DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA……


DROS. Sun dew. See Hahnemann’s “Mat. Pura.,” II. Duration of Action: from two to three weeks.


Aconite, Alumina, Ammonium, Bryonia, Cin., Cuprum, Hepar, Hyoscyamus, Ipecac., Nitr., Nux-v., Pulsatilla, Rhus., Sepia, Silicea, Spongia, Squill., Veratrum




Gnawing stinging in the long bones, particularly in the joints (where the stitches are violent), more during rest than motion. Crampy pressure, also pressure with sticking, now in the upper, then in the lower limbs. Jerking or sensation of jerking in the limbs. Weakness in the whole body, with sunken eyes and cheeks. Painful bruised and lame feeling of the limbs. Pain in every limb on which he is resting, as if from lying on a hard couch. Epileptic paroxysms, with convulsions of the limbs, and subsequent sleep and discharge of blood. Rapid emaciation (in laryngeal phthisis).


Most of the symptoms make their appearance in the night and early in the morning, in warmth and during rest.


Violent itching. Corrosion of the skin.


Frequent yawning and stretching. Drowsiness at noon, and at sunset. Sleepless. Frequent starting during sleep. Frequent waking. Anxious dreams. Weariness on waking.


He feels too cold, particularly during rest, even in bed, with constant shuddering. shuddering, only during rest. Frequent shuddering over the whole body, with cold hands, hot cheeks, and warm forehead. chilliness, with coldness and paleness of the hands, feet, and face. Febrile paroxysms every morning. chilliness with blue nails, icy-cold hands, subsequently thirst followed (at noon) by heat in the face, with heaviness in the head, beating in the occipital region, and subsequent inclination

to vomit. Chilliness in the daytime, with heat at night. Chilly shuddering over the whole body, with icy cold hands, feeling of heat in the face, and qualmishness with nausea. Vomiting during the chilliness until bile makes its appearance. Fever and ague, with desire to vomit and other gastric symptoms, or with sore throat. Heat, with headache and spasmodic cough. Heat in the heat or face, with redness. Sweat. Night sweats.


Sad and low spirited. Anxiety, with suffusion of heat. Dread of ghosts. Ill humor and disposition to feel offended. He becomes furious when excited ever so little. Obstinacy.


Vertigo when walking in the open air. Dullness and heaviness of the head. Painful dullness of the forehead, during walking and after strong exercise.


Headache above the orbits when stooping, disappearing in walking. the brain is painfully affected by stepping. Headache, with pressure through the right temple. Painful pressure through the forehead and the malar bones from within. Aching pain above the right temple. Boring pain in the forehead. Beating and hammering in the forehead, from within outwards. Dull drawing pain in the brain. Lacerating tensive pain in the forehead. Lacerating pain in the brain, towards the forehead, more violent when moving the eyes. Smarting burning pain in the hairy scalp. Feeling of soreness in the temple. Gnawing headache.


Lacerating cutting and burning pain in the left eye. Itching and agglutination of the lids. Contraction of the pupils. Presbyopia and weakness of the eyes, with sudden and repeated vibration before the eyes. Gauze before the eyes, with blurred

and pale appearance of the letters in reading. The eyes are dazzled by the light of candles or by the light of day.


Otalgia, with sticking pain in the inner ear. Pain in the inner right ear, as if the parts were compressed. Lacerating in and around the ear. Roaring, humming, and drumming in the ears during rest and motion. Hardness of hearing, with increased buzzing.


Pain in the face, increased by pressure and contact. Prickling burning pain in the cheek. Drawing pressure in the upper parts of the malar bones. Severe pain in the right articulation of the jaw. Black pores on the chin. Dry lips.


In the morning, he blows blood out if his nose. Increased sensitiveness to sour smell.


Lancination in the left lower jaw, apparently in the periosteum. Stinging toothache after warm drinks, in the morning.


