CARBO ANIMALIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CARBO ANIMALIS…


CARB. A. Animal Charcoal. Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” III Duration of Action: forty days.


Bovista Calcarea, Carb.-v., Ignatia, Ipecac., Mercurius Natr. mur., Rhododendron, Selenium, Silicea, and thee remedies which are analogous to Carb. v.




Aching in the joints and muscles. Pressure in the stomach, the chest, and sometimes in the abdomen pain in thee arms and legs as if they had been pressed with the fingers. Lacerating and drawing pain in the fingers and toes. Stiffness of the limbs, after sitting. Sensation ass if hand and feet would go to sleep, frequently. The arms and legs go to sleep, the former when leaning upon them, the latter when laying them across each other. Feeling of numbness in all the limbs, also in the head. All the limbs feel bruised, especially during motion. The ligaments of the elbows and knees are painful when lying down. The joints of the body feel bruised, severed, weak. Feeling in the joints as if broken. Cracking in the joints. Vacillating gait, as if caused by some external force. Heaviness and trembling of the arms and legs. Throbbing and beating in the whole body, worse in the evening. Seething of the blood, without heat. Weakness and want of energy of the whole body, with dullness of the head. Easily exhausted by walking. A good deal of sweat when walking in the open air. Tired and sleepy after walking. Paroxysms: vertigo. Laziness and indisposition for any kind of mental or physical labor, the whole day. Languid, anxious, and melancholy, especially in the afternoon. The whole day as if in a state of slumber, indolent, deaf, dimsighted, peevish, and gloomy. Dull and drowsy in the forenoon, more so after dinner. Lassitude in the morning, with sadness.


Itching over the whole body, especially in the evening when in bed. Smarting over the whole body.


Great drowsiness. Sleeplessness. Hot and restless, at night. Uneasy sleep, interrupted by frequent waking. When falling asleep, she starts up as if she would fall. Anguish and seething of the blood, she had to sit up. Pain in the joints, at night. Cramp in the thighs and legs, at night. Bleeding at the nose, languor, and sensation as if the body were bruised, at night. Trembling in the interior of the limbs, in the evening when falling asleep, with twitching in the knees, legs, and feet. Ptyalism during sleep. Moaning. Loud talking, weeping when asleep, and sobbing when waking. Sleep full of vivid fancies.


Great chilliness in the daytime. Constant chilliness, with icy- cold feet. Some shuddering, with thirst, every other day, towards evening; afterwards violent dry heat. Chilliness over the whole body, afterwards heat, when lying down. At night, when in bed, his head and the upper part of his body were hot, the legs were cold plus, getting warm only gradually. Heat and thirst at night, without either previous chilliness or succeeding sweat. Night-heat, with moist skin. Sweat coloring the linen yellow. Profuse night-sweat. Sweat about the head, at night. Exhausting night-sweats. Fetid night-sweats.


Melancholy, low-spirited, sad, or taciturn. Home-sickness. Anxious and desponding. Shy and timid. Hopelessness. Peevish. Angry and full of wrath. Excessively merry.


Weakness of memory. Gloominess in the head, early in the morning. Dizziness in the head, and drowsiness, as if one had not slept enough. In the morning his head is confused. Sudden stupefaction in repeated attacks. Sudden stupefaction when moving the head or walking. Vertigo. Vertigo, with blackness of sight. Feeling of giddiness in the head, as if he would be attacked with qualms of sickness, accompanied by a watery mist before the eyes. Vertigo with nausea, when raising the head after stooping. Vertigo, towards seven o’clock in the evening; when raising her head everything turned with her; on rising from her chair she reeling to and fro.


