Short breath. Asthma, dyspnoea; with weeping, which relieves the oppression. Dyspnoea, with internal anxiety and heat. Oppressive anxiety in the region of the sternum, without pain. Uneasiness in the chest, apparently about the heart, especially in the afternoon. Oppression at the chest, like dyspnoea, with difficulty of breathing; pressure at the chest, especially when sitting, with fulness; he would like to vomit in order to be relieved. Dull pressure, as form a plug, in the right side of the chest. Undulating drawing in the left side of the chest. Feeling of soreness and rawness in the chest, increased by inspiration. Sensation behind the sternum as if there were a sore place in the chest. Pulsative lancinations in the chest, above the heart; a stitch in the praecordial region, at night, when drawing breath. Short lancinations in the heart, succeeding each other two by two. Drawing pain in the muscles of the chest. Quivering sensation in the pectoral muscle, when raising the arm. Itching and pricking in the outer part of the chest.


Painful stiffness in the back, in the shoulder-blade. Violent lancination, with pressure under the shoulder-blade. Dull stitches in the left shoulder-blade, causing a lacerating pain all round. Pain as from a bruise, in the scapula and upper arm. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, with tensive pain, especially when moving the head quickly; dull intermittent pressure, as form a heavy load, on the nape of the neck and top of the shoulder, apparently in the bone. Rheumatic drawing along the neck; hard pressure on both sides of the larynx, which sometimes interferes with deglutition; sudden dull pressure, as from a weight, on both sides of the neck. Intermittent prickings, with throbbing, on the left side of the chest, close to the neck. Frequent itching of the neck and axillae.


Intensely painful lancinations, with tension in the arms when

stretching and extending them. The left arm goes to sleep. Pressure in the left arm, with lassitude. Rheumatic drawing pain in the upper arm, with a feeling of stiffness. Spasmodic pressure in the muscles of the upper arms, when walking in the open air, and when sitting, in the evening; dull pressure in the left upper arm, apparently in the humerus, intensely painful and intermittent. Painful jerking in the left upper arm, above the bend of the elbow. Throbs as from a heavy body, intensely painful in the centre of the left upper arm. Pimples with red areolae and pus at the tip, with painful itching during motion. Pressure in the bend of the left elbow, *which draws the arm down as with a weight, and renders its motion difficult, when walking in the open air. Pressure from without inwards, in the fore- arms. Aching pain in the muscles of the right forearm when writing. Cramp-like pain in the arms, hands, and wrists. Prickings in the back of the left hand. Violent, painful lancination in the ball of the right hand; burning stitches in the external border of the left hand. Feeling of dryness in the hands; dry, hot hands. *tremor of the hands; stinging itching in the outer knuckle of the right hand. Nightly itching in the hollow of the hand and between the fingers; violent friction relieves the disagreeable feeling, without diminishing the violence of the symptom. The hands are covered with warts. Crampy or pulsative twitches in the fingers. Numbness of the fingers.


Pain as from a sprain and a bruise over the right hip, when rising from the seat, also coming on when moving the trunk while

sitting; drawing here and there, pressure, and feeling of heaviness in the legs, after a walk, the heaviness is diminished by extending the foot (immediately); intensely painful, dull pressure in the thighs, sometimes intermitting regularly as beats in music. Dull pressure, as from a plug, in the glutei muscles of the left side; violent pressure in the thigh, regular as the pulse and always accompanied by a lancination. Slight twitchings and drawings in the thighs. Burning prickings in the muscles of the thighs.

11* Pressure and drawing in the knees and legs; burning pain. Painful uneasiness around the knees, with a sensation of stiffness, as if a bandage were tied round these parts, when sitting. Itching eruption around the knees, as far as the calves. Heaviness in the legs. Painful drawing in the tibia. Rheumatic tensive pressure in the leg. Cramp-like pressure in both calves, painful stretching in the calf; cramp-like intermittent drawing in the legs, from the heels up to the calves. Burning pain in the leg, with soreness above the heel; burning in the legs, here and there, as of red-hot sparks. Dull intermittent pressure in the internal border of the sole of the foot. Painful jerks in the dorsum of the foot, internally. Prickings in the dorsum of the foot. *Burning of the soles of the feet when sitting. Cold feet, early in the morning. The feet, which had been warm, become intensely cold when walking; the cold feet become still colder. Itching.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.