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HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA…




Aconite, AEsculus, Pulsatilla, Millefolium, Secale-cornutum.


We prepare a tincture of the bark and leaves. The resinoid Hamamelin is likewise used. There are likewise several patent preparations of this medicine sold by druggists, among which Pond’s Extract enjoys an extensive reputation.

Doctor Burt has communicated a short, but exceedingly instructive proving of this drug which furnishes confirmatory evidence of its specific relation to the sexual apparatus. This drug has been used empirically for a number of years, and, for the last fifteen years or more, has likewise been employed by homoeopathic practitioners for derangements of the venous system and of the sexual apparatus.

In the former range it has been used with marked success for the following affections:

Venous haemorrhage, the blood flowing passively, not with the projectile or per saltum force of arterial haemorrhage. The haemorrhage may take place from any orifice of the body, from the nose (epistaxis); from the stomach (haematemesis); from the lungs (haemoptysis, haemoptoe); from the urethra (haematuria); from the bowels, in which latter case the haemorrhage may proceed from the portal system of veins or from the haemorrhoidal vessels. In metrorrhagia this drug has likewise rendered good service, not in arterial active haemorrhage, but in the passive form of this accident, in venous haemorrhage. In bleeding haemorrhoids, the witch-hazel is advantageously applied externally by means of a compress moistened with the medicine. To haemorrhoidal tumors

the witch-hazel may be applied in the shape of an ointment. In some parts of our country an ointment is made of witch-hazel and powdered alum.

Even in purpura the witch-hazel is said to have exhibited curative virtues. We have never used it in this affection, and should have very little faith in its curative virtues unless aided by such agents as Phosphorus, Phosphoric acid,.

The doctrine laid down in our books that this drug is the remedy for passive or venous haemorrhage, is likewise too broad a generalization. Haemorrhage from the portal system of veins very often yields promptly and permanently to Aconite. Some time ago a gentleman who had engaged passage for Europe, was suddenly attacked with haematuria. He was spare build, of a nervous bilious temperament, felt low-spirited and feeble; pulse rather thin. The attack had been brought on by over-excitement and physical exertion preparatory to his departure. The discharge of blood were not very copious, but frequent. We should add that there was slight fluttering about the heart, a little headache and dizziness. The blood had a dark-red appearance. The patient was directed to mix one or two drops of tincture of Aconite in half a tumbler of water, and to take a swallow of this mixture every hour. A few doses proved sufficient to restore him.

Time and again we have arrested haemorrhoidal haemorrhages with a few doses of the first, second and even sixth potency of Aconite. We mention these facts in order to prevent one good remedy from crowding out another equally useful agent.

For varicose veins and varicose ulcers, Hamamelis is the best remedy with which we are acquainted. The drug should be used internally as well as externally. Externally we apply compresses saturated with an infusion of witch-hazel to the varicose limb, and hold them in place by means of a tight bandage.

We have used Hamamelis with great success in phlebitis, except in cases where the inflammation was occasioned by the absorption of purulent matter; here we have found the use of Aconite and Belladonna in tolerably large doses indispensable.

In phlegmasia alba dolens we have likewise derived great benefit from Hamamelis; nevertheless we would guard practitioners against overlooking the good offices which Aconite and Belladonna will render in this distressing malady.

The good effects of Hamamelis in diseases of the sexual organs have been verified in a number of cases and a variety of affections.

In vicarious menstruation, this drug has proved admirably capable of diverting the haemorrhagic tendency from its abnormal channel and restoring the regular catamenial discharge.

Dr. Burnett, of New-Orleans, reports the following case which he describes as a case of dysmenorrhoea. “A colored woman, aged thirty-five. Two years previous, at a time the menses should have appeared, she experienced severe pains through the lumbar and hypogastric regions and down the legs; fullness of the bowels and brain, with severe pain through the whole head, resulting in stupor and deep sleep, lasting twelve to thirty-six hours, from which it was impossible to arouse her; after which she gradually returned to her natural state, and so remained till the time for her next menstrual period, when the same suffering was repeated. She was brought to me at the commencement of one of these paroxysms; the pain in the head, pubic region and legs had already commenced. I gave eight globules of the fifteenth dilution of Hamamelis, to be taken in two doses, four hours apart, which established her menses perfectly without any further medication, and she continued to menstruate regularly afterwards.”

In vaginal leucorrhoea we have used this agent with partial success. We direct injections of an infusion into the vagina, and at the same time prescribe it internally.

In sub-acute irritations of the ovaries, ovarian tumors, neuralgic pains in the ovaries, soreness of the ovaries without swelling, the witch-hazel has proved very efficient. It should be used internally and externally.

In orchitis Doctor Ludlam advises the external application of Hamamelis for the purpose of palliating the inflammation and the pain describes a severe pain in the testes as a very marked and permanent effect of the drug. The pain continued so persistently and was so severe that he had to discontinue his proving. This symptom would seem to point to Hamamelis as a remedy for acute pain or neuralgia of the testes. To this sort of venous congestion of the sexual apparatus Hamamelis is specifically adopted. This sort of excruciating pain of the testes may arise from another form of congestion to which Hamamelis is not specifically homoeopathic, and for which it would not, therefore, afford any relief; we mean bilious congestion. We will illustrate our teaching by an example. A stout drayman of 45 years was attacked with bilious remittent fever, which was treated throughout with Mercurius vivus, first and second centes. trituration. The patient was rapidly recovering and on the point of being discharged, when we were sent for, late in the night, with a message that the man “was dying.” Arriving at the house we found that the man had exposed himself to a draught of air in consequence of which the perspiration had become checked and he had been attacked with a pain in his testes which and been steadily increasing for the last four hours, and finally had become so agonizing that the poor fellow trembled from pain and was slightly delirious. We diagnosed “congested bile,” and prescribed Mercurius first centes. trituration every five minutes. In a few minutes relief commenced and in half an hour the patient was perfectly easy and dropped to sleep.


Haemorrhages from all mucous membranes. Haemorrhages with asthenia or anaemia. Diseases of the veins; varices; inflammation of the veins; haemorrhoids; circocele; varicocele; evil effects from the loss of blood. Carbuncles, boils, abscesses, and injuries resulting from falls.




Painful inflammations of the eye; excessive congestion of the conjunctiva.


Bleeding at the nose. Bleeding of the nose, accompanied by a feeling of tightness of the bridge of the nose. Benumbed sensation over the whole forehead.


Painful bloody vomitings; haematemesis.


Varicose veins.


Loss of dark blood by stool, in typhoid fever. Bleeding and painful piles. Weakness and weariness of the back. Piles, with profuse haemorrhage.


Bloody urine.


Circocele and varicocele.


Haemorrhage of bright-red blood from the uterus. Milk-leg, with swelling of the left labium, groin, and thigh. Difficulty of moving the leg; painful but benumbed sensation of the limb. The swelling, white and opaque, extending downwards, and in three days, occupying the whole of the left leg. Milk-leg, with swelling, commencing in the ankle, with difficult motion of the limb, from pain and stiffness. Leucorrhoea. Active uterine haemorrhage; passive uterine haemorrhage. Uterine disturbance and tenderness, with retention of urine, tumefaction of the os- uteri, and diffused soreness of the abdomen.


Cough and haemoptysis, with taste as of sulphur in the mouth, and dull frontal headache. Tickling cough, with taste of blood. Haemoptysis.


Varicose ulcers; varicose veins; milk-leg; inflammation of femoral vein, with erysipelatous spot near the groin over the

vein: swelling of the entire leg and foot, with tension; heat and pale appearance of the limb; scanty urine, stiffening the linen.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.