Heaviness of the head, in the morning, with dim-sightedness and watery eyes. Heaviness in the forehead when stooping, with sensation as if the brain would fall forward; when raising her

head, vertigo. Heaviness of the head, especially the occiput and the left side, with dullness of the head. Pain in the top of the head, the place feeling sore externally. Pressure and sense of dullness in the whole of the head, after dinner, and continuing until evening. Aching in both temples. Tightness in the head, every day. Pain in the vertex, as if the skull had been blown to pieces, or were open. Lacerating and throbbing in the whole of the head, relieved by pressure. Pain over and in the root of the nose, as if the parts were bruised. Boring pain in the temporal bone, extending to the malar bone. Boring and drawing pains about the head, accompanied by lacerating; increasing when the head becomes cool. Stitches in the head, especially in the temples. Stitches and throbbing in the occiput. Beating and lancinating pain in the vertex, as if the head would burst, when walking. Congestion of blood to the head, with dullness of the head. Heat in the head, with anguish, in the evening when in bed when in bed, relieved by rising. Feeling as if the brain were loose, during motion, attended with pain. Pain as from ulceration. Violent itching in the hairy scalp. Eruption and scurfs. Hard tumor on the forehead. Falling off of the hair.


Pressure in the eye. Stitches in the eyes. Stitches, burning, and moistening of the eyes, with previous itching. Itching and pressure in the eyes, in the daytime. Smarting and burning in the external canthus. Weakness in the eyes. Great weakness in the eyes, in the evening. Running of the eyes, when rising in the morning. Dimness before the eyes, as if she saw through mist. The eyes are continually dim. Sense as of filaments floating before the eyes. Light hurts the eyes.


Cramp in the ears, extending as far as the oesophagus, on the left side, rendering deglutition difficult. Drawing in the ear. Stitches in the ears. Discharge from the ears. A kind of swelling of the periosteum behind the right ear. Swelling of the parotid glands. The hearing is weak and dull. Weak, confused hearing. Humming in the ears.


Redness and swelling of the nose; it feels sore inside. Swelling of the nose and the mouth. Bleeding at the nose, succeeding a pressure and feeling of dullness in the head. Stoppage of the nose, especially the left nostril. Dry coryza, with want of breath in the nose; early in the morning on waking, going off after rising, or from forenoon till evening. Fluent coryza, with loss of smell, yawning, and sneezing.


The skin of the face is painful. Lacerating or shooting in the jaws or malar bone. Heat in the face and head, in the afternoon. Eruption on the cheeks like red spots. Yellowness of the face. Copper-colored eruption in the face. Numerous pimples in the face, without sensation. Erysipelas of the face. Swelling of the mouth. The lips are chapped. Bleeding of the lips. Vesicles on the lips.


Drawing in the teeth, with flying heat in the face. Continual drawing in the left molar teeth, especially in the afternoon. Drawing in a left molar tooth of the lower jaw, at night, every time she wakes. Drawing and darting pains in the nerves of the molar teeth, coming on suddenly while eating bread. Lacerating toothache, especially in the hollow teeth. Grumbling in the teeth, when touching them, worse in the evening. The upper and lower teeth feel elongated, they vacillate. Great looseness of the teeth, she is unable to chew the softest food without feeling pain. The gums are pale and painful, as if ulcerated. The gums are red and swollen and very painful. Drawing pain in the gums. Bleeding of the gums.


Vesicles in the mouth, which cause a sense as of burning. Burning of the tip of the tongue, and roughness in the mouth. Mouth and tongue are immovable, with difficult, drawling and very low speech. Dryness of the mouth, particularly of the tongue and palate.


Sore throat as if ulcerated, or as of a blister. Scraping in the throat, attended with ptyalism. Soreness and burning, like heartburn, in the throat, extending down to the stomach, worse towards evening, at night, and in the morning, relieved after rising and after a meal. Sense as of burning in the throat. Pressure in the throat, when swallowing.


Bitter taste every morning, passing off after rising. Bitter, sour, or putrid taste. Great thirst. No appetite. Repugnance to cold drink. Violent hunger in the morning. Ravenous hunger.


Great weakness of the digestion, with derangement of the digestive powers from every meal. Eating meat is followed by long-lasting nausea and inclination to vomit. Internal chilliness when commencing the meal. Anguish in the chest after a meal. Pressure in the stomach after eating. Asthma shortly after a meal. Palpitation of the heat after a meal. Eructations tasting of the food. Putrid eructation almost continually. Sour eructations; suppressed eructations, with pain. Acrid heartburn. Nausea and inclination to vomit, which is felt in the stomach in the morning after rising, with heat, anguish, and rising of sourish water into the mouth, accompanied by general lassitude. Inclination to water-brash, with nausea, in the stomach, at night.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.