night. Alternation of heat and shuddering, with alternate redness and paleness of the face.


Sad and weeping mood, with foreboding anxiety. Lazy, languid, drowsy.


Stupid feeling in the head. Gloominess of the head, with heaviness, early in the morning, going off after rising. Vertigo with dullness of the head.


Bruised pain in the forehead, in the forenoon. Pain in the forehead, as if full. Pressure in the head. Compressing sensation. Lacerating, particularly in the forehead. Frequent painful lacerating in the vertex. Stitches in the head. Stabbings in the whole head. Hammering beating; first in the forehead, then in the whole head. Violent rush of blood to the forehead, with sensation as if something heavy were pushing forward. Heat in the forehead, with burning. Shaking of the brain.


Violent pain, particularly in the right eye, as if it would start out its socket, on looking either right or left. Stinging in both eyes. Lacerating in the eyes, early in the morning, with dimness of sight. Burning of the eyes. Lachrymation, with photophobia, also in the daytime. Dimness of the eyes, with frequent drowsiness. Dim-sightedness early in the morning also with lacerating in the eyes.


Ringing in the left ear, so violent that the ear becomes sensitive.


Ulcerative pain in the right side of the nose. Burning in the left nostril, as from incipient catarrh, with discharge of a quantity of yellow mucus. Bleeding of the nose. Catarrhal sound of the voice, hollow, deep bass voice. Profuse coryza, with obstruction of the nostril.


Lacerating in the facial bones and malar bone. Burning of the lips, in the evening, with dryness.


Toothache on entering the room from the open air, and in the evening, in bed, aggravated by cold or warm things, or by the contact of food.


Mouth and throat are very dry, as if numb, early in the morning, with bitter sweat taste. Pain, with dryness in the throat. Stinging in the fauces.


Bitter taste in the mouth. Loss of appetite. Thirst.


Frequent eructations. Bitter eructations. Rising of water from the stomach, also with loathing and nausea. Nausea, with inclination to vomit, and loathing, at night, with restless tossing in bed.


Sensation in the stomach as if it had been deranged by unhealthy food. Trembling of the stomach, with subsequent gulping up of water. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with sensitiveness of the outer parts. Burning stitches in the region of the stomach.


Colic with pain in the pit of the stomach and chest. Indescribable pains in the whole abdomen, a kind of darting pains. Violent darting around the umbilicus, aggravated by motion. Burning below the umbilicus.


Alternation of hard and soft stools. Soft stools with burning at the anus, or with subsequent tenesmus. Liquid stools, with tenesmus, or morning and evening. Diarrhoea, preceded by rumbling in the abdomen, sometimes accompanied with bloatedness and emission of fetid flatulence. Discharge of ascarides at every evacuations.


Nocturnal micturition. Diminished secretion of urine.


Menses too late. Menses too short. Menses too early. Menses reappear in a fortnight, more profuse than usual, with thick, black blood. Discharge of blood from the vagina, between the menses. During the menses: more heat than chilliness; great heaviness in the head; bruised pain in the small of the back, with pain in the groins when sitting or standing. Burning leucorrhoea, particularly during motion. Thick leucorrhoea, profuse, like the menses, with bruised pain in the small of the back and thighs.


Dry cough with burning from the larynx beyond the pit of the stomach. Fatiguing dry cough in the morning, after waking. Cough without expectoration, with pain in the chest and fluent coryza. Loose cough, with soreness in the mouth and throat. Painful burning in the chest when coughing.


Oppression of the chest, with burning. Pressure on the chest at night. Pressure as from a load on the lower part of the chest, with shortness of breath. Burning on the chest.


Pains in the small of the back, with subsequent pain in the thighs; nightly. Creeping itching, as from vermin. Lacerating between the shoulders. Bruised pain between the shoulders, or ulcerative pain. Tension in the nape of the neck and between the shoulders, also with stitches.


Frequent twitching in the arms. Lacerating in the upper arm. Violent lacerating in the elbow. Violent trembling of the hands. Tingling in the fingers, going off by rubbing.


Lacerating in the hip. Heaviness, at times in the hip, at times in the small of the back. Nightly pains in the lower limbs, with pains in the small of the back. Tension in the bends of the knees. Languid feeling in the legs.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.