CHININUM MURIATICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CHININUM MURIATICUM…


CHIN. MUR. Muriate or Hydrochlorate of Quinine.

SYMPTOMS. Great languor. Light night-sleep. Redness of the face in the evening. Slight giddiness on rising. Excessive desire for a an embrace, with erection and loss of semen (accompanied with redness of the face). Oppression of the chest, with pressure under the sternum. Pain in all the limbs, early in the morning.

(These symptoms were observed by Noack, upon a man of sixty grains.).

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.