ARGENTUM METALLICUM or ARG FOLIATUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy ARGENTUM METALLICUM or ARG FOLIATUM…

      ARG Silver See Hahnemann’s “Mat.MedorrhinumPur., ” Vol.I Duration of Action 3 weeks in chronic affections.


Asa-f., Aurum, Belladonna, China., Hepar, Mercurius, Nitr.-ac., Nux.v. Pulsatilla, Platina, Stannum


Mere, Pulse.


Dierbach tells us that Silver has been repeatedly observed to cause fatal dropsy when given against epilepsy; Vogt also says that it has caused cachexia, emaciation, and dropsy, although he tells us that it used i olden times in the dropsy, ulcerous cachexia, and other obstinate, disease has been supplanted by a fatal dropsy, complicated with induration of the liver. From the experiments of the homoeopathists we find no proof that it is homoeopathic to dropsy, except that it has caused a painless slightly reddened swelling of the wrist and lower half of the fore arm. Vogt says it was once regarded as diuretic, but that latterly we hear little or nothing of this effect; but, in the experiments upon the healthy, the metallic Silver causes frequent urging to urinate, and more profuse flow of urine, while the Nitrate is said to have caused violent irritation of he urinary organs, increased secretion, and involuntary discharge of urine. Noack regards this effect as so marked that he has recommended it in diabetes; hence it may prove homoeopathic to dropsy with increased flow of urine. J.C.P.

According to Dr. Huber, Metallic Silver acts principally upon the following parts:

1. The Articulations. The action of Silver upon he articulations is so uniformly the same, and so certain, that but few remedies equal it in this respect.

2. The Bones especially the long bones, and upon he cartilages, particularly the cartilaginous surfaces of he ears, eustachian tube tarsal cartilages, cartilages of the nose, false ribs,.

3. the Muscles, Tendons, and Ligaments especially those which are in the neighborhood of joints also upon the psoas, triceps brachialis,.

4. Upon certain Glandular organs such as the salivary glands and testicles.

5. Upon the Heart. Huber recommends it in spasm of the heart, and Noack in some heart affections.



Some forms of diabetes can be permanently cured by Silver, provided the other concomitant symptoms are also indicative of the remedy,”ED.


Lassitude and heat all over when walking in the open air; he feels a sort of anguish as if his clothes were too tight. A tearing, with pressure in the extremities of the long bones, over or below their joints, in different parts of the body. Great weakness of the body, especially of the thighs, when sitting or walking, with somnolence. Uneasiness and a feeling of laziness in all the limbs.


Intolerable itching, as from a flea Burning itching.


Dreams about the events of the day Anxious dreams.


Chilliness in the afternoon and evening, even in bed; sweat after midnight. Heat in the afternoon, without thirst. Shivering through he whole body. In the evening when in bed quick pulse with thirst.


Increased cheerfulness, and disposition to talk the whole day Discouraged.


Sudden giddiness and as if a mist had been before her eyes Vertiginous drowsiness, his eyes closed. He feels a tingling in his head, and vertigo, as if he were tipsy. The head feels dull and hollow, his whole brain aches, accompanied by chilliness. Aching in the forehead with stupor and drawing pressure in the occiput. Stinging and burning pain in the head. Violent lancinating and tearing pain in the head. When standing or reading, a sensation as if the brain were compressed, with nausea and heat of he body. The nape of he neck feels stiff. Spasmodic jerking of the muscles of the head face. and neck. Attacks of vertigo. He is all the time in a kind of intoxication Sense of darkness in the head as if there were smoke in the brain. Sensation in the head, both as of pressure and trembling, over the right ear, towards the occiput Excessive pain in the temple, being both aching and lacerating Pressure and lacerating pain in the region of he temperately bone, increased by contact Lancinations, apparently in the skull, or on the surface of the brain, in front of the ear. Light pressure in the head with a feeling of soreness Slight thrill of shivering over the hairy scalp Aching in the forehead, over the eyebrows lacerating in the frontal eminence Intermittent boring the whole day, the pain increases in. The evening after lying down.


