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GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS……


GRAT. Hedge Hyssop. Hartlaub and Trink’s “Annals.” II., “Archiv,” XVIL.


Belladonna, Digitalis, Euphrasia, Nux.-v.


Gratiola antidotes Iodium


Prickling in various parts of the body, particularly the lower limbs. Tetanic condition, without loss of consciousness, while lying down after a meal, with subsequent deep sleep with emission of semen, and bruised feeling of the body, back, and left arm, on waking. Excitation, with sleeplessness, sweat, and desire to urinate. Great languor and prostration. Physical and mental depression. Bruised feeling, with confusion of the head, after rising in the morning. Weariness in the arms and lower limbs, during emotion. Hysteric and hypochondriac complaints.


The majority of the pains come on at night and in a sitting posture, or on rising from a seat; they are relieved by contact. The symptoms are worse after a meal and in the afternoon.


Itching, with burning after scratching. Itch-like pustules or herpes. Small boils. Humid eruptions.


Irresistible drowsiness, with involuntary closing of the eyes. Deep night-sleep, like stupor, with dizziness and dullness on waking. Sleep full of dreams.


Chilliness, even in a warm room. Shuddering, with shaking and loathing during dinner. Mounting of heat to the face, with redness of the face and increase of external warmth. Pulse small, intermittent.


Sadness. Anxiety and heat throughout the whole body, with languor, going off in the open air. Great ill-humor. Serious, taciturn, absorbed in revery. Irresolute, want of perseverance.


Dullness of the head, with bewilderment. Intoxicated feeling of the head during and after a meal. Vertigo. Violent congestion of blood to the head, with breathing in the forehead, which soon increases to vertigo, with obscuration of sight.


Violent headache, with loathing and inclination to vomit. Headache when sitting, with vibrations in the head depriving her of hearing and sight. Pressure in the forehead, with vertigo. Pressure in the head, the whole day, with heat in the face and languid feeling in the arms and legs. Feeling of fullness in the head. Sensation as if the brain contracted. Severe lacerating

pain in the head. Beating in the forehead, particularly in the afternoon. Seething of the blood and a sort of cloudiness of the whole brain. Violent heat in the head, with languor of the whole body. Heat in the heat in the head, with redness of the face, and going off in the open air. The head is very sensitive to cold. Itching of the hairy scalp. Burning stinging on the vertex.


Pressure in the eyes, with inflammation of the conjunctiva. Lacerating in the eyes, with secretion of pus of the lids and canthi. Itching of the eye-lashes. Dryness of the eyes, with sensation as of sand in the eyes. Lachrymation when reading, with feeling of weakness of the eyes. Mist before the eyes. Obscuration of sight when reading or looking at bright things. Short-sightedness, with burning heat in the face.


Lacerating or sticking in the left ear. Itching of the ears.


Pressure at the upper part of the nose. Sneezing after a meal, with dartings in the hypochondrium.


Burning heat in the face, it feels cold to the hand. Burning of the face like fire, after a meal, with redness and warmth, perceptible to the hand. Tingling burning in the malar bones, or cheeks, with feeling as if the parts were swollen. Tight feeling in the face as if swollen.


Drawing in the upper incisores. Lacerating in the molars, going off by pressure.


Ptyalism. Dryness, roughness, and burning of he palate. Fetid breath on waking.


Pain in the throat as if it would become sore. Stinging in the throat, during and between the acts of deglutition. Scraping in the throat, or in the oesophagus, with acidity. Feeling of roughness, with hoarseness and hacking cough.


Bitter taste, with inclination to vomit. Aversion to food, with good taste. Violent thirst.


Hiccough. Frequent eructations, also tasting of the ingesta. Violent rancid eructations after breakfast. Bitter eructations. Regurgitation of food. Aversion to food, with shuddering and nausea. Nausea, with inclination to vomit. Vomiting of bitter water, or of a yellowish substance.


Pain in the stomach, with nausea and general malaise. Sensitiveness of the stomach to the touch. Pressure in the stomach after every meal, with nausea, disappearing after an eructation. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Contractive pain, as if proceeding from the abdomen. Empty or cold feeling, in the stomach, with previous warmth. Gnawing, as from hunger, after eating. Cutting in the epigastrium.


Beating, burning pain in the left hypochondrium.


Pain in the abdomen, with nausea. Violent pinching in the abdomen after a meal. Violent cutting in the abdomen. Gnawing in the umbilical region as of worms. Tingling in the hypogastrium and around the umbilicus. Cold feeling in the abdomen. Colic, as after diarrhoea, with rumbling, Rumbling, with nausea, eructations, and vertigo.


Frequent urging to stool, with dullness of the head, pinching, drawing, and rumbling in the abdomen. Costiveness. Hard stool, followed by tenesmus of the anus. Diarrhoeic stools watery, proceeded by nausea, rumbling in the abdomen, and cutting around the umbilicus, or with pain as from soreness at the anus. Yellow diarrhoeic stools succeeded by coldness. Yellow green bilious stools, succeeded by burning at the anus. Frequent stools, with burning and protrusion of large stinging burning tumors. Passage of faeces without being conscious of it. Discharge of a number of ascarides. In the rectum: soreness, burning during and after stool. In the anus: stinging; itching; smarting; beating pain. Disappearance of a painful varix.


Scanty urine, reddish, and becoming turbid while standing.


Drawing pain in the glans. Involuntary emission, succeeded by a painful erection.


Nymphomania. Lacerating in the milky breast, with stitches in the region of the right ribs.


Dry cough, with a raw feeling in the entire trachea. Cough towards midnight, with oppression of the chest and coldness.


Oppression of the chest, with increased palpitation of the heart. Spasmodic sensation, as if the whole chest were constricted. Heat in the chest, then in the head, with redness of the face and hands. Strong and quick palpitation of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart, which shakes the whole body, and seems to proceed from the pit of the stomach, particularly violent immediately after stool.


Sticking in the lower vertebrae. Drawing and lacerating in the right side of the neck, or burning and tension..


Itching in the axilla. Rheumatic drawing in the shoulder and

arms, particularly in the elbow and wrist-joint. Lacerating in the upper arm. Lacerating in the elbow-joints. Lacerating in the lower arm, as if in the bone. Languor in the hands. Lacerating in the wrist-joints, with beating.


Languor and heaviness of the lower limbs. Bruised pain in the thighs. Tension at a small spot of the knee. Lancinating lacerating in the tibia when sitting. The feet feel weary, as if they would give away.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.