AURUM THE COMMON METAL symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy AURUM THE COMMON METAL…


AUR. Gold Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” Vol. II. Duration of Action 6 weeks, and even several years.


Asa-f., Belladonna, Calcarea, China, Cuprum, Lachesis, Mercurius,, Pulsatilla, Nux-v., Spigelia, Aurum is frequently indicated after Belladonna, China, Pulsatilla


Belladonna, China, Cuprum, Mercurius Aurum antidotes Mercurius, Spigelia


HAHNEMANN. “I have cured, by means of Gold, several cases of melancholy, in persons who earnestly thought of killing themselves. They took in all about the 3/100 or 9/100 part of a grain of Gold. I have also cured several other important affections, which will be found enumerated among the symptoms of Gold, and I doubt not that much higher triturations than those which I employed would have been sufficient for obtaining the same results.

“Shortly after closing these introductory remarks, I had an opportunity of convincing myself that 1/10000 part of a grain of Gold will manifest a most powerful curative action, especially in cancer of the palate and nasal bones consequent upon the abuse of the acidulated preparations of Mercury. The Gold symptoms analogous to these artificial affections will be found among the subsequent symptoms. [*NOTE. Ant. Chalmetus, in “Enchiridion Chirug.,” p. 402, has observed the same curative powers of Gold, when used internally, against the bad consequences of the abuse of the preparations of Mercury].

“Farther trituration and dilution develops and dynamizes the power of Gold still more, so that I now use, very often, only the smallest part of a grain of the decillionth potency.

“In the following affections, Gold has been found especially useful: Hypochondriasis; melancholy, loathing of life; disposition to suicide; rush of blood to the head; cancer of the palate bones and nasal bones; obscuration of sight by black spots hovering before the eyes; toothache from rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head; inguinal hernia; induration of the testes of long standing; prolapsus and induration of the uterus; rush of blood to the chest; falling down unconsciously, with the face becoming blue; attack of suffocation, with severe constrictive dyspnoea; injuries inflicted by the abuse of Quicksilver; pains in the bones, at night; nodosities of the gout.” – ED.


Simple pain, or pain as from a bruise, early in the morning, when in bed, in all the joints, especially in the small of the back and knees; the pain increases during rest, and passes off after rising.

Pain as from bruises in the head and in all the limbs, early in the morning when in bed, most violent when at rest; passing off immediately after rising. Going to sleep; numbness and insensibility of the arms and legs early on waking, more when lying still than in motion. Shooting and drawing pains in the arms and legs, occasionally. In the afternoon, painful drawing in the veins, with exhaustion. Violent seething of blood, as if it were boiling; all her blood appears to rush from her head into the lower extremities; they feel paralyzed. Internal emptiness and weakness of the whole body. Excessive sensitiveness of the whole body, susceptibility to every sort of pain. Hysteric and hypochondriac complaints; scrofulous sufferings; dropsical affections; complaints from abuse of Mercurius; nightly bone-pains; inflammation and ulceration of the bones; syphilitic and mercurial affections of the bones.


Bony tumors on the head, arms, and legs; arthritic nodosities; dropsical swellings; scrofulous and mercurial glandular swellings, ulcers, and tetters; rhagades; cancerous ulcers. Formication all over the body; itching and burning shootings. Pustules on the face, the neck, and chest.


In the morning and on waking, sense of fatigue. Drowsiness in the daytime. Uneasy sleep. He sobs aloud when asleep. Frequent waking at night, as in affright; frightful dreams, with loud screams in his sleep.


Very sensitive to cold over the whole body. Coldness over the whole body, early in the morning. Coldness of the body, especially of the hands and feet, in the evening when in bed. Chilliness, in the evening, when in bed, with coldness of the legs as far as the knees. Horripilation over the whole body, in the evening, with dry coryza, without heat and without subsequent thirst; in the evening shiverings and chills after lying down; headache before lying down.


Dejected spirits, and full of grief; longs for death; frequent attacks of anguish about the heart, and tremulous fearfulness; excessive anguish, with palpitation of the heart, weariness in all the limbs, and sleepiness; great anguish, increasing unto self-destruction, with spasmodic contraction in the abdomen. Religious melancholy, occasioned by remorse after a violation of duty. Uneasiness, and hurried desire for bodily and mental activity. Apprehensiveness; dread of men; shyness; pusillanimity. Loathing of life. Constant sullenness and taciturnity. Peevishness, and indisposition to speak. Atra-bilious and quarrelsome. Peevish and vehement; the least contradiction excites his wrath. Rash anger and vehemence; weeps and laughs alternately. Frequent alternation of silent peevishness and cheerfulness. Hysteric and hypochondriac dejection of spirits. Tremulous agitation of the nerves, as in joyous hope.


