MAGNESIA MURIATICA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy MAGNESIA MURIATICA…


MAG. MUR. Muriate of Magnesia. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” Vol. IV. Duration of Action: seven weeks.


Aconite, Arsenicum, Baryta, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Causticum, Chamomilla, Conium-m., Cyclamen, Ferrum, Graphites, Hyoscyamus, kali., Lycopodium, Magn., Magn.-sulph., Nitr.-ac., Nux.-v., Nux.-mos., Petrol., Platina, Plumb., Pulsatilla, Rhus., Silicea, Spigelia, Staphysagria, Squil., Sulphur- ac., Veratrum


Arsenicum Chamomilla


Burning tension in different parts of the body. Laming drawing and lacerating in the limbs. Spasmodic nervous pain here and there, at times boring, at times contractive, accompanied by violent nervous headache, commencing in the forepart of the head, with drawing in the ears; sometimes lancinating lacerations in the head. Liability to take cold. Great weariness in the limbs when walking in the open air. Great weakness, as if proceeding from the stomach. Weak feeling, with vertigo, early in the morning. The whole body feels painful, as if it were bruised. Heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs. Tremor of the hands and feet. Staggering gait. Great sensitiveness. Fainting fit at dinner, with anxiousness, nausea, and paleness of the face. Hysteric complaints and spasmodic turns.


The generality of the symptoms occur when sitting, and are generally relieved by motion.


Violent itching of the whole body. Formication of the whole body at night, when in bed, with shuddering over the face, arms and shoulders. Itching pimples. Glandular swellings.


Frequent yawning, with a feeling of exhaustion in the body, and a want of disposition to intellectual labor. Drowsy, indolent, and averse to labor. Uneasiness in the whole body, as soon as she closes her eyes in the evening. Shaking of the upper part of the body, in the evening, when in bed, almost without chilliness or heat. Restless sleep, interrupted by frequent waking. great restlessness at night. Restless, sleepless nights, owing to violent pains in the small of the back. Talking and snoring when asleep. Anxious, vivid, and fearful dreams.


Chilliness, with shaking. Shaking chills in the evening, going off when in bed. Frequent chills, alternating with heat. Shudderings through the whole body, early in the morning, with icy cold feet. Thrills of heat, with vertigo. General increase of warmth, with thirst, in the afternoon. Internal heat, with thirst, at night.


Anxious and fearful, with ennui. Peevish and out of humor.


Illusions of the fancy. Reeling sensation in the head. Stupefaction and dullness of the head. Giddy and reeling sensation, going off after motion.


Headache every day. Headache early in the morning. Dull pain in the head, with sensitiveness of the scalp when touching it, and sore burning pain in the eyes, after dinner. Heaviness and dullness of the head. Pain, as if the brain were pressing against the forehead. Pressure in the occiput. Compressive sensation in the head, from both sides. Violent lacerating and stitches in the forehead and temples. Throbbing and beating in the head, with hot feeling and heaviness in the forehead. Griping and tumult (roaring) in the temples, in the evening after lying down, as if vertigo and loss of consciousness would come on. Increase of warmth in the whole head.


Numbness of the forehead. Great painfulness of the outer parts of the head, when touching them, or when stooping.


Aching in the eyes and the canthi. Pressure in the eyes, as if from dust, with dimness of sight. Pain as from bruises in the lower border of the orbit. Itching of the eyes. Burning in the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes, with pressure, biting, burning, especially when looking at the light; the lids were swollen and red, with nightly agglutination. Dim-sightedness, with burning of the eyes. Dim-sightedness, with vanishing of sight when looking at anything near.


Daring lacerating in the ear. Stitches in the ears. Sticking boring in the ears. Boring and pulsative throbbing in the right ear. Violent roaring in the ears. Sensation in the ears as if something were stretched across with diminution of hearing, and burning and humming in the head. Almost complete deafness of both ears.


Violent lacerating in the upper part of the nasal cavities. Burning of both nasal cavities as if sore. Redness and swelling of the lower portion of the nose. Sore pain of the inner nose. Scurf in both nostrils, intensely painful when touched, with loss of smell. Ulcerated nostrils. Troublesome dryness of the nose. Tickling in the nose. Oppressive sensation of obstruction in the nose. Severe coryza, at times dry, at times fluent, with dullness of the head, and complete loss of smell and taste. Discharge of fetid, purulent, yellow nasal mucus. Discharge of acrid, corrosive water from the nose.


