CLEMATIS ERECTA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CLEMATIS ERECTA…


CLEM. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases, ” III. Duration of Action : six weeks.


Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cantharis, Cantharis, Caps., Causticum,?Conium, merc., Rhus., Silicea, Sulphur


Bry, for the toothache caused by Clematis; Camph.


Jactitation of the muscles in almost all the fleshy parts of the body. distinctly perceptible pulsations through the whole body, especially about the heart. Great inclination to be in the open air. Sensation in the body., early in the morning, as if a pollution had taken place or had been suppressed. A short of full vibratory sensation through the whole body, after lying down, especially on the right side, on which he was resting. Lassitude in all the limbs, the knees give way after a walk.


Burning pain or sensation of heat in the body, without redness. Itch-like pustules over the whole body. Tingling and throbbing in. he ulcers. Throbbing pain in the ulcer, nearly in. the throbbing in the ulcers. Throbbing pain in the ulcer, early in the morning, burning pain in the ulcers. Inveterate eruptions. Scabies-sarcoptica. Vesicular eruptions on the body. Herpetic eruptions. Scaly herpes, with yellowish, corrosive ichor. Chronic,.red, humid herpes, with intolerable itching in the warmth of he bed and after washing. The herpes is red and humid with the increasing, but pale and dry with the decreasing moon. Itching, humid eruption, with corrosive ichor, heat, redness and swelling of the skin. Scirrhous indurations and cancerous ulcers. Fungous excrescences. Tophi.


Lassitude and drowsiness after a meal, accompanied by violent breathing of the arteries. Constant drowsiness, with want of disposition to labor. Uneasy sleep, at nights with tossing. In the morning, when walking the does not eel refreshed. Uneasy dreams at night. Voluptuous dreams.


Shuddering over the whole body when slightly uncovered. Profuse night-sweat. Quartan fever, r with subsequent sweat.


Peevish and dissatisfied without any cause. Indifferent, silent, almost thoughtless. STaring look. Melancholy.


Dullness and gloominess of he head, in. the region of the forehead, with inclination to vertigo. Tight aching of the head, in the foe part of the brain, more violent when walking than when sitting, with heaviness of the head. Tight aching in. the whole of the right side of he head, rather in the bones than in the brain. Drawing or boring pain. Hammering sensation in the head, in the evening or boring. pain. Painful [implies on the forehead Humid vesicles on the occiput and nape of the beck. Eruptions on the hairy scalp.


Pain in the eyes. Stitches in the inner canthus of he eye. Smarting pain in the eyes, especially in the margins of he lids. a kind of sore smarting in the eyes, with lachrymation and injected state of the veins; worse when closed Burning pain in the upper lids of the right eye. Burning pain in the inner canthus of the eye. inner canthi and faint, weak sight. Inflammation of the eyes, with lachrymation. Inflammation of he inner canthi and faint, weak sight. Inflammation of the margins of the lid with ulceration. Irritates. chronic ophthalmia, particularly in scrofulous persons.


Morbid paleness of the face. Burning pain in the skin of the left cheek. white blisters in the forehead. and face, as if burnt by the sun. Burning cutting pain in the lips, with vesicles. Painful pimples in. the upper lip. Cancer of the lips.


Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with had little tubercles, throbbing, tight, as if they would ulcerate, painful when touched, and exciting a toothache. Toothache, so violent that it would drive one to despair; the toothache spreads over the whole of the temporal region, as high up as the vertex. Dull pain in a hollow tooth, alleviated from short while applying cold water. Jerking, and drawing toothache in the left upper jaw, the teeth, without one of the inguinal glands. Swelling of an inguinal gland; bubo. Indurated gland.


Frequent stool, becoming more and more loose, without any colic.


Long lasting contraction and constriction f the urethra; the urine an only be emitted drop by drop, as is the case in spasmodic stricture of the urethra. Frequent micturition, but little at a time. diabetes. Emission of perform matter. At the

commencement of urination the burning sensation is greatest. Painful drawing in the spermatic cord when urinating. The urethra is painful to the touch.


When touching the testes they feel painful as if bruised. DRawing pain in the testes and the spermatic cord, from below upwards. welling and induration of both testes. Swelling fog the scrotum. Painful sensitiveness of the testes. Swelling of the right half of the scrotum,. The sexual desire became excited Loathing of sexual intercourse during the day.


The menses appear eight days before the time, and are more profuse than formerly. Glandular induration before the nipple, painful when touched. Cancer of the breast.


Violent, fluent coryza. Aching in the whole cavity of the chest. Dull stitches in the chest more violent when breathing. Sharp stitches in. the region of the heart, from within outwards.


Aching in the upper arm. Aching in. the bend of the elbow, when stretching the arm. Spreading blisters on the swollen hands nd fingers, aggravated by cold water. Arthritic nodosities in the finger-joints.


Pain in the hips. Large pustules around the loins, very painful to the touch. Scaly herpes with crusts on the lower limbs. Drawing lacerating in the thigh. Shooting lacerating in the knee. Drawing in the knee and thigh after a walk. Heaviness and weariness of the legs.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.