CINA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CINA…


CIN. Semen Santonici. Mugwort of judea. Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura, ” II.


An., Arnica, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, Caps., Chamomilla, chin., Ferrum, Hepars., Ignatia, Ipecac.,, Oleand., Pos., Sabad. Silicea


Bryonia, China, Hyoscyamus, Ipecac.


DR. GRAY. It deserves attention in the bronchial catarrhs which remain after measles, especially such as have a kind of hectic fever with them.


Painful stitches here and there, in the outer parts of the turns, but especially in the outer parts of the trunk, but especially in the outer parts of he abdomen, when sitting. Dull stitches, sometimes with a crampy sensation, sometimes pressing, sometimes conveying the sensation on a shock or jerk, sometimes itching, in different parts of the body, in the limbs, arms, feet, toes, in the side, or in the back, nasal bone, especially in the posterior portion of the crest of the ilium,. and always in the parts of outer parts of those organs; when pressing on the part it feels bruised or sore. When sitting, he experiences cramp-like, contractive stitches alternately in. the muscle of the right and left thigh, how in the muscles of the left, then in those of the right upper arm, and sometimes along the small of the back from below upwards, resembling pain in the back, disappearing when walking in the open air Cramp-like lacerating when sitting, at times in the muscles of the left, at times in those of he right leg. or now in the muscles of the left, then in those of thorough fore-arm, disappearing when walking in the open air. Frequently only for moment. Stretching-lacerating pains in the arms and legs (for several days). the child is languid and sick. Moaning and groaning (in the afternoon). Painful sensitiveness in every limb of the body, when moving or touching it.


In the morning and evening the symptoms are most violent. Most of the symptoms appear at night, or when sitting. Pressure and contact aggravate or excite several symptoms.


Violent itching in. the night. Red, itching pimples, in the evening, disappearing speedily.


Great drowsiness when sitting. Drowsy the whole day. Nightly restlessness, frequent change of position, in order to be more comfortable. The child tosses forms is to side, even while awake. Sleepless. Tossing about when sleep. lamenting and complaining of colic. Wakes moaning, lamenting, sobbing, with restlessness. Sleep, with dreams full of trouble.


Tremor of the body while yawning, with sensation of countenance; cold cheeks. Fever vomiting of the ingesta, afterwards chilliness over the whole boy, followed by heat, with great thirst. Quotidian fever, at the same hour; chilliness, followed by breathing. Violent fever and heat. Feverish shuddering over the whole body, with hot cheeks. without thirst. Violent fever, with vomiting and diarrhoea. Heat in fever, mostly about the head, with yellow complexion and blue margins around the eyes. Burning heat over the whole face, with redness of the cheeks and this after cold drink. Trembling motion of the heart.


Anguish about the heart when walking in the air. The child is extremely disposed to weep and complain. Indifferent. Uneasiness.


Delirium, during the fever heat. Obscuration of sight, when rising from bed in the morning dizziness, faintishness staggering, relieved when lying down.


Violent headache. Dull headache, early in the morning, with soreness of the eyes. Pain in the outer parts of the forehead, pressing from above downwards. Aching pain in the head, the whole day. When walking in the open air he feels a stupefying headache, especially in the forepart of the head afterwards in the occiput. When sitting, stupefying, aching pain in the forehead and temples. Pressure on the frontal bone, with undulating sensation internally. Headache, as if the whole head were screwed in, with dullness of the head. The headache increases by reading and by reflection, and is diminished by stooping. Cramp-like drawing in the temples, increased by pressing upon the parts. Paralytic lacerating in the frontal eminence, with stupefaction of the head. Dull stitches in the brain, especially the left half of the vertex. As the headache disappears on oppressive pain in the abdomen sets in. Acute hydrocephalus of children.


