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CHENOPEDII GLAUCI APHIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CHENOPEDII GLAUCI APHIS…


CHEN. The Louse on the oak-leaved Goose-foot. “Archiv,” XV.,



The limbs feel bruised, with drawing lacerating in thee temples, ears, decayed touch, shoulders, upper arms, tibiae, and bottoms of the feet; feeling of weariness, particularly in thee legs; languid and prostrate, in the evening. Sleeplessness at night, without great pains, lascivious dreams and emissions. Frequent slight chills over the skin, particularly the back; burning in the palms of the hands, with disposition to sweat in those parts, in the forenoon, with rapid pulse; pulse accelerated, particularly in the evening during fluent coryza, or quick and tight, early in the morning, with hot breath and dry lips; great disposition to sweat in the face, from daybreak; warm sweat or general exhalation, early in the morning, in bed.


Dullness of the head, in the evening, as from a cold, with flushes of heat in the face; violent pressure and pushing in the forehead or occiput, aggravated by movement, with sensation as if the brain were balancing to and fro; drawing lacerating in the scalp. Burning of the eye-lids. Lacerating in the ears.


Soreness of the nostrils. Violent sneezing, attended with soreness in the larynx. Coryza, with burning and biting in the margins of the nose. Fluent coryza, with accelerated pulse, coldness of the legs, and a chill over thee back.


Complexion pale, yellowish; flushes of heat in the face, with catarrhal dullness of the head, in the evening; dryness of the lips, particularly early in the morning; painful lacerating in a decayed molar tooth: afterwards in all the teeth of the right side, extending to the ear, temple, and malar bone; aggravation of the toothache in bed, and amelioration by general warm sweat breaking out afterwards.


Scraping in the region of the palate; burning biting; cutting burning, particularly during an inspiration, inflammatory redness. In the throat: scraping and burning, as from some acrid substance, with feeling of dryness, and increased secretion of mucus.


Frequent pinching in the abdomen, particularly at night, or in the daytime, with urging to stool, and increased emission of flatulence. Congestion of blood to the organs in the pelvis.


Ineffectual urging, with pressure on the bladder and rectum. The evacuations are papescent, liquid, generally attended with burning at the anus and return of the urging, or with pinching in the abdomen and flatulence, before and during stool; discharges of liquid mucus, early in the morning, with bloody spots, pinching the abdomen, pressing on thee rectum and bladder, and pressing headache. Afterwards the stools become harder, but are attended with painful pressing on thee bladder and rectum, and sometimes with evacuation of bloody mucus. Drawing lacerating in the rectum.


Drawing lacerating in the bladder; pressing on thee bladder, particularly with the ineffectual urging to stool; irritation in the urethra, as from acridity, obliging him to urinate frequently. Frequent and copious emission of a saturated, yellow foaming urine, attended with an acrid sensation in the urethra; in the evening thee urine is foaming, brownish-red, depositing a thick, yellowish sediment, during thee night.


Burning scraping in the larynx, as from acridity; titillating burning or stinging, particularly in the open air during wet and cold weather, with constant irritation in the larynx, obliging him to cough. Cough from irritation in the throat.


Pain as if bruised in the limbs, with drawing lacerating in the shoulders and upper arms, or from the knees to the feet. Feeling of weariness in the legs. Cold feet, up to the knees.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.