HYOSCYAMUS NIGER symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy HYOSCYAMUS NIGER…


HYOS. Hen. Bane. See Hahnemann’s “Mat. Medorrhinum Pur.,” II. Duration of Action: from hours to several weeks.


Aconite, Ant., Arnica, Belladonna, Camph., Causticum, Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Chamomilla, China, Cuprum, Digitalis, Drosera, Graphites, Ignatia, Lachesis, Ledum, Mag.-mur., Nux.-v., Opium, Phosp., Platina, Plumb., Pulsatilla, Rhus., Rat., Sabina, Sepia, Spigelia, Sq., Stramonium, Veratrum


Vinegar., Belladonna, Camph., China


Rheumatic pains. Pain of the limbs and loins. Sharp, continued stitches in the joints of the arms and feet. Dull drawing pains in the joints, but more in the muscles and neighborhood of the joints. Lancinations in almost all the joints, especially during motion. Pains in the limbs. Weariness, languor of the whole body. When walking in the open air he becomes hot and weak. Staggering. Uncommon sinking of strength. Weakness, he is scarcely able to stand on his legs, and seems constantly inclined to fall. Chronic weakness of the feet. General loss of strength, with trembling of the whole body and extreme coldness of the extremities, until fainting was about setting in. Repeated fainting fits. Death-like fainting. Apoplexy with snoring. Hemiplegia. Sudden falling. Sudden falling with a cry and convulsions. Convulsive movements. Convulsions. The limbs become spasmodically curved, and the curved body is jerked into the air. Excessive tossing of the body by convulsions. Convulsions, with foam at the mouth. Convulsions, with clenching of the thumbs. Epilepsy. Slight epileptic fits, alternating with paroxysms of apoplexy. Subsultus-tendinum. Spasms, with watery diarrhoea and eneuresis. Spasms, with diarrhoea and coldness of the whole body. St. Vitus’ dance. Spasms of a child, resembling St. Vitus’s dance, with distortion and tossing about of the limbs, after the attack of the child lies quiet with closed eyes.


The action of Hyoscyamus is most prominent in the evening.


The skin is dry and brittle, or else soft and warm. Itching Inflammation of the skin, with vermilion redness. Rash from abuse of Belladonna Large pustules on the skin. Alternate appearance and disappearance of brown spots on the whole body. Herpetic spots on the nape of the neck. Gangrenous spots and vesicles. Large boils. Obstinate dropsy. Swelling.


Drowsiness. In the morning, excessive, watchfulness, as if from weakness; in the afternoon, drowsiness, relaxation, and irresoluteness. Long, deep sleep. Excessive drowsiness. Deep slumber. Coma-vigil. Sleeplessness, from nervous irritation. Sleeplessness with anxiety. Nightly sleeplessness, with convulsions and concussions, occasioned as if by fright. Frightful dreams. Moaning. Grasping at flocks. Sleep interrupted by grinding of teeth. Suffocative snoring when taking an inspiration, while asleep. Starting from sleep.


Chilliness and shivering over the whole body, with hot face and cold hands, without thirst. Small, weak pulse. Weak, irregular pulse. Small, scarcely perceptible, wiry pulse. Hard pulse. Small, quick, intermittent pulse. Stronger pulse. Quick, full, strong pulse. Accelerated pulse, with distention of the veins. The blood burns in the veins. Tertian and quartan fevers, with epileptic fits, great weakness, flashes before the eyes, and congestion of blood to the head. Afternoon fever, with coldness and pain in the back. Burning heat in the whole internal body. In the evening, great heat over the body, with much thirst, putrid taste and much mucus in the mouth. Exhalation. Sour sweat. Sweat with faintness and dullness of sense. Cold sweat.


Alternation of ease and rage. Mania. Raging and naked day and night, sleepless and screaming. Jealousy, reproaches others, and complains of pretended wrongs. Indomitable rage. Low spirits, sadness, wants to kill himself. Restlessness. Horrid anguish. Concussive startings, alternating with trembling and convulsions. He complains of having been poisoned. He imagines he will be sold. Misanthropia. Diffidence. Peevish, sad, despairing. Chronic fearfulness. Impatient. Hydrophobia.


