CIMEX LECTULARIUS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CIMEX LECTULARIUS…


CIM. LECT. Common Bed bug. this proving is by W. whale, M. D.,

of Rome, Italy, one of the earliest disciples of Hahnemann. the second and third trituration has been used in his provings.


the whole right side is principally affected. Every movement or extension of a limb caused a feeling of painful rigidity in. the tendons of the extensor muscles., Pains in the recti-femorum muscles, with oppression of the chest, shortness of breathing, and frequent deep inspirations, with sensation as if he would like to wide within himself. Intermitting pulse in a few hours, with slight chills.


Great weariness in the limbs, with drowsiness.


Frequent yawning, with a feeling of coldness on the skin, and a sensation as if the wind were bowing on her knees. REstless sleep. Occasional chilliness, succeeded by dry heat. At the setting in of the chilly stage her hands become clenched, when co, she become vehement, would like to tear everything to pieces, and is scarcely able to restrain her rage. Evening-chilliness without thirst, her feet become cold first, after this she experiences a cold shuddering, as if central of he vertex, for two hours. During the chilliness all his centre of he vertex, from two hours. During the chilliness all his joints are painful, as if the tendons aware to short, particularly the knee-joints, which are entirely contracted; he is unable to extend them. during the chilly stage, oppression of the chest. Chilliness with pains in. the muscle of the thighs and knee – joints, the limbs are contacted. At the termination of the chilly stage, uneasiness in the lower limbs, as if tired by walking. A good deal of thirst before the chilly stage. After the chilliness the feels thirstily, and when he drinks is attacked with violent headache. Tertian fever: Stretching, yawning, and great drowsiness during the chilly stage, hands and feet feel dead. Febrile. motion, with nausea and inclination to vomit. Constipation for six days during he fever, he is obliged to urinate soon after, the urine being very hot, brown, and depositing a sediment. Sweat in. the nights, when free from fever with amelioration of the symptoms.


Dullness of the head, m as if headache would set in. Drawing during pain.


Fluent coryza, with pressure in the frontal sinuses.


Itching of the gums.


The tongue is line with a dingy-white coating and feels swollen, as if it had been burnt; a feeling as if burnt is experienced in the region of the tongue and occasions a taste as of iron.


Dryness of the throat, obliging her to drink, and whole dry.


Sour eructations, sometimes attended with a frothy mucus proceeding from the stomach. Throwing up of acid saliva or food with gagging.


Pain in the liver, as if it had been strained by bending the right side inwards; the spot is painful when coughing, or when touching it. colic then liquid stool, and ineffectual urging at night. Colic, terminating in emission of flatulence.


Urging to stool, with inability. Stool, with haemorrhoidal sufferings.


Frequent erections in the morning. How feeling on the inner side of the labia.


Scraping sensation under the upper portion of the sternum, with a continual irritation inducing a short barking cough. Dry cough, with painful tightness on the left side of the trachea and the middle of the lower portion of the breast, extending as far as the liver. Paroxysms of scraping cough, occasioning a gagging, with pains in the middle of the chest; the sternum is painful to the touch.


Pains in the small of the back, extending over the abdomen, with distention of the abdomen. Drawing and pain about the scapula. With distention of the abdomen. Drawing and pain about the scapula.


Painful sensation in the right shoulder and the anterior muscles of the chest, extending through the whole arm down to the nails, and occasions a sensation as if he fingers had gone to sleep.


Great weariness in. the loins, for a while.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.