CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS…


Matricaria Chamomilla, Chamomile. Hahnemann’s “Materia Medica pura,” ll. Duration of action: three or four days.


Acon Acor., Ambr., Arnica, Baryta, Belladonna, Borax, Bryonia, Camph., Caps., Causticum, Chamomilla, China., Cocc., Coffea, Ferrum, Graphites, Helleborus, Hyoscyamus, Petroleum, Phosph., Pulsatilla, Rheum., That., Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Sulphur


Antidotes are Coffea, Ign, and Pulsatilla; Aconite relieves the lacerating and drawing pain, when they are felt less during motion. Chamomilla is an excellent antidote to Coffee unless Nux-v. corresponds more exactly to the symptoms to be removed. Persons who feel injurious effects from Coffee whenever they take any, cannot be relieved by Chamomilla; they must give up the use of Coffee altogether.


Weakness of the hands and feet. Cracking in the joints especially those of the lower limbs, and pain in the same as if bruised, nevertheless no real weariness. Simple pain in all he joints during motion, as if they were stiff and would break. Bruised pain of all the joints, or as if worn out; hands and feet have lost their strength, but without any real weariness. Heaviness in all the limbs. Pain in the periosteum of all the limbs, with paralytic weakness. Lacerating pain in the limbs, which can only be appeased by constantly turning from side to side in the bed. Evening-attack of lacerating pains. Drawing, lacerating jerks in the long bones of the limbs or in the tendons. General stiffness, for a short period. Sensation of paralysis in the parts in which the pain had abated. Weariness, especially of the feet. Weakness. Dreads all kinds of labor. Weakness, which is greater during rest than motion. Excessive weakness in the morning when rising from bed. Fainting fit. Qualmishness about the heart, the feet feel suddenly paralyzed, and the limbs feel worn out. Hysteric paroxysms of weakness and fainting. Convulsive, single twitchings of the limbs, when on the point of falling asleep. Twitchings in the limbs and eye- lids. Convulsions of children. The child lies insensible, with frequent changes in the countenance, distorts the eyes and facial muscles; rattling in the chest, with cough; the child yawns and stretches the limbs. Cataleptic fits, with hippocratic countenance, coldness of the extremities, half-closed eyes and dilated pupils, without lustre. Epileptic spasms, with foam at the mouth, colic before, and sopor after the attack. Emaciation and atrophy of scrofulous children.


Red rash on the cheeks and forehead, without heat. Small red spots on the skin, the spots being covered with rash-pimples. Thick clusters of red pimples on a red spot on the skin, itching specially in the night, and somewhat smarting, in the region of lumbar vertebrae and the side of the abdomen. Rash of infants and nursing females. Jaundice. Sore places on the skin, especially in children. The skin becomes unhealthy, and every injury ulcerates. An existing ulcer becomes painful. Darting and lancinating pain in the ulcer. Burning and smarting pain in the ulcer, at night with creeping and excessive sensitiveness to the touch. Erysipelas. Extreme irritability and sensitiveness of the nervous system, with excessive sensitiveness to pain. Great sensitiveness to the wind and currents of air.


Excessive drowsiness. Soporous conditions, with feverish

restlessness, short breathing, and thirst. Nightly sleeplessness, with fits of anguish. He imagines he hears the voice of absent persons in the night. Sleep full of fanciful dreams. Morning when asleep. Weeping and howling when asleep. Quarrelsome vexatious dreams. He starts in his sleep. Starting, uttering sudden cries, tossing about, and talking while asleep. He feels an excessive anguish when in bed, but non out of it. Snoring breathing when asleep. Snorting inspirations when asleep Coma-vigil, or inability to open the eyes; slumber without any sleep, quick expiration, and lacerating headache in the forehead, with inclination to vomit.


