BOVISTA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy BOVISTA…


BOV. Lycoperdon Bovista, Puff-ball. Hartlaub and Trinks, III. Duration of action; upwards of fifty days.


Belladonna, Bryonia, Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Kali., Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Stron., Veratr.




General languor, with oppressive anxiety, eructations, nausea, bloatedness of the abdomen, emission of flatulence, yawning, stretching, and disposition to sleep; great lassitude, the whole day, particularly after a walk in the open air, with languor, debility, particularly in the shoulder-joints, arms, and hands, which let the lightest things drop; great lassitude, particularly in the hands and feet, also in the bends of the knees. Stretching of the arms, without drowsiness. Fainting turn, at noon, when sitting down, with sensation as if the objects around him were turned the wrong side up. Pain as if bruised in the whole body, particularly in the articulations of the arms, and in the abdominal muscles, during motion and contact.


Itching of various parts, particularly in the evening, of the arms, with biting and burning, particularly early in the morning after washing. *Moist scurfy herpes, looking like red pimples. Pimples on the whole body, also red pimples, with itching.


Drowsiness. Restless sleep. Many dreams. Anxious dreams.


Chilliness and coldness even near the warm stove. Coldness. Heat, with anxiety, with restlessness; frequent attacks of heat, with oppression of the chest; heat, with thirst. Quotidian fever every evening at seven o’clock, violent chilliness commencing in the back, with thirst, followed by drawing pain in the abdomen. Attacks of seething of the blood, with thirst.


Uneasiness, sometimes accompanied with oppressive anxiety, and an alternation of cold feeling in the body, and warmth and heaviness in the abdomen. Sad and desponding, particularly when alone, with listlessness, also with languor in the evening. Ill- humor, vexed mood, with violent headache, also with oppressive anxiety, and dullness of the head. Great sensitiveness of feeling. Great indifference to everything around him.


Weakness of memory; unmeaning staring; great absence of mind. Dullness of the head, particularly in stooping; heaviness, with gloom, or with dullness and sensation as if bruised, in the evening. Dizziness, early in the morning, sometimes amounting to stupefaction. Vertigo, with stupefaction, early in the morning. Giddiness, everything turning in a circle, also particularly early in the morning, o rising.


Dull pain, with languor; stupefying pain, particularly i the forehead, or in the vertex, with heat of the eyes. Pad, sometimes pressure, with ill-humor, beating, or heaviness. Heaviness of the head, sometimes accompanied with despondency, inability to think, and pain in the forehead above the nose, aggravated in a recumbent posture. Contractive pain Sensation as if both sides of the head were pressed towards one another, after a walk in the open air. Distensive pain in the head. Lacerating in the sunspot and forehead, with heaviness on stooping, and burning in thee right eye; lacerating, with pressure above the eyes, and in the region of the root of the nose; in the vertex, with pain as if bruised on touching the parts; in the temples, accompanied with digging and will confusion in those parts; lace rating in the whole head, with heaviness and sensation as if bruised with lancinations in the forehead, extending to the ear. Stitches in the forehead, also in different parts of the head. Beating in the head, as if there were an abscess, or with a sensation of wild confusion, the beating is excited by cold air. Feeling as if bruised in the right side, extending into the eye, early in the morning; in the left vertex, also when touching the parts. The headache is deep-seated; the head feels enlarged during the pain; inability to raise the head at night, on account of the pain. The scalp is extremely sensitive to the touch. Itching of the hairy scalp, particularly when getting warm in the bed. Pimples or reddish vesicles on the hairy scalp. with itching; scattered pimples on the forehead. Sore places on the hairy scalp, with itching. Falling off of the hair.


Pressure in the eyes, with lachrymation or redness. Itching in the eyes and ears. Burning in the eyes, with heat of the cheeks as if they would burst. Inflammation of the left eye, redness of the canthi. Nightly agglutination of the eyes. Lachrymation, early in the morning. Dim eyes, without lustre. Dim sight, in the morning on rising, as if a gauze were before the eyes. Objects seem to be too near the eye.