Dullness of feeling, unfeeling indolence. Senseless and heavy. Compete stupefaction. Does not know his relatives. Complete loss of sense. He neither sees nor hears anything. Imbecility and constant sopor. Imbecility, which is manifest by his speeches and action. Amentia. Insanity with diarrhoea. Highest mental derangement. Mutters to himself, exhausted. He talks more than usual, and more animatedly and hurriedly. Disposition to laugh at everything. Mental derangement, with occasional muttering. Incoherent words. Grasping at flocks and muttering. Delirium as in acute fever. Mental exaltation. Excessive animation, restlessness, hurriedness. Excessive activity. Mental derangement of drunkards. Foolish actions. He uncovers his whole body. In his insanity he roves about naked. Ludicrously solemn acts, mingles with rage; dressed in an improper garment. Labored breathing, with constant burning heat and cries, and making violent motion with the hands. Vertigo. Vertigo, with obscuration of sight. Reeling sensation. Want of memory. Heaviness of the head, with swelling of the eye-lids. Cloudiness of the head, costiveness, and pain in the loins. Inflammation of the brain. Hydrocephalus.


Stupefying headache, especially in the forehead. Stupefying headache, especially in the forehead, increasing to a lacerating with intermissions. Constrictive, stupefying headache in the upper part of the forehead, and general malaise, alternating with absence of all pain. Undulating sensation in the brain. Tingling in the head. Headache, with unnatural heat. Dull pain, with stiffness in the nape of the neck. Sensation in waking as if the brain were shaken and loose.


Obscuration of sight. Contraction of dilatation of the pupils. Dim-sightedness. Dark spots hover to and fro before the eye in quick succession. Diminished sight. When consciousness returned the eyes were dim, without lustre, and the brain was obscured. Weak slight. Passing amaurosis. Short-sightedness. Optical illusions. Illusion of sight. Staring, distorted eyes. Intoxicated look. Open eyes, distorted in different directions. Convulsively moved and protruded eyes. Red, sparkling eyes. Inflammation of the eyes. Pressure in the eyes, as from sand. Quivering in the eyes. Swelling of the eye-lids; the whites of the eyes are slightly reddened. Inability to open the eye-lids. Spasmodic closing of the lids.


Burning heat of the face. Bluish face. Cold pale face. Frequent change of complexion. Red, bloated face. Brown-red, swollen face. Pustules resembling small-pox. Dry lips.


Sharp stitches through the ears, pressure in the temples, dullness of the head. Hard hearing, as if stupefied. Buzzing in the ears.


Crampy pressure in the root of the nose and the malar bones. Bleeding from the nose.


Dull pain of the upper teeth, with sensation as if the gums were swollen. Lacerating toothache, with congestion of blood to the head, and throbbing extending into the forehead, or to the root of the nose and eye, with burning heat in the face and aggravation of the pain by pressure. Beating, and whizzing in the tooth, generally coming on in the morning, and excited by cold air with feeling of looseness in the tooth in chewing, lacerating in the gums, congestion of blood to the head with violent heat, and with spasms and constriction of the throat, with inability to swallow, great mental exhaustion. The teeth feel elongated, loose, covered with mucus. Lacerating in the gums, particularly on the access of cold air. Lock-jaw, with full consciousness.


Clean, parched dry tongue. Burning and dryness of the tongue and lips, the lips look like scorched leather. Dumbness. Impeded speech. Paralysis of the tongue. Loss of speech and consciousness. A kind of stomacace. Bloody saliva. Foam at the mouth.


Burning heat in the throat. Parching dryness of the fauces. Great dryness in the throat, and thirst. Scraping, troublesome sensation in the throat and palate. Constriction of the throat, with impeded deglutition. Inability to swallow. Hydrophobia.


Loss of appetite. Bitterness of mouth. Unquenchable thirst. Dread of drink. Frequent eructations. Nausea and vertigo. Inclination to vomit. Frequent vomiting. Watery vomiting, with vertigo. Eating produces vomiting. Vomiting of bloody mucus with dark-red blood. Vomiting of blood, with convulsions, arrest of breathing, pains in the pit of the stomach, great prostration, and coldness of the limbs. Retching and vomiting like cutting colic, extorting cries. Frequent hiccough. Hiccough, with spasms and rumbling in the abdomen. Headache after a meal, pressure in the temples, and aching of the whole outer parts of the head.


Tightness about the pit of the stomach. Weakness nd pain in the stomach. Oppression and burning and inflammation of the stomach. Spasm of the stomach in periodical attacks, relieved by vomiting. Diaphragmitis. Pinching in the abdomen. Colic. Abdominal spasms, with cutting in the abdomen, vomiting, headache, and screams. Enteritis. Distention in the abdomen, with pain when touched. Rumbling in the abdomen, even during the diarrhoea. Painful sensitiveness of abdominal integuments. Pain as from soreness, when coughing.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.