FERRUM ACETICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy FERRUM ACETICUM…


FER. ACET. Acetate of Iron. See Hahnemann’s “Mat. Medorrhinum Pure, ”

II. Noack and Trinks.


Am., As., Belladonna,Calcarea, Carb.v., China, Chamomilla, Cina., Con-m., Graphites, Hep-s., Ipecac., Ledum, Mercurius, Murex mag., Natr. mur., Nux v., Platina, Plumb., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Thuja., Veratrum, Verb.


Arnica, Arsenicum, Belladonna,China, hep-s., Ipecac., Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Veratrum Iron is used as an antidote in poisoning by Copper (Cyanite of Iron and Sulphate of Iron), by Mercury (Carbon. and Sulph. of Iron), by Prussic-acid (Sulphate of Iron), and by ARsenic (Sesquioxide of Iron).


Frequent attacks of tremor, also anxious tremor, alternating with weakness as if weary. Constant trembling of the whole body. Great languor, also with drowsiness or emaciation. General weakness, even from talking. Great weakness, as if weary. Heaviness of the limbs, want of firmness, and languor. Great, even irresistible disposition to lie down. A walk particularly in. the open air, is very fatiguing. Fainting spells, with subsequent weakness. Faint feeling in walking, with blackness before the eyes, roaring in the ears, and heat at overstep, and sensation as if threatened with apoplexy. Emaciation, also with great languor.


Many of the symptoms appears at night, are aggravated by sitting, relieved by slight motion.


Burning, painful soreness of some parts of the skin. Inflammation and suppuration of dark hepatic spots.


Constant weariness and drowsiness in the daytime. Light sleep. Falls asleep from weariness, nevertheless his sleep is restless. Falls asleep late. Heavy sleep in the morning. FRequent waking and more slumbering. Restlessness sleep at morning. Frequent waking and mere slumbering. Restless sleep at night. Anxious tossing about in the bed after midnight. Flatulence colic, at night. Vivid dreams.


General coldness in the evening, in bed. Frequent short shudderings. Want of animal heat. Chilliness with great thirst, preceded and succeeded by headache. Seething of the blood in the daytime, with heat in the hands. Nightly sweat with languor. Morning sweat. Viscid. exhausting sweats. Pulse scarcely perceptible. or heard and full. Intermittent fevers.


Vehement, quarrelsome, disputative, Anxiety.


Staggering in walking, as if intoxicated. Reeling sensation and vertigo on seeing flowing water. Vertigo with sickness at the stomach in walking. Momentary shock with giddiness in the brain. Dullness of the head and want of disposition to think. Headache every evening above the root of the nose. The head feels dizzy, confused, and dull. Gloomy feeling in. he head, early in the morning. The head feels heavy and confused. (Aching pains in the forehead as if it would burst). Hammering and throbbing headache. Lancinations in the forehead. Drawing headache, drawing from he nape of the neck into the head, with stinging hammering and roaring in the head. Undulation pain in the head. Headache as if the brain were rent sunder. Rush of blood to the head, with swelling head as from subcutaneous ulceration, and pain fulness of the hair when touching it.


Redness and swelling of the lids, suppurating stye on the upper lid, and nightly agglutination. Pressure in. the eye and nightly agglutination. Itching of the eyes in the evening and pressure as if and pain in. the eyes as if form excessive drowsiness. Red eyes with burning pain. Darkness before the eyes in the evening, aching pain burning pain. Darkness before the eye, in. the evening, aching pain above the eyes, and discharge of a few drops of blood from the nose.


Ulcerative pain in the outer ear.


Livid, jaundiced complexion, sometimes blue spots in the face. Pale face and lips. Fiery redness of the face. Yellow spots in the face. Puffiness of the face around the eyes.


Pale lips. (Swelling of he gums and cheek.).


Long-lasting swelling of the cervical glands. (Rough sore throat, with hoarseness.). Aching pain in the throat during deglutition, with heat in the fauces. The cervical muscles feel stiff and are painful when moved (Pressure and feeling of soreness in the pharynx, during deglutition.). Constrictive sensation in the throat.


Everything he eats tastes bitter. Putrid taste. Complete absence of thirst. Loss of appetite. nausea when eating., as if the would vomit. After a meal; heat and anxiety (drowsiness and gloominess, with slight headache above the root of the nose, preventing mental exertions), dullness of he head, thirst, heartburn, constant eructations and gulping up of food, without nausea or inclination to vomit, vomiting of the ingesta (after every meal), repletion and violent pressure in the stomach and abdomen, immediately below the stomach, weariness of the feet.


