CAUSTICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CAUSTICUM …


CAUST. Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” 111. Duration of Action: fifty days.


Am., Asa-f., Belladonna, Calcarea, Chamomilla, Coffea, Coloc., Cuprum, Ignatia, Lachesis,., Mercurius, Natr., Nux-v., Phosph., Phos-ac., Rhus., Stann., Sulphur, Veratr. Is most frequently indicated after: Asa-f., Cuprum, Lash., Sepia After Causticum are frequently suitable: Sepia, Stann.


Coffea, Coloc., Nitr-spir., Nux-v.


Crampy pain in different parts of the body. Painful pressure in the limbs in the arms and thighs. Drawing in different parts of the limbs. Arthritic pains in all the limbs. Lacerating, especially in the joint and bones. Sticking pains in almost every part of the body. Pain, when sitting, as if the whole body had been bruised, especially the arms; this pain goes off during work and in the open air. Every part of the body feels painful when touched, as if it had been bruised by blows. Stiffness in all the joints, in a sitting or recumbent posture, with difficulty of recovering the natural mobility of the limbs. Tingling in the upper and lower extremities as if they would go to sleep. Flushes of heat and uneasy feeling after walking. Profuse sweat when walking in the open air. Epileptic spasmodic fits, with screams, violent movements of the limbs, gnashing of the teeth, smiling or weeping, half-open eyes staring look, involuntary emission of urine, renewal of the paroxysms by cold water, occurrence of the paroxysms after colic and headache, with emission of a quantity of urine, and closing of the eyes after the attack.


The primary effects of this drug appear to be slower than those of the other antipsorics. Coffee appears to aggravate the symptoms. When walking in the open air, and in the evening, the symptoms appear to be aggravated. The symptoms which have come on in the open air disappear in the room, except some aching in the forehead.


Very sensitive to cold. Great liability to take cold. Itching of the whole body, at night, with dry heat, especially of the head and face. back and calves. Itching of the whole body, with redness, resembling that of scarlatina. Nodosities under the skin. Large vesicles, on the chest and back, with anguish in the chest (orthopnoea) and fever, consisting of chilliness, heat, and sweat. A pimple on the index-finger is changed to a wart. Itching eruption. Itch-like eruptions. Burns (outward application). Injuries of the skin, which have been healed, become sore again, and begin to suppurate. Warts, with pain and inflammation. Varices, also painful. Seething of the blood. Uneasiness in the whole body, especially the head. Intolerable uneasiness in the limbs in the evening. Uneasiness in the body, and anguished about the heart, when sitting. Weakness and trembling in all the limbs. Unsteadiness of the limbs, as in intoxication. He feel tired, worn out, and the whole body feels painful as if bruised, as if some severe illness would befall him. Failing of strength, as if as if fainting. Tottering gait of children and liability to fall. Convulsive starting of the limbs, in the evening. Convulsive fit. Uterine spasm: pain alternately in the abdomen, stomach, chest, and small of the back, obliging her to stoop; she was unable to keep herself erect without suffering the most violent pains; she could not bear the pressure of clothes on the stomach, or eat even the lightest king of food, without feeling the most violent pain in the abdomen and stomach.


Languor and drowsiness, which one is scarcely able to conquer. Great drowsiness and weariness in the daytime. Sleep does not refresh her. Great drowsiness, even when in company. Sleeplessness at night, on account of dry heat. He is unable to find rest in any position of the body; every part of it aches as if it were pressed upon. Bruised sensation after midnight. Lancinating head ache the whole night, especially in the orbits. Nightly dryness of the mouth. Great nausea on waking from the evening-sleep. Uneasiness and jerking in the abdomen, preventing sleep. Violent colic in the neighborhood of the groin, the pain commences in the leg from sleep. Dry cough at night, disturbing sleep. Drawing pain in the humeri, at night, which prevents sleep. General sweat with uneasy sleep. Shuddering at night, on waking. Violent internal chills about midnight, especially in the extremities, with lancinating pain in the back, followed by general sweat, with humming and heaviness in the head. Chills towards morning, during sleep. Uneasiness at night, in bed, with violent and very anxious weeping, and indistinct speed Anguish in the evening previous to falling asleep. Anguish and uneasiness at night, preventing sleep. At night, when asleep, his arms and legs move about in every direction. Talking in sleep. Disagreeable dreams. Anxious dreams. Starting as in affright when falling asleep. Frequent starting from sleep as with fright. Coldness, frequently, with coldness of the hands and feet.