Drawing in the interior of the ears; stinging, ticking, as of something that is lodged in the ears; twitching in the outer ear. Ulcer in the right ear, with pain when swallowing; diminution of chronic discharge of fetid pus from the ears. Hardness of hearing with itching or humming in the ears. Rushing noise in the ears.


Itching in front of the nose. Sore burning in the both nostrils; scurfs and crusts about the nostrils; scurfy pustules under the nose Constant feeling as of catarrh of the nose, with desire to blow, with swelling of the nose; fluent coryza, with thin mucus, with dullness of the head. Stoppage of the nose, with wart of air. and difficulty of speech, with pressure in the temples. Dry coryza, early in the morning after rising, with frequent sneezing, and stoppage of the right side of nose. Bleeding of the nose early in the morning.


Boring and digging in the malar bones; beating under the jaw, as if in a swollen gland. Heat and flushes of heat in the face, preceded by a general seething of the blood. Pustules on the forehead and chin. Rough herpetic spot under the chin, with itching. Chapped lips; eruption in the corner of the mouth. Swelling of the upper lip (after toothache), and afterwards of the cheek, with pain of the parts to touch. Scrofulous swelling of the lips.


Pain in the evening when in the bed, relieved by warmth; ceasing in the open air; pain of the upper fore-teeth, when touching them and when chewing, with subsequent of the upper lip and cheek. Drawing: in decayed teeth, particularly in the evening Stitches, particularly at night. disturbing sleep, darting from the teeth to the eyes, or with bleeding of the gums. Digging, in hollow teeth, morning and evening. Pain as if an exposed nerve were being rubbed. Elongation of the teeth; the gums disappear. The gums are painful and swollen; inflamed spot over the decayed root of a tooth, with throbbing and ulcerative pain especially when touching the part; ulcer, with bleeding when pressing upon it.


Fetid odor from the mouth. Sensation as if the inner mouth were numb (pithy) and crisp, early in the morning on waking. Burning and heat in the mouth; great dryness, as if sand were in the mouth. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Cutting in the tongue; burning in the tip of the tongue, and numbness in the posterior portion, early in the morning on waking. Stuttering, particularly when reading, with inability to pronounce several words rapidly.


Dryness, particularly early in the morning, on walking, with stinging during deglutition, and numbness in the mouth; scraping, slimy feeling, and burning. Frequent pains in the throat, in the evening, with pain when merely swallowing the saliva, as if something were lodged in the throat.


Bitter taste; putrid taste, with a good deal of mucus in the mouth; taste as of blood. Want of appetite, with aversion o food. Constant, violent hunger, insatiable, renewed soon after eating. After a meal: oppression of the stomach, as if the stomach had been overloaded; cutting as with knives in the region of the umbilicus; weariness and drowsiness. Violent thirst, particularly in the evening.


Frequent violent hiccough. Nausea: early in the morning, with chilliness. Vomiting of mucus and food in a child, preceded by loss of appetite, accompanied by heat in the whole body, with bright-red puffed countenance; after the vomiting he is attacked with profuse sweat at night, particularly about the head, and bleeding of the nose during sleep.


Cold feeling in the stomach, as if a lump of ice were lodged there. Pressure in the pit of the stomach: with tension in the temples and weight on the sternum. Burning and pricking in the outer parts of the pit of the stomach, after a meal. Fullness and anxiety in the praecordial region.


Darting in the right and left hypochondrium.


Pain in the region of the kidneys; colic with diarrhoea, at night and in the morning; internal and external painfulness of the abdomen, not permitting, him to touch the parts, and obliging him to bend over in walking. Pinching in the abdomen: early in the morning, on waking, with urging; around the umbilicus. Colicky pains: in the afternoon, with disposition to stool; with violent pain early in the morning, on waking; distention of the left side, and urging to stool: aggravation of the pains in rest, diminution of the pains by pressing on the part and walking about. Cutting in the abdomen. Stitches (Lancinations, darting. laceration in the abdomen, diarrhoea, and languor, at the termination of catamenia. Burning, around the umbilicus. Rumbling, with constipation, or else sensation as if diarrhoea would come on. In the left groin: constriction relieved by extending the body: pinching; darting.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.