Constant nausea and loathing. Attack of paleness, rumbling in the bowls, contractive crampy sensation in the chest, dullness of

the head, spasmodic, violent eructations, a afterwards heat in the face, pain in the head, and lancinating pain in the vertex. Inclination to vomit. Vomiting before midnight most violent when lying, particularly when lying on one side. Vomiting of the ingesta, immediately after midnight. Vomiting of mucus and water every morning and after eating. Everything she vomits tastes sour and acrid.


Pressure at the stomach after taking the least food or drink. Cramp-pains in the stomach. Cardialgia. (Burning in the stomach.). Sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach to contact.


On touching the abdomen, or when coughing, the bowels feel sore, as if bruised or weakened by cathartics. Painful weight of the abdominal viscera in walking. Stitches in the abdomen Stinging pain in the abdomen. Flatulent colic at night.


Frequent urging to stool, with burning at the anus, and pain in. the back during motion. Constipation and varices of the rectum; with painful pressure during stool. Frequent diarrhoeic stools. Watery Diarrhoea, corroding the anus. Discharge of mucus and blood at every evacuation. Itching and gnawing in the rectum and discharge of ascarides with the slimy stool. Lacerating in the rectum. Contractive spasms in the rectum. Protrusion of large varices at the anus.


Involuntary micturition, particularly in the daytime. Burning pain in the urethra during micturition, a s if the urine were hot.


Erection day and night. nocturnal emissions. Discharge of mucus from the urethra. Labor-like pains in the abdomen, as previous to the appearance of the menses. The menses delay a few days, with scanty discharge of water blood, attended with violent colic. The menses remain suppressed for eight weeks, Previous to the menses; stinging headache and singing in the ears, discharge of long pieces of mucus from the uterus, with shifting of flatulence in the abdomen. Sterility. Miscarriage. Painfulness of the vagina during an embrace. Prolapsus of the vagina during an embrace. Prolapsus of the vagina during pregnancy). Leucorrhoea resembling watery milk, smarting and corroding when first appearing.


Contractive spasms in the chest and cough from exercise and walking. Painful contraction in the pit of the stomach, followed by a kind of spasmodic cough with expectoration of mucus, which is transparent and tenacious. Spasmodic cough, with vomiting for he ingesta aft dinner. Catarrh and cough, with aching pain in the upper part of sternum. Bloody cough at night, succeeded by increased asthma. Bloody cough on rising. Cough and bloody expectoration during lactation. The cough is more frequent during motion than rest. Hawking up o bloody phlegm. Slight cough, with white, s copious, purulent expectoration. Copious expectoration of pus, having a putrid or sickly taste (early in the morning).


Pain in the outer parts of the chest and stinging and tension between the scapulae, preventing motion. Bruised pain in the outer parts of the chest. Difficulty of breathing and oppression of the chest. Fullness and tightness of the chest. Asthma, after midnight, obliging one to sit up. Asthma, with weariness of the limbs, generally worse in the forenoon, frequently relieved and sometimes aggravated by walking. asthma, difficulty sow breathing, relieved by walking and talking Tightness of the chest, as if constricted, with difficult, anxious breathing, aggravated by walking. Contractive spasm in. the chest Fatal

pneumorrhagia. [1 From the tinctura ferri acetici aetherea Klapprothii].


Pain as if bruised in the small of the back. Pains in the small of the back on rising from a seat.


Drawing in the arm, occasioning a heaviness and lameness. Sticking and lacerating in the shoulder-joint (painful as if bruised on touching it). Tremor of he hands. Cramp in the fingers, numbness and insensibility of the fingers. Painful contraction of the fingers and toes. Swelling of the hands a nd feet up to the knees.


Varices on the feet. Numbness of the thigh. Feeling in the hip-joint (painful as if bruised on touching it). Painful lameness in the thigh. Weakness of he knees. Contractive pain in the pain. Painful drawing in the legs, also with stiffness and the heaviness. pain as if bruised in the legs, early in the morning in bed, going off soon after arising. Tremor and pain as if bruised in the leg in walking. Painful cramp in the calves Frequent painful cramps in the toes and soles of he feet. Swelling of the feet, extending up to the ankles, or even knees (accompanied with swelling of the hands), attended with drawing pains when commencing to walk OEdematous swelling of the feet. Cold feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.