(The eyelids are very red and thick)Violent itching is the corner of the eyes.


Tingling and itching in the nose, followed by bleeding Irritation in the nose, as if catarrh would set in. Stoppage of the nose, with smarting in the left nostril. Fluent coryza, with constant and profuse secretion of mucus; excessive fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, or without sneezing.


Painful gnawing pressure in the bones of the face of the right side, the pressure is most violent in the malar bone. Lacerating in the region of the left malar bone. Fine drawing pain in the muscles of the face, especially in the region of the cheek bones,.


Violent itching of the external ear. Lancinations from the Internal ear of the left side as far as the brain. Sensation as if the ear were stopped.Lacerating, with pressure over the ear Corrosive, itching of the lobules of both ears early in the morning, after rising.


Swelling of he upper limp, close under the nose. The gums are painful, especially when touched.


A little blister on the tongue, feeling sore and burning.His throat feels raw and sore. Boring and digging pain in the throat Pressure in the outer and left side of the neck, when walking in the open air. Lancinations in the submaxillary gland, from without inwards. The region of he submaxillary glands is swollen;the neck stiff, with tension in the parts when moved;deglutition is rendered difficult, as after her were an internal swelling of the throat; he is obliged to force every mouthful of food down his throat feeling of dryness of the tongue, which, however is moist Mercurial angina Sense as of scraping in the velum pendulum palate, as if a rough body were adhering to it.


Accumulation of viscid saliva in. the mouth. Indifference to good. Violent appetite, even where the stomach s replete. Excessive gnawing hunger the whole day, which cannot be satisfied by eating heartburn. Almost continual qualmishness and nausea. Nausea in the throat, followed by heat all over, mostly about the head, with redness of the face, without thirst. Retching. Loathing for food.


Early in. the morning, sense as of burning, like heartburn, in the abdomen, stomach, and as far as the chest A painful distention of he abdomen at night, with pressure Counteractive pain in the belly, after the morning stool, when sitting, as as arises from a cold in the bowels Pressure at the pit of the stomach.Pinching across the stomach, and in the left hypochondrium Loud rumbling in the abdomen Contraction and straining of the abdominal muscles when walking so that he has to walk stooping Lancinations in the abdominal muscles Boring pain on the right side of the hypogastrium, over the groin Lancinations in the region of the abdominal ring.


Frequent desire for stool in the lower part of the rectum, with expulsion of a small quantity of loose stool.Stool after dinner, dry and crumbling.


Frequent desire to urinate, and copious emission of urine for several hours Pain in the testicles, as copious emissions of urine, for several hours Pain in the testicles, as contusion emission almost every night.


Irritating short, hacking cough, without any expectation, early in the morning, after rising from the bed.

Cutting in the trachea, producing cough, which does not relieve the pain*Rawness and Soreness of the throat, especially when coughing, not when swallowing.


Pressure in the chest, sometimes with violent stitches. Oppression of the chest, as if a heavy load had been lying upon the chest, which almost prevented breathing. Spasmodic tension, with pressure in the region of some of the ribs. Stitches in the chest, making breathing painful. Gnawing irritation on the left side of the chest, when at rest. Cramp like pain of the chest; after he pain has in the region of the heart)A lancinating and Cramp pain in the sternum, most violent when stooping. Violent pressure in the region of the sternum, internally, increased by every motion specially by stooping. Aching of the sternum externally Violent cutting in the region of he lowest ribs during a deep inspiration. Lancinations at the termination of he ribs, near the vertebral column, especially when curving the beck.


Burning stitches in the small of the back. Drawing in the pelvis and small of the back. Bruised sensation on the small of the back. Sharp pressure under the scapula. Lacerating and pressure in. the shoulder. Boring stitches in the axilla. Titillating and itching stitches between the scapulae.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.