Pale, bilious complexion. Severe cramp-pain in the bones of the face. Tensive feeling in the face. Pimples and blotches on the face. Inflammatory swelling of the submaxillary gland.


Drawing toothache. Frequent laceratings in the upper front teeth. The upper cuspidati feel elongated, and are very sensitive to pain. The upper gums are swollen and painful, especially when eating, with throbbing in the gums. Painful swelling of the lower gums and cheek. Bleeding of the gums.


The inner mouth feels burnt and numb early in the morning. Violent pricking in the tongue, frequently, followed by burning, during a cold. Rhagades in the tongue, with violent burning pain. Tongue coated white, early in the morning. Great dryness of the mouth.


Sore throat, feeling raw at the entrance of the pharynx, with stitches when coughing. Stinging sore throat. Sore throat, worse when swallowing. Dryness and roughness of the throat, with hoarse voice.


Bitter taste. Sour or slimy taste, with coated tongue, early in the morning. Increased appetite. Canine hunger and violent feeling of hunger in the stomach, followed by great nausea.


Acidity in the stomach, after dinner. Sour regurgitation of the ingesta. Bitter-sour eructations. Violent hiccough. Frequent nausea. Nausea early in the morning, after rising. Frequent or constant nausea, with livid complexion, violent nervousness, and great inclination to weep.


Pain and tremor in the region of the stomach. Frequent pressing in the stomach, extending to the throat and back. Violent pressure in the stomach, with nausea. Tension in the region of the stomach, with ulcerative pain, especially when touching the parts. Pain, as from bruises, in the stomach, with painful sensitiveness when touching it. Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, with dullness in the head.


Sharp drawing in the region of the liver. Aching of the liver. Chronic hepatitis.


Violent colic, early in the morning, with desire for stool. Feeling of pressure in the abdomen. Drawing pain in the abdomen. Contractive pain in the umbilical region. Spasms in the abdomen, with violent pressing upon the rectum and the genital organs. Distended abdomen. Hard abdomen, particularly in the right side, or painful when touched, with disagreeable pressure on the rectum. Pinching and cutting below the umbilicus, with shuddering over the back, afterwards heat in the head and desire for stool. Cutting and pinching in the epigastrium, with sensation as if something hard were lying over the stomach. Cutting in the whole abdomen. Digging sensation in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on. Weak feeling in the abdomen, Fermentation in the abdomen. Hot feeling in the abdominal integuments, with burning at the anus, and sensitiveness of the rectum after stool.


Constipation. Frequent desire for stool. Frequent and severe pressure on the rectum, with colic. Hard, difficult stool. Hard, knotty stool, with pain in the rectum when passing it. Hard stool, surrounded with streaks of blood. Soft stool, followed by burning at the anus and tenesmus. Greenish papescent stools. Severe attacks of diarrhoea, with discharge of mucus and blood, and tenesmus of the rectum. Chronic disposition to diarrhoea. Discharge of taenia. Pinching in the abdomen previous to stool. Burning at the anus, and pain, as from excoriation, during and after stool. Violent pain in the abdomen, at every motion, after stool. Renewed desire for stool after an evacuation. Prolapsus recti, during stool.


Pressure on the bladder, with scanty emission and burning in the urethra. Urine pale-yellow, followed by burning in the urethra. The urine looks as if it had been mixed with yeast, and deposits a cloudy sediment.


Excessive itching around the genital organs, and on the scrotum. Erection, early in the morning, in bed, with burning in the penis. Dull distressing pain the whole body, in the spermatic cord, the small of the back, and the testicles. Relaxed scrotum. Frequent pollutions.


Uterine spasms, also extending to the thighs and occasioning leucorrhoea. Scirrhous indurations of the uterus. Some discharge of blood previous to the menses. Discharge of black clots of menstrual blood, more when sitting than when walking. Leucorrhoea, early in the morning after urinating. Profuse leucorrhoea continuing almost without intermission. Leucorrhoea immediately after stool. Abdominal spasms, followed by leucorrhoea. Watery leucorrhoea. Thick leucorrhoea, followed by immediately after by discharge of blood, fourteen days previous to the regular period of the menses.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.