Scraping sensation in the throat; as if occasioned by rancid grease, early in the morning, when swallowing the first mouthful of food; lacerating in the pharynx; burning in the pharynx. Angina; angina-gangrenosa. Constriction of the pharynx and oesophagus; sensation as if the oesophagus were closed. Painful, difficult deglutition, as if the pharynx and oesophagus were paralysed. Everything he swallows occasions a pressure in the oesophagus as if it had stopped in that part. The throat feels very dry, with constant desire to drink; slimy condition of the throat; hawking up of mucus; grey, green, saltish, bitter expectoration.


Bitterness of mouth, particularly after eating and drinking, in the throat every other day, or early in the morning; saltish, dry taste; putrid, fetid taste, as of putrid meat, early in the morning; sour taste, even the food tastes sour. The food has no taste to him; it does not taste salt enough; or else the food tastes too salt. Violent, unquenchable, burning, suffocative thirst, obliging him to drink frequently, although but little at a time; or else complete absence of thirst. Desire for acid things (water and vinegar, acid fruit); desire for cold water; for brandy for coffee or milk. Loss of appetite; with violent thirst; he relishes his food; insurmountable aversion to food, the mere thought of food nauseates him. When eating, his chest feels compressed; eating is preceded by nausea. After a meal:

headache; in the morning and at dinner, he experienced a pressure at the stomach, and suffers with empty eructations and a faintish feeling in the body which occasions nausea; nausea and vomiting; distention of the abdomen, or pressure and cutting in the abdomen, after eating or drinking. After drinking, shivering and chilliness, the vomiting and diarrhoea set in again, eructations and gagging take place. Weakness of digestion, with vomiting after eating. Derangement of the stomach in consequence of ice, fruit, acid things,.


Frequent and empty eructations, sometimes with dullness of the head; sour eructations after dinner; bitter eructations after a meal, with gulping up of a greenish bitter mucus; gulping up of an acrid fluid. Frequent hiccough, with eructations. Nausea, qualmishness in the morning and afternoon; nausea with great anguish; with fainting, tremor, followed by heat and shuddering. Water-brash. Inclination to vomit, particularly in the open air; with qualmishness when raising one’s self in the bed, and sudden vomiting; empty retching. Vomiting: at night, or early in the morning; after every meal and after drinking; vomiting of every- thing he eats or drinks, chronic; excessive vomiting of what he drinks, with great exertions, mixed with mucus and water, with great bitterness of the mouth; vomiting of yellow-green mucus and bile, vomiting of a thick and glassy mucus; vomiting of fluid, bluish, dingy-yellow substances, followed by great exhaustion; of brownish or blackish substances, with great exertions, and aggravation of the pains in the stomach, sometimes mixed with blood; vomiting of blood; of blood and mucus; bloody discharges by the mouth and rectum. Morbus niger? Vomiting, with diarrhoea; immediately after the fainting; copious, watery diarrhoea, when the vomiting ceases; Asiatic and sporadic cholera. During the vomiting: violent pains in the stomach; internal burning heat and thirst; soreness in the abdomen; violent screams; apprehension of death; violent colic. Sea-sickness. Vomiting of drunkards; vomiting of pregnant females.


Excessive pains in the stomach and pit of the stomach; pains causing nausea; pain as if the stomach were torn to pieces; great painfulness to the touch. Distention of the region of the stomach; torturing distention, as if occasioned by flatulence, worse after vomiting and a diarrhoeic stool; food causes a pain in the stomach. Pressure at the stomach: with weight as of a stone, sometimes with burning; in the pit of the stomach, as if the heart would be pressed out of its position; after a meal, particularly in the region of the cardiac orifice and in the oesophagus, as if the parts were filled with food up to the mouth, sometimes followed by empty eructations. Spasmodic pains in the stomach; particularly after eating; periodical; excessive, with thirst; with violent colic, diarrhoea and fainting fits. Cutting in the stomach; drawing in the stomach, in the evening when sitting down, as if a part of the stomach would be torn off; lacerating in the stomach, spasmodic, oppressive, or boring; lacerating across the region of the stomach when walking; gnawing and corrosive sensation in the stomach. Heat or burning in the stomach and pit of the stomach, with pain and oppression; in the chest and stomach, with tightness and oppression. Oppressive anxiety and excessive anguish in the pit of the stomach, with lamentations and moaning; at night, extending to the upper part of the chest. Induration, scirrhus, cancer of the stomach? Acute and chronic gastritis?.


