Saponine causes tough tenacious mucus in the posterior nares, extending into the larynx.

Quillaya, one of the plants from which Saponine is derived, has been quite extensively used in California by Homoeopathists for a cold in the head, contracted during warm, damp weather. Here it rivals Gelsemium both causing general lassitude and tiredness and weakness of the muscles states of relaxation favouring colds.

Dr. August Korndoerfer has made some excellent cures with Spigelia, guided by Hahnemann’s symptoms: “Profuse discharge of mucus through the posterior nares; nasal mucus passes off only through the posterior nares”. I have not been very successful in using it.

But, after all, the majority of cases call for such remedies as Mercurius Iod, Sanguinaria Nitrated, AntimoniumAuratum and Pulsatilla. And it is such accurately fitting remedies as these that I hope to see greatly increased in number by energetic provings, conducted by those whose ability to diagnose disease of the nose qualifies them for the work.

Sanguinaria Nitrate, Given persistently and nasal catarrh needs repeated doses will often help when there are burning rawness and soreness in the posterior nares, and hawking of thick. yellow, sometimes bloody mucus.

Pulsatilla acts better if the mucus is thick, yellow-green and bland; and Mercurius Iodium when there is swelling of the glands of the neck and yellow coating on the dorsum of the tongue.

Antimonium Auratum, proved under the auspices of Dr. C. Neidhard, causes increased mucous secretion. In one prover it aggravated a chronic catarrh with increased discharge of a greenish-yellow mucus, more offensive than before. It is used by Dr. Hugh Pitcairn as a co-relative of the Iodide of Mercury.

Nitric Acid follows when dirty, bloody mucus flows: and Mezereum in mercurialized patients when there are scraping, burning and rawness posteriorly with thin, yellow and bloody discharge.

In Conclusion, I desire to say that, as many nasal catarrhs have a specific origin, no remedy, not active in influencing the cause, can materially relieve the catarrh. In addition to sulphur, Kali Iod, Aurum etc., we should consider Theridion, confirmed by Dr. Korndoerfer as an introductory drug in scrofulous cases Thuja, well-known in Sycosis, and invaluable when the discharge is thick, green or bloody and green and Psorinum, despised by some, but fully-appreciated by others as often superior to sulphur.

For convenience I add a brief repertory, confining myself to the limited region under consideration.


YELLOW, Thick: ArgentumNit, Aurum, Nat.Arsenicum Hyd., Calc, C., Berberis, Cinnab. (dirty lumps), Kali Bi, SulphurAc., Nit.Ac., Pulsatilla, Spigelia, Sulphur, Ant. Aurum, SanguinariaNit., Therid., Nat.c., Hepar, Lycopodium Phos, Kali Sulph., Alumina., Rumex, CalcareaSulph., Sumbul, Mez. (thin).

Green: Berberis, Pulsatilla, Thuja, Kali Bi., Natrum carb., Phosphorus, Sep, Mercurius

Plugs, Clinkers, etc.: Teucrium, Kali Bi, Spig, Cinn, Lycopodium, Mang. (yellow or green lumps) Mercurius Iodium (blood-tinged), Nat. Arsenicum

Like Tallow: Coral. Rub.

Irritating, Corrosive : Arsenicum ArsenicumIodium, Cepa, Keros, Carb. Acid.

BROWN: Kali bichromicum (bloody and offensive).

BLOODY: Cantharis (and tough), Arg, Nit, (Yellow mixed with clots), Hyd., Acid nitricum, Sepia (with yellow-green shreds), Sng. Nit., Kaolin, Kali Bi., Lachesis (bloody pus), Phosphorus (in streaks), Sulphur (in threads), Mez.

OFFENSIVE: Aurum, graph, Mercurius (trickling mucus_), Sulph, Thuja, Nit.Ac., Nat.C., Elaps (relieved a case for me marked by disproportionate foetor), Therid, Asafoetida Lachesis, Kreosotum (old people), Tell. (Herring brine), Ant.Aurum

STRINGY: AmmoniumBromium, Sulphur Ac, Kali Bi, Cinnab., Hyd.,Coccus Cactus grandiflorus Yucca (and greasy-looking).

SCANTY, TENACIOUS; Sinapis, Alumina, Osmium ( large lumps), Nat. Mur., Phos Saponin (tough, tenacious), Phytolacca

MEMBRANE, DARK: Lachesis, Phytolacca, Ammn. Bromium, Yucca., RED: ArgentumNit.

SCALES, ULCERS: ArgentumNit. (with yellow scales), Kali Bi. (punched) alum.,

CalcareaC. Graphites, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sepia., Silica, Zinc, Psorin., Thuja, Therid., Lachesis, (bloody), Baryta (and behind uvula), Kali Carb. (foul crusts), Fagop.

Choane:- Too dry: Silica, Sepia, Fagop, Rumex, Sticta, Wyethia, AesculusHip, Alum, Sinapis, Zinc, Sanguinaria

As if too open: Flour. Ac., Iod, Nat.Mur.

Obstructed: Anacardium, CalcareaSulph., Hyd. Iris Verbascum, Kali Iodium

Ears Affected:

Mercurius, Vespa., Phytolacca, Gelsemium (itching in Eustachian tube, also pain in ears), Nux and Silica (both itching in Eustachian tubes), Kali Bi, Rum (ear feels stopped, voice sounds strange relief in one, but not cure), Alumina (Eustachian tube stooped with mucus), Graphites (Eustachian tube stopped up), Iodium (Catarrh of the Eustachian tube),. Lith Carb.

Crackling Sound on Swallowing:

Graphites, Hepar

Nit.Ac. (Eustachian obstruction), Petrol. (Passages dry, whizzing in ears).

Sensitive to Inhaled Air:

Arsenicum, Nat.Ars, ArsenicumIod, Coral., Hyd., Lithium carb.Carb., Osmium, Fagop., Kreosotum, Ferrumphos.

Nose, Feels Wet: Penthorum.

Rawness, Scraping, Soreness:

AesculusHip., Mercurius, MercuriusIodium, Mez., Nux Vom., SanguinariaNit., Nit.Ac. Chlorum, Kreosotum, Iris V., Nat.Arsenicum, Arsenicum, ArsenicumIodium, Ferrumphos. (on inspiration), Mag. Carb, Oxalic, Ac., Phosphorus, Phosphorus, Ac., Osmium, Carbo Veg. (on coughing or swallowing, soreness), Gallic Ac., Penth., Sepia, Nitrum.,

Burning: AesculusHip,. ArgentumNit., Phosphorus, Osmium, Arsenicum ArsenicumIodium, Nat. ArsenicumFagop.

Like a Fine Leaf: Baryta Carb.

Like Something Hanging: Yucca.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.