HELLEBORUS NIGER symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy HELLEBORUS NIGER…


HELL. Christmas Rose. See Hahnemann’s “Mat. Medorrhinum Pura,” II. Duration of Action: three of four weeks.


Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, China, Digitalis, Ignatia, Opium, Par., Phosph. Secale-c., Stannum, Stramonium, Veratrum It is frequently indicated after Belladonna, Bryonia, China


Camph., China


Falling off of in the hair and of the nails. Peeling off of the epidermis. Sharp lacerating stitches in several parts of the body at once, in the thighs, legs, chest, back,. Paralytic weakness of the limbs and unusual stiffness. All the muscles of the limbs feel heavy and painful. Sudden relaxation of the muscles, coldness of the body, and cold sweat on the forehead, sudden falling to the ground, and stammering, but with consciousness; the pulse slow and the pupils contracted. He feels better in the open air. Sticking-boring pains in the periosteum. Sticking boring pains in various parts of the body, aggravated by cool air, bodily exertion and after eating or drinking. Fainting fits. Convulsive spasms. Convulsive movements, and a shock in the brain as with an arrow. Spasmodic rigidity of the limbs, with concussive shaking of the head.


Pale color of the skin. Rash. Sudden watery swelling of the skin of the whole body. Anasarca, particularly after suppressed eruptions. Sensation in the swollen parts as if too heavy and as if pressed asunder.


Restless sleep towards morning, full of dreams. Confused, anxious dreams. Sopor.


Strong pulse. Strong pulsations through the whole body, especially in the region of the heart. Palpitation of the heart. Thirst. General chill with goose-skin, the head is painful when feeling or moving it, drawing lacerating in the limbs, and frequent stitches in the joints, especially the elbow and shoulder-joints, without thirst. In the evening, and especially after lying down, burning heat over the whole body, internal shuddering and chilliness, without thirst. General sweat. Pale, sunken, countenance, no pulse, icy coldness and cold sweat all over. Slow, small pulse. Coldness of the body, especially in the morning. Fever: violent heat in the head, cold hands and feet. Fever: continual chilliness over the body, without thirst, heat in the head, and headache in the occiput, as if bruised.


Silent melancholy. Home-sickness. Involuntary sighing, moaning. Taciturn. Despairs of his life. Great anguish, with nausea, and pain as if he would die. Horrid anguish, which is relieved after vomiting. Irresolute. Obstinate silence. Hypochondriac mood. Diffidence.


Inability to reflect. Dullness of the internal senses. Imbecility. The mind has no power over the body. Weakness of memory. Dullness of the head, with a dull aching in the afternoon. Confusion of the head, as if bruised, with fluent coryza. Dullness of the head, with heaviness. Dullness of the head, with burning and heat. Cloudiness in the forehead. Dullness with vertigo, as if everything were turning in a circle. Painful stupefaction of the head, as from intoxication. Inflammation of the brain. Acute and chronic hydrocephalus.


Troublesome headache. Pain in the head, as if the whole brain were compressed at every step, in the open air. Violent headache, with great heaviness, especially in the occiput, on waking. Uninterrupted aching pain in the occiput, towards the nape of neck. Compressive pain in both temples. Pulsative throbbing in the left temple. Boring stitches across the forehead. Pain as if bruised of the outer parts of the vertex and occiput. Pulsations in the forehead and temples, with heat of the face. humid scurf on the hairy scalp.


Pressure in the orbits. Burning smarting in the eyes, especially in the inner canthi. Prickling in the eyes. Photophobia, without much inflammation. Photophobia during the fever.


Drawing in both ears, as if the inner ear would burst pressure.


Constriction of the nose. Spasmodic, ineffectual desire to sneeze, with yawning.


Yellowish complexion. Pale face during the heat in the head. Pale oedematous swelling of the face. Dull pain in the right malar bone. Swelling of the lips, with white vesicles.


Lancinating in the molars at night, aggravated by either warmth or cold.


Insensible rigidity of the tongue. Ptyalism, with soreness of the corners of the mouth. Vesicles on the tongue. Aphthae in the mouth. Swelling of the tongue. Troublesome dryness of the palate, with cutting and scraping pain when moving the mouth. Soreness of the throat and pressure during deglutition.


Dry, slimy taste. Great appetite. Nausea, with a sensation of hunger and loathing of food. Continual inclination to vomit; vomiting. Vomiting of green-blackish substances, with colic.


Excessive pain in the pit of the stomach. Cardialgia. Scraping rough sensation in the stomach. Intensely painful burning in the stomach, rising to the oesophagus. Pinching in the stomach. Severe pain as if bruised, near and below the pit of the stomach, aggravated by loud talking and contact. Distention of the pit of the stomach, with pain as from subcutaneous ulceration. Painful pressure on the pit of the stomach at every step. Weight in the abdomen. Violent pinching, as in dysentery, across the abdomen. Gurgling in the bowels, as if full of water. Ascites.


Diarrhoea, with nausea and colic. Diarrhoea, preceded by colic, disappearing after the evacuation. Hard, scanty stool, during and after which violent cutting stitches in the rectum. Frequent watery stools. Stools consisting of pure, tenacious, white mucus. Tendency to haemorrhoids.


Frequent desire to urinate, emitting but a slight quantity. Feeble stream.


Difficulty of breathing. Constriction of the throat. Contraction of the chest. Sharp cutting in the region of the lowermost true ribs, across the chest, increased by inspiration, Scraping, rough sensation in the upper part of the sternum. Hydrothorax.


Stiffness of the cervical muscles. Swelling of the cervical glands. Pain as if bruised between the scapulae, in the region of the spine.


Drawing and lacerating in the bones of the arms and joints of the fingers. Lacerating in the fingers. Boring sticking pain in the middle joint of the the middle and index finger. Weakness in both hands.


Drawing, lancinating, or burning pain in the hip. Stiffness and tension of the muscles of the thighs. Great weakness of the thighs and legs. Aching pain in the joints and feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.