CINCHONINUM SULPHURICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CINCHONINUM SULPHURICUM…



Sulphate of Cinchonine. See “Hygea, ” XVI.


Chin and Quinine.


See Chin, and Quinine.


The whole body is painful at night The whole body feels as if bruised. Weariness and languor after uninterrupted sleep. Emaciation. Morbid contractions of the muscular fibres. Rushes of blood to the head.


The symptoms intermit on the second day, existing only on the first and third days. the secretion and emission of urine increase and diminish every other day.


Sensitiveness and tightness of the scalp, soreness of he roots of the hairs, as from subcutaneous ulceration of the scalp.


Drowsiness, weariness, tremulousness. Quiet, deep. unrefreshing sleep, without dreams. REstless sleep. Sleep full of dreams, and stating, as in affright, from sleep. Nightmare, soon after lascivious dreams and painful erections. Torturing dreams, full of anguish.


Great languor, with yawning and stretching of the limbs. Violent dry heat over the whole body, sometimes uninterrupted, with turgescence of the veins. Slight diaphoresis. FEver : chilliness early in the morning, in bed, with colic, borborygmi, pulsations in the region of the stomach; or, chilliness the whole day, chattering of the teeth, great languor, he in the forehead in the evening, and extending over the whole body, thirst at night, painfulness of the whole body; or humming in the ears, thirst, eructations, great languor, trembling of he limbs, chilliness in the evening, dry heat Chilliness for half an hour between the paroxysms, with thirst, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, great weariness in. the lower limbs, swelling of the feet, sad melancholy thoughts. Feeble, small, soft, slow,. easily compressible, unequal pulse. Large. strong, almost undulating, frequent, quick and rather hard, accelerated pulse. Attacks of anxiety.


Vertigo, headache. Dullness forehead with vertigo and sensation as if he volume of the brain were enlarged. Heaviness of the head Periodically recurring beating pain in the right half of the forehead. Throning headache in the left side of the head, with trembling of the limbs and muscular debility, Rushes of blood to the head. Heat in the head in the region of the eyes, frequently dryness of the skin. Falling off the hair. The headache frequently commences in the morning, and continues the whole day until bedtime, or it make sits appearance in the afternoon and disappears in the evening, or it comes on at night, and continues the whole of next day; it is generally aggravated by stopping and motion, or in the evening.


Swelling about the eyes. Pressure in the eyes. Blackness before the eyes when exerting them; turns of darkness before the eyes.


Roaring in the ears, singing and tingling in the ears, frequently going and coming.


Bleeding at the nose the blood being thin and bright-red.


Pale, watched appearance, the eyes are sunken and surrounded with blue margins.


Thick, yellow coating of the root of he tongue, with moisture on the borders. Dry tongue, with yellowish tongue and thirst. Dryness of he mouth and fauces. Heat of the mouth and throat as if burnt. Increased secretion of saliva.


Great dryness in the throat and roughness early in the morning. Violent burning and intense heat in the throat.


Bitter or pappy taste. Loss of appetite. Hunger without appetite. Burning thirst the whole day. before dinner; nausea with desire to vomit, passing of soon. AFter dinner; constant yawning and stretching, nausea, distention of the abdomen, painful feeling of repletion and pressure in the stomach.


Frequent, empty, putrid, eructations, w with distention of the abdomen, borborygmi, thirst, heartburn, with good appetite. Nausea and frequent sour or empty eructations, with accumulation of water in the mouth, vomiturition, flatulence upwards or downwards, colicky pains, constipation. Vomiting. Cardialgia, Tightness in the region of the stomach, with acute pain. Great heat in the stomach, extending thence to the abdomen, chest, and head. Burning in the stomach and in the lower part of the oesophagus.


Distention of the abdomen and violent colic. Acute aching pain in the pit of the stomach. beating in the hypogastrium. Warmth in. epigastrium. Cutting in the epigastric region, in the right side, and continuing he whole day; rumbling in. the

abdomen, pain in the pit of the stomach, which is increase by pressure and continue she whole day, oppression in the chest, and hurried breathing. Constant griping and griping-lacerating pain in the left side of the abdomen. Warmth in the abdomen, great thirst, frequent urging to stool, with discharge of a small quantity of faces, and acute burning at the anus.


Urging to stool, with copious, soft, papescent, diarrhoeic evacuations, with tenesmus. Diarrhoea. Copious, dark, brown green, thick, or else hard, bloody stool in large balls, with cutting pins in the anus. Several hard evacuations with tenesmus. Sluggish stool. Constipation. Frequent intolerable itching at the anus, going off by scratching.


Increased secretion and emission of urine every other day, with burning sensation in the urethra. Diminished secretion and emission of urine. Turbid., saturated urine, containing a quantity of phosphoric acid. pale urine, with slimy, brown-green sediment. The urine which is emitted in the day time deposits a brickdust sediment.


Great excitement of the sexual instinct, with erections, in the afternoon. the menses appear a week before the time, and are much weaker than usual.


Hoarseness, sensation as if the throat and been burnt by a liquid, or as if something were lodged in the larynx. Roughness and scraping in the larynx. Loose cough, fatiguing, racking the head, and attended with an aching pain under the sternum.


Painful tightness across the chest. Loss of breath than walking fast. Wheezing breathing, oppression of the chest, hollow feeling in the chest, with fine stinging pains in. the throat.


Painful stiffness of the he nape of the neck. lacerating in the back, extending to the right shoulder, with painful tightness in. the nape of the neck, felt during motion,. Daring pains in. the whole the nape of the neck, felt during motion. Daring pains in the whole back, violent and constant between the shoulders. Pain as if bruised in the small of the back, in the evening.


Pains and drawing in. he limbs, particularly in the bones of the extremities. Weariness and sensation as if bruised in every limb. Tremor of the limbs and languor. the limbs go to sleep in any position, when sitting. Pain as if bruised in the region where the deltoid muscle is inserted, the pressure of the coat even occasions an excruciating pain. Lassitude of n the thighs, in the evening. languor in. the feet. OEdema about the malleoli.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.