BISMUTHUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy BISMUTHUM…


BISM. Nitrate of Bismuth. Hahnemann’s “Mat. Medorrhinum Pura,” Vol.I.- Duration of Action; from five to seven weeks.


– Of small doses; Calcarea, Caps., Nux-vom.


Languor and depression of strength. When working, an excessive drowsiness assails him. Excessive drowsiness, a few hours after rising. Frequent waking, at night, as if an affright. Vivid, anxious dreams at night. Night-sleep disturbed by lascivious dreams. Frequent waking, at night, with lassitude.


Flushes of heat over the whole body, especially on the head and chest, without any chilliness either before of after; early in the morning, shortly after rising.


Restless ill-humor. He is peevish and dissatisfied with his condition. He commences one thing and then another, without finishing any. Solitude is intolerable to him. Violent apprehensive anguish.


Vertigo, sensation as if the brain were turning in a circle. Dullness of the head. Heavy, oppressive, painful weight in the forehead, especially above the root of the nose, and in both temples when sitting. Pressure and sensation of weight in the forehead, more violent during motion. Pressure and sensation of weight in the occiput, more violent during motion. Dull pressure with drawing in different parts of the head, more violent during motion. Dull, cutting pain in the brain, from above the right orbit to the occiput. Burning contractive feeling, particularly in the forehead and eyes.


Lacerating pain in the forehead above the internal canthus of the right eye, and in the bottom of the orbit. Pressure in the right eye-ball. Gum in both canthi.– Mistiness before the eyes, with stupefaction.


Livid complexion, blue borders around the eyes.


Drawing pressure in the external meatus of the left ear.


White coated tongue in the evening, without head or thirst. Metallic, sweetish-sour taste on the back part of the tongue. Great desire for cold drinks in the evening, without heat. Violent eructations, of a fetid, cadaverous smell. Nausea at the stomach; especially violent after a meal. Violent retching. Vomiting; vomiting of brownish substances.


Slight nausea, pressure at the stomach, passing over into a burning pressure in the frontal region, vertigo with humming in the ears, redness of the conjunctiva, and quick, rather hard, small pulse. Inclination to vomit and actual vomiting, with oppressive anxiety, small pulse, vertigo, and prostration. Repeated easy vomiting of bile; easy vomiting of bile, with empty eructations and nausea. Vomiting and diarrhoea, with gagging and burning in the throat. Violent convulsive gagging and inexpressible pain in the stomach. Oppression of the stomach, which passes over into a burning; troublesome pressure and burning in the region of the stomach, and afterwards emission of a quantity of flatulence from the stomach; pressure ion the stomach, vertigo, headache, particularly in the frontal region, redness of the eyes and dimness of sight, with small, contracted, rather hard, frequent pulse, elevated temperature of the body, white-coated tongue, loss of appetite, thirst; oppression of the stomach and colicky pains, with emission of a quantity of wind from the stomach, and loose bilious stool. Inflammation of the stomach. Pressure in the stomach, especially after a meal. Burning in the stomach; *cardialgia. Pinching, with pressure in the abdomen, and rumbling, with urging to stool. Urging in the evening, without any evacuation; evacuation of a cadaverous smell; diarrhoea, watery.


Frequent and copious micturition; the urine is watery, retention of urine.


Aching of the right testicle, more violent when touching it. Nocturnal emission, without any voluptuous dreams.


Fine stinging in the middle of the sternum, not altered by inspiration or expiration. Crampy pressure in the region of the diaphragm, through the chest, when walking. Violent beating of the heart. Dull lancinations and lacerations in the region of the last ribs.


Pain in the left side of the back when sitting, as if too had stopped too long. Tensive pressure on the right side of the neck, near the cervical vertebrae, both when in motion and at rest. Sensation of jactitation of the muscles in the right side of the neck.


Lacerating pressure in the right -shoulder joint. The arms are bluish, lame, weak and languid. Spasmodic, contractive lacerating in the muscles of the arm. Lameness and languor of the right arm. Pain in the bones of the left fore-arm, as if bruised, with vibratory sensations as by blows. Lacerating with lameness and pressure in the right fore-arm, especially violent in the carpal bones. Lacerating in the right carpal bones, going off during motion. Weak feeling in the hand, as if he were not able to hold the pen, and would tremble. Intense lacerating pain around the styloid process of the radius, as far as the muscles of the hand, most violent in the process itself. Violent lacerating pain in the left carpal bones. lacerating in the metacarpal bones of the right index and middle finger. Itching lacerating and pressure in the styloid process of both ulnae. Tine lacerating in the tips, and joints of the fingers, especially under the nails.


Bluish thighs. Corrosive itching near the tibiae and in the dorsa of both feet, near the joint, becoming more violent by scratching. Lacerating in the bones and joints. Lacerating in the heels.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.