Pushing beating pain in the right side of the head, with a general feeling of uncomfortableness Pulsations in the left side of the forehead. Digging pain in the head, increase by motion Stitches and digging in the frontal eminence. Digging up, incisive motion through the left the hemisphere of the brain, recurring frequently and decreasing rapidly. Cutting, as with knives, in the left temple. Excessive congestion of the head, with throbbing of he carotid arteries, with heaviness, stupefying dullness of the head, great melancholy, weakness of mind, inability to express himself suitably and coherently. Pain in the head, the head seeming enlarged the whole head affected, appears enlarged. The whole head affected, appear enlarged head, the head seeming enlarged the whole head affected appears enlarged headache all the time the headache is worse in the open air; relieved by tying a handkerchief tightly round it. Headache, with eructations and chilliness Generally the headache is accompanied with chilliness, and sometimes with a general increase of the temperature of the body headache and toothache.


Itching of he hairy scalp. particularly at night Itching and biting near the nape of the neck Tumourshaped, itching elevations on the hairy scalp, and in the nape of the neck Extremely troublesome itching creeping, and crawling of the hairy scalp, as if the roots of the hairs were pulled upwards.


Dull, drawing lacerating pains from the right temple to the upper jaw, and the or part of the teeth Convulsions of the facial muscles, the mouth being almost locked Sickly appearance. Sunken, pale, bluish countenance Appearance of old age.


Itching and smarting of the canthi Itching and smarting of the canthi. Itching and smarting of he left eye the eye runs, looks red, and glisten Aching pain deep in the eyes, early ion the morning Burning and dryness of the eyes in. the morning, w hen waking pressure in. the eyes as if too full, heat and pain in. the ball of he eye when moving or touching it;, mucus flocks impeding the sight Redness of the eyes sensation as if a gain of sand we in the eye; he saw though mist. Nightly agglutination of the eye the eyes were filled with mucus. reading is difficult[the canthi are red; the carunculus lachrymalis is swollen, clusters of interstitially distended; increase secretion s of tears and gum the conjunctiva of he eyes and lids is red as blood. Around the cornea, towards the inner canthus, the conjunctiva exhibits a red congested swelling.

Blear dryness Vanishing of sight Sensation a s if blindness were coming on in he evening, at twilight the letters become a blurred before the eyes; he sight vanishes when reading or writing she is only able to read any holding the large at the distance from her eyes fiery bodies and flashes before her eyes, in the morning. in the dark Obscuration of sight, with anxiety, heat in the face, and lachrymation Ophthalmia, with intense pains Opacity of the cornea; a large portion of the cornea is covered with a white, opaque, apparently dense, but not very deeply penetrating spot. Contraction of the pupil wild rolling of the eyes, the pupils being dilated and insensible to light hollow eyedness Ophthalmia, abating in the cool and open air, intolerable in the warm room.


Dragging pain in the ars.

Clear ringing before the ears, passing into momentary deafness, with dull roaring Ringing in the ears and deafness. Whizzing before the eyes, with dullness of the head Whizzing, feeling of obstruction, and hard hearing in the left painful stoppage of the ears, with headache.


Pain and swelling of her tight alaenasi. the left nasal bones are painful, as if bruised Rigidity and clawing in. the nasal cavities Smarting and itching in the nose Ulcers in the nose, becoming covered with yellow crusts Scruffs in the nose, being excessively painful when becoming detached, and occasioning a bleeding. When sneezing, a bloody and purulent matter comes out of the good deal of sneezing, a bloody and purulent matter combs out of the nose The those is obstructed Dullness of the sense of Smell good deal of sneezing Coryza, with constant chilliness, sickly look, lachrymation, sneezing, and violent stupefying headache Disagreeable stoppage of the upper part of he nose Discharge from the nose resembling white pus, with clots of blood.


Painful pustules on the lips and corner of the mouth the lips and soft parts of the mouth have a bluish appearance The lips and soft parts of the mouth have a bluish appearance The lips are dry and viscid, without thirst Parched condition of the lips, mouth, tongue, and fauces, night and morning.