Weariness and soreness of he eyes early in the morning, with dull headache. Dilatation of he pupils. Contraction of he pupils. When reading a book, his eye are dim. Dim and weak eyes. turning pain in the outer canthus, with itching, also in the margin Burning pain in the outer canthus, with itching, also in the margin of the upper eye-lid. (Burning in the eye-lids, especially on the inner canthus, in the evening, by candle- light.) Dryness of the eye-lids, in the evening, by candle- light-light.). Dryness of the eye-lids, in the evening, by candle-light, and a feeling of pressure in the eyes, as if and had got in. Feeling of dryness in the inner eye, and an aching, with drawing in the eyes, when exerting them ever so little by reading. Titillating itching in the canthi. Specks on the cornea. Chronic weakness of sight (from onanism), with photophobia and pressure in the eyes, as forms and.


Cramp-like in the external ear, like otalgia. Dull stitches under the mastoid process, a sort of crampy pressure;l when pressing on the parts the as in from a bruise or contusion. White and bluish color around the mouth. Bloated, bluish countenance.


Disposition to bore in the nose. Violent sneezing. Fluent coryza. Stoppage of he nose, in the evening, after fluent coryza at noon. Purulent discharge from the nose.


Paleness of the face, and sickly appearance around the eyes. Pain as if the malar bones wee seized with pincers and compressed; the pain increases by external pressure. Cramp-like jerking in the malar bone. Ulcer on the check, with hardness around.


Aching pain in the submaxillary glands. Toothache, as if the teeth were sore. The inspirated air and cold drink affect the tooth painfully. (Grinding of the teeth.).


Inability to swallow. Voraciousness. Canine hunger. Vomiting and diarrhoea after drinking thirst.

Gastric symptoms

Gulping up of a bitter sour fluid, shortly after a meal. Vomiting of lumbrici and ascarides. Inclination to vomit a meal. Vomiting of lumbrici and ascarides. Inclination to vomit with emptiness of he head. fRequent hiccough. Constant pressure in the stomach, in the night. Vomiting, with clean tongue. Bilious vomiting.


Cramp-like pressure after a meal, across the epigastrium, in the praecordial region. Digging up pain in the epigastric (praecordial) region, with sensation as of numberless little worms crawling about there as as if the pars were bruised. Continual pinching in the abdomen. Cutting pinching in the abdomen. Violent pain in the umbilicus, and the umbilical region, as if the umbilicus were forcibly pressed into the abdomen. Painful twisting around the umbilicus. Cutting pain in the small intestines, in the morning.


Diarrhoea. papescent stools. Faecal and bilious diarrhoea. White, involuntary diarrhoeic stools. Complaints arising from ascarides and lumbrici. (Voluptuous itching of the front part of the anus.).


Frequent desire to urinate, with copious emission, the whole day Turbid urine (immediately). Nocturnal enuresis. Involuntary emission of urine.


Haemorrhage from the uterus. Labor-like frequently occurring pains in. the abdomen, as if the menses would appear. Menses too early and profuse.


Deep breathing excites a disposition to cough. Titillation low down in the trachea, inducing cough, with expectoration of whitish mucus. Previous too coughing the child raises herself suddenly; the whole body looks rigid; she is without consciousness, a s if she would have an epileptic fit; these appearances are followed by cough. The child moans after coughing. Violent coughing fits from time to time. Hoarse cough, with vomiturition. Violent cough, with vomiturition, in the morning. Hollow cough, in the morning after rising. Violent cough in the morning. Dry, spasmodic cough with want of breath, and jactitation of the limbs. Whooping cough preceded by rigidity of the body and great paleness of face (particularly when the children are scrofulous, affected with worms, or nocturnal enuresis.).


Heavy, loud breathing. short breathing, sometimes interrupted. Loud wheezing in the trachea, during an inspiration. Asthma while standing. A kind of oppression of the chest. Soreness under the sternum. Sudden oppressive pain in the left side of the inspiration. Single stitches in the chest, from time to time. darting pains in the breast.


Pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back, not increased by motion, Paralytic drawing in the loins. Painful weariness in the loins. Pain in the loins and dorsal spine, when lying on the side or back. In the evening, when lying on one side, the spine aching as if broken. When lying on the back in bed, the spine is painful. Drawing lacerating pain along the whole spinal column. Aching in the scapula, when moving them. Feeling of lameness in the nape of the neck.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.