KALMIA LATIFOLIA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy KALMIA LATIFOLIA…



Laurel; Mountain Laurel; Broad leaved Laurel; Lambkill; Ivy- bush; Spoon-wood; Calico-bush. See “Transactions of the American Inst. of Hom.,” Vol.I.

“Dr. Gray has cured violent facial neuralgia with it.” ED.

SKIN AND GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Red inflamed spots in different places on the body, which appear like the beginning of blood-boils, and continue for several weeks. Pressing pains in the whole body. The pain are most severe while moving, and disappear while lying. Severe neuralgic pains.


Restlessness, frequent turning Talking in sleep. Unpleasant, fantastic dreams.


Cold and shivering.


Vertigo and headache. Nausea in the evening, followed by some dullness and aching in the head. Dullness in the head. Pain in the top of the head, as if bound closely with a cord. strong pain in the temples and forehead. Pressing pain in the forehead. Slight aching in the forehead, which sometimes shoots downwards to the eye-teeth. Severe pressing in the temples. Rending in the head and neck. Pulsating pain in the forehead.


Glimmering before the eyes, exactly in the point of vision; it seem as if small point were continually moving before the eye. Cloudiness before the eyes. Sensation of stiffness in the muscles around the eye and of the eye-lids. Pressing in the eyes, attended by pains in the arms and hands. Itching in the eyes.


Severe stitches in the ear. Excessive tingling in the ears.


Tickling in the nose. Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing.


Pressing pain in the right side of the face. Stinging in the bones of the jaws. Prosopalgia.


Pain in the upper teeth. Severe pressing in the molar teeth. Dull pain in the incisor and eye-teeth.


Stitches in the tongue. Tongue white and dry. Lips swollen, dry, and stiff, in the morning. Tingling in the salivary glands. Inflammation of the sublingual glands. Acrid bitter taste in the mouth.


Difficult deglutition. Scraping in the throat. Pressing in the throat and nausea, with stitches in the eyes. Sensation of rawness and scraping in the throat, which is painful while swallowing.


Nausea, with headache.


Occasional pain across the abdomen. Pain in the right side, in the region of the liver.


Scanty stool. Momentary nausea.


Strong desire to urinate.


The menses appear too early of late. Painful menstruation. suppression of the menses. pain in the loins, back and anterior part of the thighs during menstruation. Yellowish leucorrhoea in the morning, eight day after the appearance of the menses.


Oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing, dullness of the head, and nausea. Sensation in the chest as if strained by lifting. Palpitation of the heart.


A sensation as if the spinal column would break. Sharp pain in the three superior dorsal vertebrae, extending through the shoulder blades. Constant pain in the spine, sometimes worse in the lumbar region with great heat and burning. Pain in the shoulderblades. Aching pain across the loins, worse in the evening. Paralytic pin in the small of the back.


Rending in the shoulder-joint. Frequent strong cracking in the joints of the elbows. Pain in the joints and arms. A Sensation like paralysis in the head.


Great weariness in the evening, particularly in the extremities. Numbness of the limbs, as if asleep. Violent pain in the let foot. Aching in the tarsal bones of the right foot. Sticking in the sole of the feet. Stinging in the toes. Frequent pains in the muscles of the extremities, and also in the head, with dullness, vertigo and some nausea. Sprain-like pain at times feet and heads.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.