Sensation as if a cold wind were blowing on the parts between the scapulae, in the middle of the spinal column. A good deal of internal chilliness, every day. Chills and shuddering, sometimes with goose-flesh, also in the warm room, or in the open air, and then passing off in the room. Frequent shuddering. Shuddering, with goose-flesh the whole day. Shuddering, with goose-flesh and urging, the stool being very soft, and accompanied by painful colic; afterward general chilliness with external coldness, soon passing off in the room. Chilliness in the lower extremities, in the afternoon, extending up to the back, accompanied by lassitude. He is either chilly or perspires. Heat over the whole body, without sweat or thirst; followed by coolness, which gradually becomes general, with yawning and stretching of the arms. Night-sweat. Sour smelling night-sweat. A good deal of sweat when walking in the open air.


Sad, whining mood, as if beside one’s self. Melancholy mood. Anxious, and it stupefied in the head. Excessive anxiety. Despondency, disinclination to business, excessive physical depression and failing of strength. Discouragement. Full OF Apprehensions in the evening. Hopelessness. When closing her eyes she sees nothing but terrible visions and distorted human faces. Excessing irritated of the mind. Tendency to start. Apple pension about the future. Out of humor and taciturn. Vexed, irritated mood. Very sensitive, irritable, and vehement. Sensitive and disposed to anger, with great nervous irritability. Hypochondriac despondency. Indisposed to work. At times desponding, at times excessively merry. Dullness of the head.


Weakness of memory. Absence of mind. Cloudiness of the mind. Momentary painful tightness and dullness of the head, almost resembling a dull throbbing headache; passing off after a meal. Dizzy in the morning on waking, with painful dullness of the head. The head feels stupefied and intoxicated. Vertigo, with feeling as of intoxication; absence of mind, with weakness of the head; abating in the open air. Violent vertigo.


Headache, with nausea. Stupefying pain in the forehead. Pain in the upper part of the head, as if the brain were torn or dashed to pieces, especially in the morning on waking. The whole brain is painful when shaking the head. Nightly headache, as if an ulcer were in the head. An occasional pressure deep in the head, with heaviness. Aching in every part of the head, with pinching in the ear and boring toothache. A drawing aching in the fore part of the forehead. Contractive pressure in the forehead, in the open air. Compressive headache. Feeling in the head as if everything would issue through the forehead, when stooping. Tight and drawing headache between the eyes. Drawing pain the occiput. Continued lacerating in the eyes. Drawing pain in the head. Lancination through the head. Stitches and warmth in the head. Stitches in the temples A sort of lancinating headache, in the morning on waking, and continuing almost the whole day. Tightness and stitches from the lower part of the forehead to the vertex. Jerking and pinching pain in the head. Jerks and violent shocks through the head, every minute. Beating and throbbing in the top of the head, as if the brain would come out, in the morning after rising. Throbbing pain, painful throbbing in the cerebral arteries. Seething of the blood in the head, as if one were intoxicated, passing off in the open air. Roaring in the head, in the evening. Congestion of blood to the head, with heat. Burning pain in the forehead, as if the brain were inflamed.


Sensation of numbness in the occipital bone. Painfulness of the hairy scalp when rubbing it. Tension of the integuments of the head. Lacerating and burning in the hairy scalp, in front of the vertex. Itching of the hairy scalp. Falling off of the hair.


Pressure in the orbits and behind the eyes. Pressure in the eyes as if sand were in them. Pressure as from a swelling in the upper eye-lid, as if a stye would form. Pressure in the eye as if it were distended. Lacerating and pressure in the eyes. Itching of the lower eye-lid and its inner surface, accompanied with burning when touching or moving the eye. Smarting and pressure in the eyes, which feel heavy, with redness of the eye-lids. Burning in the eyes without redness. Burning and dryness of the eyes, with pricking and photophobia. Inflammation of the eyes, with burning and aching. Periodical inflammation of the eye-lids, with dry gum between the lashes. Inflammation of the eyes of scrofulous individuals. Friction in the eyes, as from sand. Suppuration of the eyes. Lachrymation even in the room, but mostly in the open air. Difficulty of opening the eyes, with sensation as if the lids were swollen, mostly early in the morning. Inveterate warts on the brows. Obscuration of sight. Obscuration of sight,, as if a gauze were drawn over the eyes, when standing. When looking at a thing too long the objects before him begin to waver and become confused. Movement before the eyes as of a swarm of insects. Flitting to and fro before the eyes as of wavelets of light. Fiery sparks before the eyes, even by day. Photophobia, his eyes are painful when moved and looking at the light of day. Incipient.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.