ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM STIBIUM SULPHURATUM NIGRUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM STIBIUM SULPHURATUM NIGRUM…

      ANT.C. – Antimony. Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” Vol. II. Duration of Action : 4 weeks in chronic diseases.


Aconite, Arsenicum, Asa-f., Chamomilla, Coffea, Hepar, Ipecac., Mercurius, Nux-v., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur, Tart.-st.-Pulsatilla and Mercurius are sometimes indicated after Ant.-c.


Hepar, Mercurius, Pulsatilla


* [For “Rationale of Action” of Antimony, see

Antimonium-tartaricum, vel Stibium-tartar.] HAHNEMANN. – “Crude Antimony is useful when the following symptoms are indicated:

“A child cannot bear being touched or looked at; rush of blood to the head; troublesome itching of the head; with falling off the hair; redness and inflammation of the eye-lids; sore nostrils; heat and itching in the cheek; pain in hollow teeth; chronic loss of appetite; eructations, tasting of the ingesta; nausea, loathing disposition to vomit consequent upon spoiled stomach; colic, with absence of appetite, hard stool, and red urine, in a child; pinching in the belly, with a sensation as if diarrhoea would come on; alternately diarrhoea and constipation, in people rather advanced in age; difficult hard stool; constant discharge of a white-yellowish slime from the anus; frequent urinating, with discharge of a quantity of mucus and burning in the urethra, when urinating; obstruction of the nose; painful inflammation of the tendons in the bend of elbow, with violent redness and curvature of the arm; the legs go to sleep when sitting quietly; violent pains in the lower extremities; corn on the sole of the foot; large horny places on the sole of the foot, close by the toes; horny excrescence in front, under the nail of the big toe, malformations of the skin; sensitiveness to cold; somnolence.”.


“Hepar-sulphuris and Mercury are antidotes to the effects of Antimony.” – ED.


*Rheumatic inflammation of the muscles; *Rheumatic inflammation of the muscles; *Rheumatic contraction of the muscles, with curvature of the limbs. *Freckles. * Malformations of the skin; *horny excrescences; *corns; *fungus-articularis (by applying the drug externally?) *Red and hot swelling of the parts affected with gout or rheumatism; *fistulous ulcers. Convulsive movements, especially of the head; convulsions, and trembling of the limbs; excessive swelling of the whole body. Dropsical swelling of the body;p incurable dropsy. Excessive haemorrhages. Emaciation and exhaustion. Apoplexy, accompanied by such a violent flow of saliva that he expelled at least a quart of watery foam. Death after a few hours, brought on by the use of Antimony for cramps of the stomach. Death produced by suffocating catarrh in fifteen days, occasioned by a few grains of Antimony. Weariness, especially of the feet, with great peevishness, at seven o’clock in the evening; great lassitude, early in the morning, and disinclination to rise.


Itching of the whole body, mostly at night. Pustules with yellow or brown scurfs. Eruptions resembling rash. Nettle-rash; white blotches with red areolae, with violent burning and fine stinging, in the face, on the limbs, except the fingers, which were swollen; with violent thirst and nausea. Blotches and vesicles, as from stings of insects, especially in the face and in the joints of the extremities; they come on with itching, and often disappear after a few hours; brown spots and dots, like small hepatic spots, especially on the arms. Pale and livid color of the nails.


*Great sleepiness during the day, and early in the morning after waking; tired feeling in the morning; in the evening feels overwhelmed with sleep; *somnolence in the forenoon. Slumber, with fanciful delirium. Slumber, with illusions of the fancy; he falls asleep late. An erratic itching, with perceptible blisters, frequently rouses him from sleep. He wakes at two o’clock at night, with a mild warmth all over, and burning itching and sensation of excoriation of the anus. Tenesmus of the bladder rouses him from sleep at night; at night, intermittent emission of a small quantity of urine, with painful erections. Frequent waking, as from fright. Anxious, horrible, disagreeable, or lewd dreams.


