(Golden Seal.).
Collinsonia, Iodine, Mercurius-bijodatus, Phytolacca-decandra..
We use a tincture of the fresh and triturations of the dried root. Two alkaloids, a white and a yellow alkaloid, have likewise been obtained, called respectively hydrastia and hydrastina. The muriate of hydrastia is likewise employed by homoeopathic physicians.
This drug seems to exert a disintegrating influence over the mucous surfaces, and likewise affects certain portions of the glandular system more or less specifically. Hence it is used in a variety of affections specifically analogous to the morbid conditions which Hydrastis is capable of developing. The use we have made of this drug, has led us to believe that it has power to counteract the scrofulous diathesis. We have prescribed it with excellent success in.
Intertrigo infantum, using compresses moistened with a weak infusion of the powdered root or a weak solution of the Muriate of Hydrastin.
In nursing sore mouth and in the aphthae of infants a similar but stronger solution of the Muriate of Hydrastin proves curative in most cases. In our part of the country mothers are in the habit of using an infusion of hydrastis and sage, to which they add a little borax. If the children are born of very scrofulous parents, we use the muriate of hydrastin wash, and prescribe small doses of the Iodide of Mercury internally.
Chronic scrofulous ulcers, both of the irritable and indolent type, are greatly benefitted and often cured by the hydrastis ointment or compresses saturated with an infusion of hydrastis.
In certain forms of chronic angina faucium a gargle of hydrastis is very beneficial. The throat feels hot, sensitive, and has a reddish, dry appearance. It may either be studded with whitish ulcers or with red little pimples and blood is easily raised by hawking. It is in chronic or sub-acute affections of this kind that the golden seal either exerts a curative or at least a palliative influence. We have seen acute attacks of angina faucium taking this form; in such cases the tincture of Aconite- root or the lower attenuations will be required to effect a speedy cure.
By Professor Hale’s recommendation we have used a solution of the Muriate of Hydrastis in ozoena, using it locally in the shape of an injection, and have seen great benefit derived from this treatment. In the leucorrhoea of scrofulous females who were much troubled with constipation and weak digestion, injections of a solution of this salt, or of a strong infusion of the root, have likewise proved highly beneficial. At the same time the hydrastis is to be given internally in tolerably massive doses of the tincture or of a strong infusion.
Following the example of some of our English homoeopaths we have tried to cure cancer with Hydrastis, but, so far, have utterly failed in accomplishing this result. In open cancer we have succeeded in removing all pain by the persistent employment of the Hydrastin-ointment; and we have seen scirrhous glandular tumors diminish in size under the influence of Hydrastis used internally and externally, but we have not yet succeeded in a single instance in effecting a thorough cure.
In conjunctivitis, especially when caused by frequent exposure to the irritating influence of dust and wind, Hydrastis, proves a fine agent to soothe the pain and even to effect a cure.
An infusion of the root or a solution of the salt has to be applied externally, and the tincture or its attenuations have to be used internally at the same time.
Since Hydrastis has a decided action upon the liver, we may expect to derive benefit from its use in affections resulting from inaction of this organ. We have used it successfully in some forms of jaundice where it competes with Podophyllin; likewise in dyspepsia characterised by a sinking sensation and feeling of warmth in the epigastric region, and attended with habitual constipation. In this latter affection, constipation, the golden seal has shown remarkable curative powers. It seems particularly indicated in cases that have been made worse by the abuse of opening medicines, and are attended with great torpor of the liver; the patients complain of headache, foul taste, a heavy and uncomfortable feeling in the bowels. In cases of constipation it has been successfully used both in the lower attenuations as well as in several drop-doses of the tincture.