DAPHNE MEZEREUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy DAPHNE MEZEREUM…


MEZ. Mezereon. Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” IV. Duration of Action. from forty to fifty days.


Ambr., Cantharis, Caps., Chamomilla, Euphrasia, Helleborus, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Mercurius, Nitr.-ac., Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Veratr., Zincum met.


Vinegar, Camph., Mercurius It antidotes Mercurius, Nitr.-ac. According to Hahnemann, the effects of Mez. are not counteracted by Coffee.


All the joints are painful, as if bruised or weary. Unsteadiness of the joints, as if they would break down. Drawing and excessive weariness in the joints, especially those of the knees, feet, and carpal joints. Paralytic drawing pains in various parts of the hands and lower limbs. Short drawing or darting, now here, then there, after which a constant soreness remains. Hot dartings in various parts of the body. He feels worse in the evening. The pains are felt on one side only. The paroxysms of pain are accompanied by chilliness and shuddering. Weariness and uneasiness in the lower limbs. Drawing pain through the whole left side of the body, with sensation as if the part had gone to sleep. especially painful in the hand and foot. Heaviness and bruised feeling of all the limbs, as if felt after the violent suppression of a cold. Heaviness in the limbs, he dreads motion and is unable to decide upon anything. Weariness and inertia of the lower limbs. The body feels very light. Weakness, exhaustion. Great weakness in the limbs. Excessive tailing of strength. Uncomfortable feeling in the whole body, with yawning and stretching of the abdomen, and eructation.


Obstinate itching over the whole body. Itching and burning, in the evening. The skin of the whole body peels off. Red itching rash on the arms, head, and the whole body. Ulcerated eruption, like pimples, on the finger-joints. Violent corrosive sensation and throbbing in a contused wound.


Lazy. Violent yawning and stretching. Drowsiness in the daytime. Restless, unrefreshing sleep, disturbed by confused dreams. Nightmare. Violent concussions of the body while asleep. Frequent startings while asleep. Excessive ill-humor after sleeping. Frightful dreams. Vivid and voluptuous dreams.


Sensitive to cold air. Chilly in warm room, with drowsiness. Chilliness over the abdomen and arms, with dilatation of the pupils. Chilliness and coldness of the upper and lower limbs. Chilliness, as if cold water were being repeatedly thrown over her. Violent chilliness in the whole body. Shaking chills. Chilliness and coldness of the whole body, with asthmatic contraction and oppression of the chest. Feverish chills, with desire for cold water. Internal chilliness. Cold hands and feet, like those of a dead person. Full, hard, tense, intermittent pulse. Increase of warmth over the whole body. Violent acute fever.


Sadness. Hypochondriac and melancholy. Anxiety in the evening, with trembling of the limbs and whole body. Great anguish, with violent palpitation of the heart, before dinner. Taciturn. He looks ill-humored, pale, wretched, fallen away. Irresolute.


Unable to recollect, his mind is easily confused. His head feels dull, giddy, dizzy. Mental feeling, like that from intoxication. Confusion and pressure in the whole head, especially over the eyes. Reeling sensation, with contracted pupils. Giddiness and dullness of the head, with difficult reflection. Vertigo. Vertigo, with twinkling of light before the eyes. Fainting sort of vertigo.


Headache after motion and much talk. Headache from the root of the nose to the forehead, the temples feel painful when touched, with violent heat and sweat about the head, with chilliness and coldness of the rest of the body, early in the morning. Headache, relieved by stooping. Headache, increased in the open air. Stupefying ache throughout the right hemisphere. Intense aching in the head, as if the contents would issue from the forehead. Headache, with frequent chills. Aching pain in the occiput and nape of the neck, when moving the head. Violent pressing asunder in the fore part of the head, gradually going and coming. Feeling of heaviness in the whole occiput. Sore aching in the occiput. Grinding (digging) and aching pain in the middle of the forehead, externally. Throbbing, with pressure, in the forehead. Beating and pressure behind the right ear, which increases to an excessive pain in the head, forehead, nose, and teeth, aggravated by the slightest movement of the head.


Bone pain in the bones of the skull, aggravated by contact. Sensation as if the upper part of the head were pithy. Itching on the head and whole body, as if caused by vermin. Dry scabs on the hairy scalp. The scales on the scalp are whiter, simpler, and drier than formerly. Humid, itching eruption.