A good deal of chilliness, no heat. Disagreeable feeling of internal chilliness, so that he cannot get warm. Icy cold feet constantly. Shiverings over the whole back, without thirst; shiverings over the whole body, early in the morning, with heat in the forehead, without thirst. Towards noon, violent chills, for an hour, with violent thirst for beer; then sleep, succeeded by heat and constant thirst. Pulse sometimes a few quick beats, then three or four slow ones. *Gastric and bilious fevers. *Quotidian fevers (also tertian) with gastric symptoms, such as want of appetite, eructations, loathing, nausea, vomiting, coated tongue, bitter taste, tension and pressure at the stomach, little thirst, pain in the chest.



Irritated state of mind, feeling of grief, breathing is short and heavy. Dejection of spirits during the day. He is averse to talking. Attacks of anxiety, uneasiness; anxious reflections about himself. Disposition to commit suicide, in the night. Disposition to start, even at slight noises. Ill-humor the whole day; he felt discouraged; peevish, vexed without any cause; *the child will not allow itself to be touched or looked at.


Weakness of the head. Dementia, idiocy. Does not complain of hunger, but eats when it is offered. Complains of no pain.


Confused and muddled state of the head, as after continual working in a cold room. Intoxication. Vertigo. Headache, and subsequently a little bleeding at the nose. Indistinct dull headache in the anterior part of the head, and vertigo, increased by ascending a flight of stairs. Violent headache after bathing. Dull stupefying pain. Headache as if her forehead would burst; with a feeling of intoxication. Pain in the region of the right eye-brow, within the skull, as if the parts were pressed asunder. Pressure from without inwards, in the forehead with sense as of drawing, at intervals. Momentary drawing pain over the left temporal bone, going off by pressure, and returning with increased violence immediately after. Lacerating pain in the whole head, from morning till night; with heat in the head towards noon, diminishing when walking in the open air. Continual boring pain in the forehead and in the temples, from within outwards.


Pain in the left parietal bone. Slow pulsations in the left temple, externally, with fine prickings. Single lancinations in the hairy scalp. Red, hard pimple, painful to the touch, close to the cartilage of the ear. Small flat tubercles upon the hairy scalp, of the size of small peas, painful to pressure, and with titillation all round. Red, hardened, slightly elevated place on each side of the forehead, itching like nettle-rash, going and coming. *Troublesome itching of the hairy scalp. *FAlling off of the hair.


Itching in the external canthus of the eye. Winking of the left eye-lids. Lancinations, with pressure below the left eye brows. Redness of the eye-lids, with fine stitches in the eye-ball. *Redness of the left eye, with dread of light on rising in the morning, and with secretion of mucus in the inner canthus. *Red inflamed eyes, with itching, and nightly agglutination. *Inflammation of the eyes. Mucus in the right canthus, in the morning, with dry gum in the both lids. Enlarged opening between the lids. Incurable blindness. *Arthritic affections of the eyes.


Stitches in the ears. Redness, burning, and swelling of the ear. Splashing in the ear, as of a few drops of water, when moving the jaws. Tingling before the ears; *continual roaring in the ears, especially when there is stillness around; most in the afternoon; *painful roaring in the ears. Violent din in the ears, as if some one were bearing against the gate of the house. A kind of deafness of the right ear, as if a leaflet were placed before the tympanum; in the evening his right ear felt as if locked up. Loss of hearing.


*Feeling of soreness in the nostrils, when inspiring air, especially in the right nostril, which is a little obstructed; *both nostrils become chapped and covered with crusts; *sore nostril, with drawing pain. Bleeding at the nose. *Stoppage of the nose; particularly in the evening; dryness when walking in the open air, which scarcely allows him to talk. Coryza, with sore, crusty nostrils; dry or fluent coryza, particularly in the morning.


Pimples like chicken-pox, stinging on pressure. Nettle-rash in the face, especially on the cheeks; several pimples in the face, painful like mosquito-bites. Red, burning, suppurating eruptions on the face. Eruption on the cheek with a yellow crust, painful to the touch. Sensation of soreness on moving the hand over the face. Burning stinging in the chin and upper lip. Twitches of the muscles in the corner of the mouth. The lips are dry. Cracks in the corner of the mouth, painful like sores.


Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.