Fine pecking stitches in the dorsum of the tongue. Whitish ulcer on the tip of the tongue. Small, round, painless swelling in the middle of the tongue. Haemorrhage from the mouth. Rough scraping feeling of dryness in the soft palate and fauces, occasioning a short and hacking cough. Stinging in the throat during deglutition. Scraping after eating salt food. Ulceration of the velum. Difficulty of swallowing solid food, as if the oesophagus were contracted. Hawking up of green or yellow mucus.


Little taste and constant dryness of the lips. Bitter mouth, when eating, or from morning till dinner. Thirst, particularly early in the morning. Thirst, only in the hot stage of fever. (Frequent attacks of canine hunger, without appetite.) Nausea, with inclination to vomit after eating.


Frequent singultus. Gulping up of bitter or sore substances. Nausea (even from merely thinking of a nauseating object). Nausea after eating fat. Nausea, with stupefying pressure in the forehead. Nausea, with inclination to vomit after a meal. Water brash. Vomiting, particularly at night, or before dinner. Vomiting of bile or mere water, early in the morning. Vomiting of mucus and food, when coughing. Vomiting of blood.


Clawing sensation; sticking and throbbing; crampy tension in the pit of the stomach, as if drawn in, particularly during a deep inspiration. The hypochondria are painful to the touch. Colic after eating sore things. Tensive pain in the epigastrium, before and after stool, becoming very violent when sitting or stooping. Short, cutting pinching in the abdomen. Cutting shocks in the muscles of the abdomen and chest, more violent when sitting than during motion. Cutting pain in the abdomen, without stool.


Loose stool. Papescent stool. Scanty, hard stool. with bearing down. Bloody mucus with stool, followed by pain in the abdomen and small of the back.


Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty urine frequently only a few drops. Enuresis. Frequent urination at night. Urine brown, with strong smell. Watery, inodorous urine (with fetid stools of white mucus).


Suppression of the menses. Menses delayed. Leucorrhoea, with labor like pains in the abdomen.


Titillation in the larynx, inducing a short and hacking cough, with sensation as if a feather had lodged in it, with fine stitches in the larynx. Rough, scraping feeling of dryness in the fauces and in the region of the soft palate, inducing a short and hacking cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus, and hoarse voice having a deep base sound; sensation of oppression in the chest, as if the air were retained when coughing or talking, and as if the breath could not be expelled. Burning, rough sensation deep in the throat, immediately after dinner. Painful sneezing and coughing. Pain in the hypochondria, when coughing, as if forcibly constricted. Contractive pain in the hypochondria arresting the breathing; is unable to cough, owing to the pain, unless he pressure with the hand on the pit of the stomach. Cough deep from the chest. cough, the fits being so rapid that he is scarcely able to breathe. Cough in the evening after lying down. Nightly cough. During an expiration, in the evening when lying in bed, sudden contraction of the abdomen, occasioning a heaving as if he would vomit, and bringing on cough. The cough caused a griping in the abdomen and a heaving as if vomiting would come on whenever the expectoration was incomplete and difficult. When coughing, he throws up water, mucus, and food. Morning cough, with expectoration. Stitches in the chest when coughing. Haemoptysis. Stitches in the muscles of the chest when coughing and breathing. Hoarseness after measles, with cough and catarrh. Mucus in the trachea, at times hard, at other times soft (gray, green, and yellow). Chronic catarrh. Laryngitis, tracheitis, with pain when walking. Laryngeal and tracheal phthisis, also galloping, with rapid wasting a way of the tissues. Barking cough, with gagging. Whooping cough, with haemorrhage from mouth and nose, anguish, blue face, wheezing breathing, suffocation. The cough is excited by singing, laughing weeping, emotions, smoking, drinking. Deep breathing. Difficulty of breathing. Asthma, particularly when talking, and more especially when sitting with contraction of the throat at every word that is uttered. Oppressive sensation in the chest, as if expirations were prevented by coughing or talking. Stitches in the chest or pectoral muscles when talking an inspiration and when coughing. Burning sensation in the middle of the chest. Violent sticking pain, with pressure across the chest. The sternum is painful, as from subcutaneous ulceration, when pressing on the part. Tensive pain in the pectoral muscles, during expirations and inspirations. Black pores on the chest and shoulder.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.