EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM…


Spurge. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,”III Duration of Action: about seven Weeks.


Belladonna, Mercurius, Nitr ac., Euphrasia is frequently indicated after: Belladonna, Mercurius, Nitr-ac.


Camph. Citri-suc.


Rheumatic pains in the bones. Inflammation of external parts. General swelling, inflammation, cold gangrene. Chronic eruptions. Old, torpid ulcers. Warts. Lassitude and want of tone of the whole body. Burning pains in internal organs. Stitches and tightness in the muscles. Lacerating lancinating pains during

rest, relieved by motion.


The primary effects of the drug are slow in making their appearance. the symptoms are aggravate by rest (sitting) and by contact.


Frequent yawning. Great drowsiness after dinner. Sort of stupor in the afternoon. Sleeplessness and tremulous tossing about in bed. Anxious, confused dream.


Chilliness of the whole body. Constant chilliness with sweat, shuddering over the upper parts of the body. Great heat the whole day. Fever.


Temporary craziness. Melancholia. Anxious and apprehensive mood. Serious and taciturn.


Vertigo. Headache, as if caused by a deranged stomach Dull, stupefying, oppressive pain in the forehead. Aching in the forehead. Aching in the occiput. Headache, as if the head would be pressed asunder. Tensive pressure about the head, especially the fore head and the posterior cervical muscles. sticking with pressure in the temple.


Pressure in the eye, as from sand. Smarting of the eyes, with lachrymation. Inflammation of the eyes, also chronic, with itching and dryness of the lids and canthi. Pale red inflammation of the eye-lids, with nightly agglutination. Swelling of the eye- lids, with lacerating above the eye brow when opening the eye. Diplopia. Obscuration of the cornea.


Pain in the ears, in the open air. Tingling in the ear, also when sneezing. Roaring in the ears, at night.


Suffocative smarting in the nose, extending to the brain, with profuse discharge of mucus. Frequent sneezing.


Paleness of the face, sallow complexion. Tight pain in the cheek, as if swollen. Violent burning in the face. Erysipelatous inflammation of the face and external head. Red, inflammation swelling of the cheek, with boring, gnawing, and digging from the gums to the ears. Red excessive swelling of the cheeks, covered with yellowish vesicles. Erysipelatous inflammatory swelling of the cheeks, with vesicles of the size of peas, full of yellowish humor. White, oedema-like swelling of the cheeks.


Toothache, increasing when touched or when masticating. Toothache, in the beginning of a meal. with chilliness; gnawing lacerating, accompanied with headache. Breaking off of the teeth.


Ptyalism, preceded by shiverings or with inclination to vomit and shuddering. Burning of the palate, as from hot coal. Rawness and roughness of the throat. Burning in the throat and stomach. Burning in the throat, down to the stomach, with trembling anxiousness, and heat on the whole upper part of the body, with inclination to vomit and ptyalism. Inflammation of the oesophagus.


Bitter, astringent taste. Thirst for cold drinks. Great hunger.


Violent, empty eructations. Nausea with shaking. Morning nausea. Vomiting with diarrhoea. The stomach is painful to the touch. Spasmodic pain in the stomach. Burning feeling in the pit of the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach.


Excessive colic and inflation. Anxious and sore feeling in the abdomen. Heaviness and heat in the abdomen. Empty feeling in the abdomen, as after an emetic, early in the morning. Writhing (twisting) through the whole of the intestinal canal; after wards loose stool, with burning itching around the rectum. Aching in the lumbar region.


Constipation. Papescent, yellowish stool. Copious diarrhoea, with previous itching around the rectum, the desire for stool being very urgent. Diarrhoea, with burning at the rectum, inflation of the abdomen, and pain in the abdomen as if it were sore. Fatal dysentery. Burning sore pain around the rectum.


Pressure on the bladder. Strangury. Frequent desire to urinate, with slight discharge of urine. A quantity of white sediment in the urine. (Haemorrhage from the urethra.).


Lacerating pain in the scrotum. Nightly and continual erections.


Short and hacking cough, excited by a slight titillation in the throat. Violent irritation in the upper part of the larynx night, as if caused by asthma and shortness of breath. Dry, hollow cough, caused by tickling in the middle of the chest, during rest,. Almost uninterrupted dry cough.


Asthma.. Sensation as if the left lobe of the lungs were adhering. Spasmodic pressing asunder in the lower parts of the chest.


Pain in the small of he back, or sort of pressure during rest. Pains in. the small of back, resembling jerking stitches.


Pinching pains in the scapulae. Paralytic tightness in the should re-joint early in the morning after rising, aggravated by motion. Internal intensely -painful drawing in. the arm, with a felling of weakness. Pain, a s from sprain in. the upper arm, near the elbow-joint.

Intensely-painful drawing in the ulna. Paralytic pain in the wrist-joint, when moving he hand.


Paralytic pain in. the hip-joint, when stepping. Pain, as from a sprain, in both hip-joints. Aching in. the muscles around and hip. Burning pain, at night, in. the becomes of the hip joint and in he femur. the lower limbs frequently go to sleep. Corrosive itching of the thighs. Lacerating in the knee.

Violent lancinating lacerating in the muscles of the legs. Great weariness of the legs. Cramp-pain in the foot. Sore pain of the heel. as from subcutaneous ulceration.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.