OLEUM JECORIS… fistulous openings; pus flocculent, nauseous.

CISTUS CAN…. sub-maxillary or maxillary bone.

72. Bony Tumors: Silicea, (CalcareaFluor.), Sepia, Calcarea Carb., CalcareaIod CalcareaPhosphorus Sulph., (Hecla Lava), (Arum), Lycopodium, Asafoetida, Mercurius

PHOS…. of skull or clavicles.

73. Spinal Curvature : Bones Curved : Sulph., CalcareaCarb., CalcareaPhosphorus, Lycopodium, Silicea, Gettysburg.

Water, Nitric Acid, Phos., PhosphorusAcid, Oleum Jecoris, Iodium, Hepar, Sepia, Mercurius

74. Complicated with Syphilis: (Kali Hyd.), Nitric Acid, Hepar, (Mezereum, mercurialized), (Aurum), (Fluoric Acid), (Phytolacca) (Stillingia), (Asafoetida), Mercurius

75. Joints: SUL.CALC.C…. white, swelling, pains intermit at night.

CALC.PHOS…. suppuration, pus contains spicule of bone, tendency to articular pains at every damp change of weather.

SILICA… fistula, Caries.

GETTYSBURG WATER…. Caries, thin, ichorous discharge.

LYC…. awakes screaming, cross, violent; beginning of hip-disease.

IODIUM…. swollen, doughy; fistulous openings, with watery pus.

OLEUM JECORIS… fistulae, with flocculent pus.

APIS…. synovitis, with copious exudation.

ARSENIC…. fetid pus, oedema, great exhaustion.

CARBO VEG…. similar to Arsenic, but less irritability of fibre, restlessness, etc.

BARYTA C…. white swelling, pains intolerable at night.

OZONE…. hip, see part I.

CAUST…. burning pains, Caries.

76. Tuberculosis (Remedies known to have been Useful):

PHOS…. brain or lungs.

SUL…. in the beginning, but must be selected strictly.

CALC.CARB…. follows the former well.

SPONGIA…. of lungs, with dry, harsh cough.

HEPAR…. after the former, cough harsh, but at the same time much phlegm. CALC.PH.HYP. OF LIME, CAUST…. of the spine.

BARYTA CARB…. of the spine; also with indurated glands.

LYC…. lungs; also of the liver.

SILICEA…. with purulent breaking down, abscesses, lungs, liver.

MAG.NIT. HELL. APIS… of brain.


ACID…. of lungs.

NITRIC ACID… of lungs; follows Calc; morning diarrhoea; sputum purulent; great emaciation.


MET…. of the larynx.

OZONE…. of the larynx.

GLANDERIN… is said to have caused it in lunges.

LACH…. one of the best after Pneumonia. when tubercles are present.

IODIUM, OLEUM JECORIS, HYDR…. of lungs, with weakness at the stomach and diarrhoea.

77. Serous Membranes (commonly attacked in Tuberculosis): Sul., Arsenic, (Bryonia), Hepar, Phosphorus, (Kali.Carb.).

ant. Tart. (Apis, Synovitis).

78. Feels Bruised all over, Worse from any Motion (often anticipates Rachitis): CalcareaPhosphorus (Ruta), Hepar, Silicea, Phosphorus Oleum Jecoris, Sul., Psorin.

79. Skin has an Offensive Odor, despite frequent Washing: Sul., Psorin.

80. Skin Dry, Hot; Sulphur, CalcareaCarb., Lycopodium, Arsenic, Oleum Jecoris, Viola Tri.

81. Skin Cold.: Arsenic, Carbo Veg., Sul., (Camph.) (VeratrumAlb.). CalcareaCarb., CalcareaPhosphorus, Mercurius, (clammy.)

82. Kicks the Clothes off (said to be a symptom of Rachitis): Sul.

83. Aggravations:

NATRUM SUL…. worse living in damp dwellings.



CARB.MERC…. worse when the weather changes.

SARS…. worse in the Spring.

ANT.CR.NATRUM MUR., SEPIA, CARBO VEG. SILICEA… worse in summer in hot weather.

SUL…. eyes, worse in hot weather.

CONIUM…. photophobia, worse in Summer.

PHOS. SILICEA, PETROL., (RHOD.)…. worse in electric changes.



ETC…. worse when washed.

84. Relations of the Remedies in the Symptoms given:

SUL., followed by: CALC.C…. child nervous, pupils large etc.


MERCURIUS…. is an appropriate inter-current remedy when sulph. fails or only aggravates.

CARBO VEG…. similar to Arsenic, Camph. (collapse).


SILICEA…. bones ulcerate.

NITRIC ACID… debility continues, child thin.

BELL…. inter-current.

CALC.PHOS…. similar to Sulph., Phosphorus

SILICEA similar to PHOS…. abscesses of glands, nervousness, etc. FLUORIC ACID…. bone diseases.

NITRIC ACID…. bones, Ozaena, etc.

GETTYS…. spine.

MERC…. said to be inimical to Silicea.

PHOS…. similar to Arsenic, silicea, Carbo V., Hypophos. of Lime, Petroleum.

CAUSTICUM… inimical to Phosphorus

ARSENIC…. similar to ArgentumNit., Cinchona, Veratrum Alb., Ferrum, Graphites, Phos, Arsenicum Sul. Rub., Arsenicum Sul. Flav. Secale.

BARYTA C…. similar to Causticum.

CALC.I.CONIUM… similar to Baryta C. (glands).

LYC…. similar to Arsenic (cross on waking.).

GRAPH., ARSENIC, SARS., THERID, IODIUM, LACH…. similar to Lycopodium.

ANT.CR…. similar to Bryonia, Sul.

ANT.TART…. similar to Veratrum Alb. (diarrhoea).

ARG.NIT…. similar to Natrum Mur.

SEPIA…. similar to Nat.Mur., Nat.Phosphorus, Borax, Sul.

PHOS.ACID…. similar to Arsenic, Cinchona; both suit in anaemia (brain exhaustion from protracted diarrhoea).

MAGNESIA CARB…. similar to CalcareaC., Coloc., Cham, Rheum.

MAGNESIA MUR…. similar to Silicea.

STAPH…. similar to Mercurius, Chamomilla, Carbo V., Graphites, Coloc. HYDRASTIS…. similar to Silicea, Sul.

LYCOPODIUM…. similar to Hydrastis (Intertrigo).

CLEMATIS…. similar to Hydrastis in eruption, worse from washing.

MURIATIC ACID…. similar to Carbo Veg., Arsenicum, PhosphorusAcid., Nitric Acid.

RHUS TOX…. similar to Muriatic Acid (irritable weakness, etc.).

SUL.ACID…. similar to Sul. Pulsatilla

NATRUM SULPH…. similar to : THUJA, SARS., STAPH…. sycosis.

BRYONIA…. diarrhoea.

SARS…. similar to Lycopodium, sepia, Calcarea

Carb., Mercurius Viola Tri.

MERCURIUS similar to Belladonna, Hepar, Carbo Veg. Nitric Acid, Staphysagria, Hydrastis, Sul. It symptomatically resembles Calcarea.Carb. and Silicea so closely as to require great caution in its choice. The latter remedy is said to be inimical to Mercury. When Sul. ceases to improve, or acts too energetically, Mercury may be interposed. Arum Tri. similar to Nitric Acid, Lycopodium, Silicea, Ailanthus, Arsenic and Phosphorus.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.