The small of the back is painful, as if bruised and lame. Arthritic pain in the back and limbs. Pain as from bruises, in the back. Burning pain in the back, when walking out in the open air. Sensations in the back, almost under the shoulders, as if a lump wee lodged there. Stitch, at every inspiration, in the right side of the back. Tingling in the vertebral column. Painful pressure in the middle of the dorsal spine (when sitting). Aching pain between the scapulae. Cutting thrusts between the scapulae, extending into the thoracic cavity, when walking. Pain of the right scapula, towards the back, as after a violent shock or fall. Cramp-like tensive pain in the muscles of the neck, and cervical vertebrae. Pimple on the side of the neck, with stinging pain when touched. [1 This kin of pimple, surrounded with an inflamed red border, is extremely similar to boil. Boils are, therefore, cured by Arnica. Homoeopathically, Arnica may be used as a preventive against boils in persons who are subject to them.] Prominent swelling of the cervical glands, exceedingly painful. Drawing lacerating and pressure in the neck. The head feels heavy, and falls to every side, on account of a weakness of the muscles of the neck.


Drawing and aching pain in the left shoulder, when standing erect. Broad sharp stitches under the axilla, from without inwards. Sense of excoriation under the shoulder. The arms feel weary, as if bruised by blows, so that he was unable to bend his fingers inwards. Drawing tingling, and stitches in the bones and muscles of the arm. Twitchings in the muscles of the upper arm. Intermittent, painful lacerating, with pressure extending from the lower part of the upper arm as far as the elbow, apparently in a the bone. Tingling in the forearms. Lacerating pain in the arms and hands. Burning stitches in the forearm. Pain as arm from a sprain in the wrist-joint. Cramp in the fingers of the fingers of the left hand. Lancinating, darting pain in the finger.


Trembling in the lower extremities. Tearing pain in the lower extremities. Pain as from a sprain in the hip (back, chest wrists). Pain in the thigh, when rising and reading upon the foot. Sense as of twitching in the muscles of the thigh. Pain in the thighs, when walking, as from a blow or contusion. Drawing, cramp-like pressure in the muscles of the left thigh, when sitting. Stitches in the knee. Sudden weakness in the knees; they give way whilst the feet are numb and insensible. Arthritic pain in the foot, with a little fever towards evening. Standing becomes painful. Prick in the knee, when touched. Lancerating in the bones and muscles of the legs and in the joints. (Aching in the paralyzed foot). Feeling as of tingling and creeping in the feet. Sudden swelling of the (sick) foot. Violent burning in the feet. Tingling in the feet. Dull throbbing pain in one of the toes. Dull trembling pain in one of the toes. Violent stitches in the toes, when walking. Severe lacerating pain in the toes, sometimes with redness. Painful cramp in the muscles of the soles of the feet. Sense of the tingling in hands and feet, and lancinating pains in divers joint.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.