In the evening the eyes are painful when reading, he does not see clearly. Pressure in the eye balls and heat in the eyes. Aching pain around the left eye. Pressure in the eyes, as if the balls were too large. Pressure and lacerating in the eyes, especially in the orbits. Itching of the margin of the lower eyelid. Smarting sensation in the canthi, especially in the inner. Burning pricklings in the margin of the lower eyelids. Contraction of the pupil. Dilatation of the pupil. Scintillations before the eyes. Ophthalmia.


Otalgia, painful drawing in the ear. Itching in the ear. Hard hearing. Tingling of the ears, with great drowsiness. Biting itching eruption behind the left ear.


Frequent sneezing and fluent coryza. Sneezing with soreness of the chest. Dry coryza. Coryza, with bloody, tenacious mucus from the nose. Discharge of yellow, thin, sometimes bloody fluid from the nose, which is made sore, and feels a burning pain.


Pale face, wretched look. Violent, frequent, troublesome jactitation of the muscles. Dull cramp pain and lacerating in the region of the right malar bone. Boils on the face. Pricking pain in the submaxillary glands.


Seated pain in the hollow teeth. Toothache, drawing, burning, and stinging in one of the upper molars. Sharp stitches in the roots of the lower incisores of both sides. Painful dartings in the upper incisores. Boring and stitches in the tooth; the right side of the head is affected to such an extent that even the hairs, are painful when touched, with restlessness, excessive ill humor, and aversion to everything. The teeth feel dull and elongated. The toothache is aggravated by contact or movement, and during the evening. Congestion of blood to the head. Chilliness and constipation during the toothache.


Burning on the tongue, and in the mouth, extending into the stomach. Peppery taste on the tongue. Vesicles on the tongue and gums. with burning pain.


Sore throat, with pressure. Aching pain in the throat, when swallowing, as if the bony palate would split. Aching pain in the pharynx, after swallowing, and a sudden shuddering, as if from the pit of the stomach, with nausea. Constriction of the pharynx. Scraping sensation in the fauces, with burning in the pharynx. Soreness and roughness of the fauces and palate. Continued burning of the pharynx and oesophagus. Inflammation of the pharynx.


Burning taste in the mouth, as from fire, after every meal. Flat. sourish taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, with nausea. Want of appetite. No good appetite, but a continual desire to eat, to relieve the pain in the stomach.


Frequent eructation, empty and tasteless. Rising of air and acrid fluid. Rising of air, with burning and sweat as from anguish. Nausea, with pain in the stomach. Nausea, with inclination to vomit. Violent inclination to vomit, when walking. with burning heat of the forehead. Vomiting of a green, bitter mucus, with confused felling of the head. Fatal vomiting of blood.


Pain in the stomach. with sensation as of the arteries beating against the abdominal muscles, extending to the region of the heart. Pressure at the stomach, after a meal, as of undigested food. Burning and pressure in the pit of the stomach, when pressing on the part. Burning in the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach.


Chronic pain in the abdomen. Aching pain in the abdomen. with anxiety. General pressure in the epigastrium and abdomen. Heaviness in the abdomen, with anxiousness. Compressive sensation in the abdomen, and as if there were a load in it. Sticking aching, crampy colic, increasing and decreasing like a spasm. Colic, as if the bowels were drawn together. Lacerating colic. Cutting colic, below the umbilical region. Cutting in the abdomen, with pressure, towards evening. Burning and hot feeling in the abdomen. Inflammation of the intestines. Painful movements in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would set in. Rumbling in the abdomen. Drawing pain in the inguinal glands.


Copious Papescent stool, in short, rapid intervals, followed by tenesmus of the anus. Hard, slow stool, in the evening, with hard pressing. Continual diarrhoea, with intolerable colic. Excessive diarrhoea. Stool preceded by a painful writhing in the abdomen, afterwards diarrhoea and pressure in the anus. chills before and after stool, weakness unto falling, and great sensitiveness to open cold air. Smarting in the anus, when walking, and a burning in the rectum. Intensely painful tenesmus, lacerating and drawing in the anus and perinaeum.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.