Derived from Kent’s classroom lectures on the homeopathy remedy Zincum Phosphoricum. Published in 1926 as Lesser Writings, Clinical Cases, New Remedies, Aphorisms and Precepts by J.T. Kent….

The times of aggravation of this remedy are morning, forenoon, AFTERNOON, EVENING, NIGHT.

He has a strong craving for warm, fresh air and is markedly sensitive to drafts; the open air ameliorates in general; marked general physical anxiety; many symptoms are worse from ascending. Hands and feet and other single parts go to sleep and become numb. Many symptoms come on from bathing. Some symptoms are worse after breakfast. It has been a very useful remedy in the treatment of chorea; lack of vital heat; sensitiveness to cold air. Symptoms come on from becoming cold and in cold, wet weather There is constriction like a band around the body. There are convulsions: clonic; epileptiform; hysterical; internal; tonic. Some complaints are worse and some are better from eating. Complaints are worse after the least physical exertion. Frequent fainting spells. Several kinds of food seem to disagree: bread; milk; sweets; warm drinks; cold drinks ameliorate. Marked formication all over the body. There is marked heaviness in the body and limbs. Great sluggishness and lack of reaction. Violent JERKING in the body. Extreme LASSITUDE with desire to lie down yet lying in bed aggravates many symptoms. Worse before, DURING and after menstruation. Some symptoms are worse and some are better from motion. Most symptoms are worse on beginning to move: there is aversion to motion: NUMBNESS in many parts. Pains are very numerous; BITING; boring; bruised; burning external and INTERNAL; CUTTING; pressing external and INTERNAL; STITCHING; TEARING in MUSCLES and NERVES. Paralysis one sided; of organs; painless. External and internal pulsation. Pulse: FAST; intermittent; irregular; small; weak. He desires to be rubbed and most symptoms are ameliorated by rubbing. Sensitiveness prevails throughout the whole proving especially to pain. Electric shocks are quite common. From looking at the proving as a whole it may well be said that the symptoms resemble the results of sexual excesses. The symptoms are quite often one sided. The symptoms come on while SITTING, standing and during sleep. Throughout all the muscles a feeling of tension. Throughout the body and limbs extreme trembling and twitching. Uncovering aggravates. Walking ameliorates the restlessness and aggravates the weakness; ameliorates the pain in the back. There is marked weakness in the morning and evening; during menses; marked NERVOUS weakness; worse walking. A sensation of extreme weariness. The patient is very sensitive to wet weather to wind and to wine.

Becomes angry from trifles and even violent and his symptoms become worse from anger. Anxiety in morning; afternoon; night; with fever during menses; on waking. Wants things which he does not need. Aversion to being alone. Concentration of mind is quite difficult,; confusion of mind in morning; on waking; evening; after eating. Much annoyed by presentiment of death. Delirium: frightful; raving; rasping with fingers; picking at the bed clothes; violent. Delusions of fancy and even sees dead people; fire; images at night. DULLNESS OF MIND. EXCITEMENT. Attempts to escape. Mental exertion aggravates his symptoms. Exaltation of fancy. Constantly APPREHENSIVE; evening; night; of death; ghosts; of robbers; on waking VERY FORGETFUL. His symptoms are worse from fright. He is heedless, impatient, impetuous, indifferent, extremely INDOLENT, and appears like one going into imbecility. It should become one of our most useful remedies in insanity. Marked irresolution. Irritability in the morning; EVENING; with headache; during menses. Silly spasmodic laughter followed by loquacity. Loathing of life. Malicious ideas come frequently. Memory very weak. Hilarity in the evening. Moods are very changeable. Morose, obstinate and easily offended. MENTAL PROSTRATION and aversion to work. Restlessness in the morning; evening; night; anxious. SADNESS in the morning; afternoon; evening. Marked dullness of the senses. Sensitive to music and to NOISE. Sexual excess aggravates the mental symptoms, shrieking out in sleep. Inclination to sit in perfect silence; indisposed to speak. Speech at times is incoherent. Starting easily during sleep. Marked stupefaction with much vertigo. Thinks much about suicide. His thoughts wander and vanish. He talks in sleep. Unusual timidity. Unconsciousness from fainting. Much weeping; during menses. Vertigo in the morning in bed; forenoon; noon; night; during headache; after dinner; tendency to fall; with nausea; before menses; while sitting; while standing; while walking.