Induration of the liver; pressing sensation in the liver during a walk in the open air; swelling and painfulness of the liver (in fever). Swelling and painfulness of the spleen (in fever). Stitches in the side of the abdomen, with inability to lie upon it; lancinations in the left hypochondrium, in the evening when in bed. Inflammation of the spleen.


Pains in the whole abdomen; excessive; at night; after eating or drinking; with vomiting or diarrhoea; in the hypogastrium, with heat in the face; in the epigastrium and loins, like renal colic; pains wandering about in the abdomen, with diarrhoea accompanied by pains in the anus; pains which become seated in the left side; pains, with great anguish, lamentations, tossing about, internal restlessness which does not allow one to lie still, despair of one’s life, sometimes with a sensation as if the abdomen were detached from the thorax. Spasmodic pains in the abdomen, with lacerating and boring; colic, recurring from time to time; cutting cramp-colic, in the evening in bed, and in the morning after rising; sensation as if the intestines became twisted, with pinching, cutting, rumbling, and diarrhoeic stools. Cutting in the abdomen: first a mere pinching in the inmost parts of the hypogastrium, only in the morning, before, during, and after a diarrhoeic stool; in the side, increased by contact. Gnawing pains in the abdomen; lacerating in the abdomen, with icy coldness of the hands and feet, and cold sweat in the face. Writhing sensation in the abdomen; dysenteric pain in the umbilical region. Uneasiness in the abdomen, with fever and thirst; cold and chilly sensation in the abdomen, which is warm to the hand; burning in the abdomen, with heat and thirst, with cutting and lancinations, at noon or in the afternoon, going off after an evacuation. Soreness in the abdomen, particularly when coughing or laughing. Enteritis? Swelling of the abdomen, excessive. Tympanitis in children, with glandular swellings. Ascites. Distention of the abdomen, painful; painless after a meal, relieved by leaning the back against something; repletion in the epigastrium, with pinching. In the right groin: pain as if sprained when stooping; burning or stitches in the inguinal regions; swelling of the glands; digging and burning in the inguinal cavity, which is excited even by the least touch. Weakness of the abdominal muscles; ulcer above the umbilicus.


Constipation, with pains in the abdomen; ineffectual urging; tenesmus as in dysentery, with burning and pressing in the anus and rectum. Unperceived involuntary discharges of faeces. Diarrhoea: at night, or renewed after eating or drinking; violent, with frequent discharges; with tenesmus; with colic; with vomiting; with great weakness; with thirst; alternating with constipation. Evacuations: burning, accompanied with violent colic; papescent; yellow, watery, scanty; dark-green, consisting of mucus, or mucus mixed with faecal matter; slimy, sometimes scanty or liquid; tenacious, bilious; whitish; greenish, dark- brown, diarrhoeic, smelling like putrid ulcers; putrid, black, burning, and acrid, with uneasiness and pain in the abdomen; undigested; expulsion of a lump resembling undigested tallow, and mixed with tendinous substances: bloody evacuations, with vomiting and excessive colic. Dysenteric diarrhoea, diarrhoea during dentition; during small-pox. Before stool: cutting in the abdomen, and sensation as if the contents of the abdomen became twisted; sensation as if the abdomen would burst; colic. During stool: tenesmus and burning of the anus and rectum, painful contraction above the anus, in the direction of the small of the back. After stool: cessation of the colic, burning in the rectum, with great weakness and trembling: dragging pain around the umbilicus; distention of the abdomen; palpitation of the heart, and tremulous weakness, obliging him to lie down. The rectum is presses out spasmodically, with great pain; it remains protruded, after haemorrhage from the anus. Itching of the anus, with a feeling of roughness, and with soreness as if the parts were excoriated; soreness when touching the parts; burning, which is sometimes relieved after the expulsion of hard, knotty stool. The haemorrhoids are swollen and painful, with tenesmus; blind haemorrhoids, with burning stinging; varices, which burn like fire, particularly at night, hindering sleep, with stinging pain in the daytime, particularly when walking, less when lying down; expulsion of pieces of mucus, with tenesmus, cutting in the anus as of blind haemorrhoids. Corrosive itching of the perineum.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.