Fatigue and nausea from mental labor.


Dullness of the head. Vertigo. Headache as from an incipient cold. Headache, worse on reflecting or reading. Pressure in the temples; pressure, with lacerating in the head, erratic. Lacerating pain, more violent during motion. Semi-lateral, throbbing, hacking headache. Rush of blood to the head; when stooping, passing off again after raising the head; tumult and roaring in the head, especially in hysteric persons; sensation as if a current of air were rushing through the head when it is not kept warm. The bones of the skull painful on lying down. Small exostosis, with boring pain, which increases when the tumor is touched.


Sensation of weakness and pressure in the eyes. Pressure in the eyes, as from some foreign body. Tension in the eyes, with diminution of sight. Red swelling of the lids in scrofulous persons, with styes. Distended, protruded eyes. Contraction or dilatation of the pupils. Indistinct sight, as if a black gauze were drawn over the eyes. Half-sightedness, as if the upper half of the eye were covered with a dark body. Double sight. Fiery sparks before the eyes. Incipient amaurosis. Specks on the cornea.


Tension in the ears. Crepitation in the left car. Humming. Roaring in the ears, early in the morning. The parotid gland is painful to the touch, as if contused. Affections of the ears from abuse of Mercury. Caries of the mastoid process. Fetid otorrhoea. Hardness of hearing, from elongation of the uvula, with difficulty of speech.


Caries of the nose. The right nasal bone and the adjoining part of the upper jaw are painful to the touch, especially at the place where the infra-orbital nerve comes out. Feeling of soreness in the nose. Painful nostrils, they are closed by ulcers. Swelling of the nose, in the room, after walking in the open air, in scrofulous persons; swelling and redness of the right nostril, and underneath. Dark, brown-red, slightly elevated spots on the nose, painful when touched. Cancer of the nose. Loss of smell. Stoppage of the nose. Coryza, sometimes violent and profuse.


Violent lacerating in the malar bone. Tension in the malar bones and in the ears. Burning stitches in the malar bone. Eruption on the face; fine pimples. Bloated face, shining as from sweat, with distended, protruded eyes; swelling of both cheeks, with swelling of the lips and nose. Inflammatory pain in the bones of the face, particularly when occasioned by abuse of Mercury; swelling of the frontal bone, the upper jaws, and the nasal bones; red eruption on the forehead and the nose, with scaling off of the skin; swollen, ulcerated lips, in scrofulous subjects.


Pain in a submaxillary gland, as if it were swollen. Hacking and grumbling pain in the teeth, with swelling of the cheeks. Toothache caused by air entering the mouth. Sensation of dullness of the molar teeth. Looseness of the teeth. Painful pustules on the gums, as if a fistula-dentalis would form. Ulcer on the gums, with swelling of the cheeks. Boring; a kind of pressure in the region of the palate. Swelling and ulceration of the tonsils.


Stinging soreness in the throat, only during deglutition. Putrid smell of the mouth, in young girls at the age of pubescence. Caries of the palate, especially after abuse of Mercury, with bluish ulcers; drinks flow back again through the nose.


Bitter taste in the mouth, with sensation of dryness.


Want of appetite. Nausea in the stomach and throat.


Pain in the stomach, as of hunger. Swelling of the precordial region and the whole upper part of the belly. Heaviness in the abdomen, with icy-cold hands and feet. Pressure in the abdomen. Tensive pressure in the abdomen, just below the umbilicus, and in both lumbar regions, with feeling of fullness and urging. Painful feeling of contraction in the abdomen Colic in the abdomen. Swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands, after abuse of Mercury; or from some syphilitic cause. Want of flexibility, and painful stiffness in the hip and the tendons of the psoas muscles. Weakness in the groin. Pressing in the right abdominal ring, as if hernia would protrude, when sitting: protrusion of inguinal hernia, with great, cramp-like pain. Inguinal hernia of children. Exostosis in the pelvic cavity.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.