The gums are inflamed, a nd stand of from the toothless, readily bleeding guns, neither painful nor swollen. The teeth are very sensitive to cold water Pain in the teeth when chewing, and eating sour or cold things;Grumbling in the teeth, as if from decay Pain as if beaten to pieces in the body of the left lower jaw The tongue and mouth are dry and parched, with violent thirst Dry tongue, with slimy mouth. White tongue. White, slimy tongue. Yellowish grey tongue. Red, painful tip of the tongue; rough tongue; the tongue is painful, a s if burned. The tongue is swollen and painful, as if ulcerated. Ulcerated crusts on the mucous membrane of the mouth, especially that of the left cheek Fetid odor from the mouth in the morning. Ptyalism. Astringent taste in the mouth, with confluence of watery saliva. Burning pain in the region of the velum-platinum and the posterior nares. Ulcerative pain of a small spot in the velum-pendulum-palati. Troublesome tension and pricking of he palate. Swelling, with a wart-shaped excrescence.


Intense titillation of the palate and pharynx occasioning a fatiguing short, hacking short, hacking cough, at noon. Dark redness of the uvula and fauces. Scraping in. the throat. Roughness and scraping of the throat, as if raw and sore-Sore feeling in the pharynx when drinking cold water, or during empty deglutition. Roughness and dryness of he throat, with ulcerative pain, at night. Seated ulcerative pain in the pharynx. Pain in the right side of the throat, as of an ulcer, drawing and tension upward and side of the throat, as of an ulcer, drawing and tension award and downward; sensation as if a splinter were lodged in. the throat, when swallowing eructating, breathing, stretching, and moving the neck; sometimes an undulating jerking and pulsating was felt in the throat,, continuing for several days. Burning and dryness in. he fauces and pharynx. Dryness and strangulation in the throat, with shortness of breath, at night. Accumulation of a tenacious thick mucus in the throat. Strangulation. Continuous repulsive sensation in the stomach and pharynx. Paroxysm of cramp in he oesophagus. OEsophagus feels spasmodically closed;l producing a sensation in he stomach as if it would burst.


Bitter, astringent, metallic taste, as of verdigris, exciting nausea and inclination to vomit-Pappy, chalk-like taste in. the mouth, viscid lips, thin mucus coating on he reddish-white tongue. Pappy, bitter taste, with viscid mouth. Sweetish bitter taste, with hypochondriac mood.


Diminished appetite. No appetite; a quantity of eructations. Speedy repletion. No appetite at breakfast. Unusual appetite. STrong appetite. Urging desire for acrid cheese. Irresistible desire for sugar in the evening.


Violent belching. Most of he gastric derangements are accompanied with belching. Slight nausea in the stomach,, with chilliness and shuddering, and a peculiar sensation of rigor in he lower limbs. Nausea, resembling hunger. Nausea, with gurgling in the abdomen. faintish sort of nausea, with violent palpitation of the heart. Leaden colored countenance with nausea. Nausea. Vomiting. Great irritating of the stomach, anxiety is the praecordial region, and vomiting. Vomiting and diarrhoea, with violent colicky pain. She wakes about midnight with an oppressive sensation, as of a heavy lump in the region of the stomach, inducing vomiting; a tremulous weakness and a sensation in the head as if it were in. vice. Pain in the praecordial.


Trembling and throbbing in the stomach. Sensation of heaviness and pains in. the stomach, with nausea. Nausea heaviness, and pressure in the stomach. Oppression in the stomach. Tension and pressure in. the stomach, causing anxiety, and a so sensational s if the stomach were filled to bursting. Weak stomach; food oppresses the stomach like a dead weight and drags it downward; on waking, a violent spasm of the stomach, with hunger nausea, and considerable flatulence. Raging gnawing at the stomach, a sort i hunger, with nausea., Cardialgia and internal chilliness, early in. the morning. Violent cardialgia waking her in the might;l twisting of the stomach, which extends down into the abdomen. Violent cardialgia griping and burning, momentarily., Burning, ascending from the stomach. Burning sensation nausea, and pain in the stomach. Inflammation, suppuration, and dissolution of the mucous membrane involved in the inflammatory process-Gastro-enteritis. Gangrene of he primae-viae. Contraction of the stomach. Gnawing pain in. the stomach, on the left side. Stinging ulcerative pain the left side of the stomach, below the short ribs, more intense during a seep inspiration and when touching the parts. Ulcerative pain in

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.