He feels a shuddering in some parts, in the face, over the arms, with or without external coldness. He is cold, with shuddering from the back to the abdomen. He shudders when uncovering himself. Shuddering in the open air. Coldness, in the evening when lying down, with a sort of deafness, inclination to vomit, uneasiness, tossing about in bed, a sort of stupefaction of the head, and diminished sensibility of the skin. Icy coldness of the cheeks, hands, and feet, with burning heat of the forehead, neck, chest. Coldness of the whole body, with burning heat in the face. Violent internal chilliness, without coldness of the outer parts, except the feet, with thirst; afterwards great heat with sweat. Intermittent fever, with nightly exacerbation, pressure in the pit of the stomach, nausea, vomiting of bile, colic, diarrhoea, painful micturition. Inflammatory fevers. Typhoid fevers. Gastric fevers, and particularly bilious, after anger and chagrin. Chilliness in the afternoon, with violent nausea in the abdomen, accompanied by a throbbing-stinging headache in the forehead, aggravated by lying down. (Fever: chills in the afternoon; he is unable to get warm, with ptyalism, bruised pain in the back and side, and dull aching pain in the forehead; next night excessive heat with violent thirst and sleeplessness.) Chilliness in the evening, sweat and thirst in the night. Burning cheeks in the evening, with chilliness, particularly at night; or in the evening. Anguish during the heat. Internal heat with shuddering. External heat with shuddering. Glowing heat of the cheeks, with thirst and involuntary moaning. Feverish heat and redness of the cheeks, with tossing about and delirium, eyes open. Sensation of external heat, without any heat being present. Dry tongue, desire for water, want of appetite, flushes of heat, sweat in the face, palpitation of the heart, followed by an unnatural hunger. Unquenchable thirst and dry tongue. General morning-sweat, with smarting sensation of the skin, during or after the heat, with sour sweat. General night-sweat, without sleep.


Repeated attacks of anguish in the daytime. Anguish as if he had to go to stool. Tremulous anguish with palpitation of the heart. Excessive restlessness, anguish, agonizing tossing about, with lacerating pains in the abdomen, followed by dullness of sense and intolerable headache. Hypochondriac anxiety. Cardialgia, he is beside himself with anguish, moans and sweats profusely. Crying and howling. Fits for some minutes, every two or three hours the child stretches his body, bends backwards, kicks with his feet. Weeping uneasiness. The child is not still till carried on the arm. Tremulous tendency to start. Crying on account of a very trifling, and often imaginary offence, which frequently is very old. Is unable to stop talking about old vexatious things. Peevishness and ill-humor; he is dissatisfied with everything that others do. He inclines to be angry and out of humor. Excessively sensitive to all odors. Irritated mood. Inclining to be quarrelsome and angry. She seeks a cause for quarrelling Moaning and groaning from lowness of spirits. Taciturn.


Vertigo when stooping or talking. Vertigo after a meal as if the head would fall to one side. Vertigo when rising from bed, as if intoxicated. Vertigo and dim-sightedness after lying down, with flushes of heat. Vertigo as if one would faints. Dullness of comprehension. Absence of mind. Vanishing of thought.


Dull, aching pain in the head, when sitting or reflecting. Headache, the head feels heavy and bruised. Oppressive heaviness in the head. Pain in the head as if it would burst, on waking. Lacerating pain in the forehead, returning by starts. Drawing headache in one side. Lancinating pain in the forehead, extending into the chest. Lacerations and lancinations in the temples, from within outwards. Violent stitches in the brain. Stinging headache. Throbbing headache. Darting pain in the forehead, especially after a meal. The left temple is swollen and painful to the touch. Gnawing itching of the skin of the forehead. Megrim, hysteric nervous headache; catarrhal headache, particularly after suppression of sweat.


Swelling and agglutination of the eye-lids in the morning, with swelling of the eye; red swelling of the lids Yellowness of the whites. Hemorrhage from the eyes. Pressure in the eyes, the eyes and lids are inflamed and full of gum in the morning particularly in new-born infants or arthritic individuals or after a cold. Aching pain in the upper eye-lid, when moving the eyes and shaking thee head. Twitchings of the eyes and lids; spasmodic closing of the lids. Distortion of the eyes. Violent stitches in the eyes. Sensation as if fire and heat came out of the eyes. Luminous oscillations before the eyes. Dim- sightedness, with chilliness.


Lacerating in the ears, otalgia. Dull hearing in the evening. Humming in the ears, as from the rushing of water. Tingling in the ears. Drawing and tensive pain in the ears. Discharge from the ears. Inflammatory swelling of the parotid gland.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.