The forehead is cold. There is constriction of the forehead and even of the whole head. Heat in the head especially in the evening; forehead. Hyperaemia of the brain. Eruptions on the scalp. The hair falls out. The head feels heavy in the morning and in the evening; forehead; occiput. The scalp itches. Pain in the head: in the morning in bed; afternoon; evening; at night; BETTER IN THE OPEN AIR; worse on ascending steps; binding up the hair; better from cold applications; worse after eating; from becoming heated; with desire to lie down; lying sometimes aggravates and sometimes ameliorates; before and during menses; from mental exertion; NERVOUS AND SPINAL HEADACHES; worse from noises; paroxysmal; periodical every day; better from pressure; worse from the heat of the sun; from talking; while walking; warm room; WINE. Pain in the forehead in the morning; above the eyes. Pain in the occiput; sides of the head; temples; vertex. Burning pain in forehead. Sore bruised pain in the head. Bursting pain in the forehead. Drawing pain in the forehead; occiput; temples. Pressing outward in the forehead; over the eyes; occiput; sides of head; temples; occiput; vertex. Stitching pains in the head on coughing; forehead; sides; temple; vertex. Stunning pains in the head. Tearing pains in the head; forehead; occiput; SIDES; temples; vertex. Perspiration of the whole head; forehead. Pulsation in the whole head; forehead. The brain is very sensitive especially during menses. Electric shocks in head.

Agglutination of the lids in the morning. It has cured cataract. Thick muco- purulent discharge from the canthi. The eyes are very dry and lustreless. Heat and burning in the eyes. Inflammation of the lids. Itching of the lids and lachrymation in the open air. He lies with half open eyes. Pain in the eyes; biting; burning in the evening; pressing; shooting; stitching; tearing. Paralysis of the lids; optic nerve. Photophobia in sunlight. Pupils contracted and then dilated. Redness of the margin of the lids. Staring and sunken look. Oedematous lids. Before the eyes there are floating spots; green colours; a halo of colours around the light. The vision is dim. Exertion of vision brings on many symptoms. There is flickering before the eyes. Vision becomes foggy. Bloody or purulent discharge from the ear. Itching in the ears. Noises evening; night; with vertigo; buzzing; fluttering; ringing; roaring; whizzing. Pain IN THE EAR; behind the ear; burning; stitching; TEARING. Pulsation in the ear. There is swelling of the external ear and inside of the ears. Twitching of the ears. Hearing is impaired.

Catarrhal irritation of the nose with redness of the skin of the nose. Coryza worse in the evening; fluent alternating with dry. Discharge from the nose; bloody; copious; excoriating; purulent; thick; from posterior nares. A sensation of dryness in the nose. He blows blood from the nose. The nose feels obstructed. Itching inside the nose. Soreness inside the nose. Smell at first acute, later diminished. Frequent sneezing. The nose is red and swollen.

The lips are dry and cracked. Much discolouration of the face; bluish circles around the eyes; earthly or pale; sickly face. Eruptions on the nose; pimples on the face and forehead; vesicles. The expression is sickly and haggard. Much itching of the skin of the face. It has cured right-sided paralysis of the face. The face looks sunken and distressed. The lips are swollen. There is a twitching of the muscles of the face. Small ulcers of the lips and corners of the mouth.

The gums bleed and the tongue is cracked. The mouth is dry and the tongue is coated white. The gums are painful and sore and the tongue burns. The papillae on the tongue are erect. Salivation with bloody saliva, scorbutic gums. The gums are much swollen. Taste, bad; bitter; insipid; metallic; saltish; sweetish. Small ulcers upon the gums. Vesicles upon the tongue. The teeth become loose. Pain in the teeth; masticating; from pressure; on going to sleep; burning; drawing; jerking; pulsating; sore; stitching; tearing.

Constriction and dryness in the throat; constriction of the esophagus. Frequent hawking. Throat is much inflamed. Sensation of a lump in the throat. Constant formation of tenacious mucus in the throat. Constantly scraping the throat. Pain in the throat on swallowing; burning; pressing; rawness; soreness. Spasms of the Esophagus on swallowing. Difficult swallowing of solids or liquids. Swelling of the throat, tonsils, and uvula. Drawing and pressing in the sides of the throat externally.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.