Derived from Kent’s classroom lectures on the homeopathy remedy kali Silicatum. Published in 1926 as Lesser Writings, Clinical Cases, New Remedies, Aphorisms and Precepts by J.T. Kent….

The silicate of potassium is a very deep acting remedy. Some of the symptoms are worse or come on in the morning, a few in the forenoon and afternoon, many in the evening, and very many in the night, and especially after midnight. Aversion to the open air and worse from the open air and from draughts. He dreads bathing and is worse from bathing. He is sensitive to cold weather and worse from becoming cold; after becoming cold complaints come on; worse in cold room and in dry, cold weather; cold, wet weather also makes him worse. He takes cold easily. After eating complaints are all worse; worse after slight exertion. Faintness, emaciation. He is worse after cold drinks, cold food, milk and fat food. Creeping feelings all over the body, but especially in the limbs. Induration in glands and muscles. His painful parts are very sensitive to a jar. Lassitude is very marked and quite constant. Desire to lie down all the time. After straining muscles the weakness lasts long. He dreads to move or walk and he is worse from motion.

Mucous secretions all increased. The blood surges from the body to the head. Stitching, tearing pains are numerous; he suffers if the perspiration is suppressed from a draft, or from insufficient clothing; he is worse from pressure and very sensitive to touch.

Pulsation in head and limbs; stiffness all over the body and in the limbs; he trembles all over, especially in abdomen; twitching of muscles. Symptoms all worse from uncovering the body; worse walking and from walking fast. Great weakness in the morning on waking, also in the evening; also after eating and after walking. Weariness. Worse in winter, in cold weather and better in summer. Absent minded and becomes angered over trifles; anxiety in the evening, in bed and during the night; anxiety in the evening, in bed and during the night; anxiety with fear; anxiety after eating, about his health; during menses, about trifles, capriciousness. It is a very useful remedy for children in school when they can not learn their lessons. Difficult concentration of mind; he has lost confidence in his own ability. Confusion of mind in the morning on arising, in the evening, after mental exertion, while sitting. Consolation aggravates the mental symptoms; contrary and cowardly. His mind is full of imaginations; about dead people; illusions of fancy; sees images in the night; sees frightful images; sees ghosts and thieves. He is discontented and discouraged. Dullness of mind when reading and writing; in the morning on waking. Much excitement. Mental exertion aggravates many symptoms. Fear with anxiety; fear and dread of work, easily frightened; forgetful and heedless, which looks like approaching imbecility; many hysterical manifestations. He is very impatient, and indifferent to his friends and to pleasure; he takes pleasure in nothing. Irresolution. He seems not to care how things go, one way is as good as another. Has no opinions on prevailing questions. Extremely irritable; worse in morning and evening; worse after coition; worse from any attempt to console him. Memory very feeble; mistakes in speaking and writing; misplaces words. He is very obstinate and his moods are constantly changing. Mental prostration. Great restlessness during the night. Very sad in the morning. Seems at times to lose his senses. At times he is very sensitive to noises. It is a very useful remedy where these symptoms have been brought on by sexual excesses. Wants to sit still or sit around and do nothing; very indolent. Startled easily, from fright; from noise, on failing asleep, when touched. Wonderful timidity. Indisposed to conversation. Talking in sleep. Weeping much; weeping evening and night; weeping in sleep. Will power feeble; aversion to mental work.

Vertigo morning, afternoon, evening; inclination to fall backwards; vertigo during headache, as if intoxicated; must lie down; vertigo with nausea; objects seem to turn in a circle; vertigo almost constant; while rising, while sitting, while stooping, while walking, while walking in open air. Coldness of the head, of vertex; the head is sensitive to cold and must be covered. Boiling sensation in the brain; anaemia of the brain; congestion of head at night on coughing; constriction of the scalp, especially of the forehead. Eruptions in margin of the hair, back of head, moist-like eczema; fullness of the head and the hair falls out; heat in the whole head; worse in forehead; heaviness in the fore head in the morning; sensation of movements in the head. Pain in the head morning, afternoon, evening, night; after midnight; pain worse in cold air and from a draft; after coition; from head becoming cold; from coryza; after eating; when hungry; from being overheated; worse from a jar; from light; from mental exertion; from motion; from motion of head or eyes; from noise; during menses. Compelled to lie down. Applied heat relieves. The pains are pulsating, periodical and paroxysmal. Headache came on from sexual excesses; worse after sleep; from stepping heavily; from stooping and from straining the eyes. The pain is violent, worse from touch and when walking; wrapping up the head relieves. Pain in forehead daytime, morning, afternoon, evening, night, above the eyes; pain in occiput; pain in sides of head, worse on right side; pain in temples. Boring pain in forehead; bruised pain in whole head; bursting pain in forehead; drawing pains in whole head and in forehead; pressing pains; pains pressing outward; pressing in forehead, outward, over eyes, occiput, temples and vertex; shooting pains in forehead and occiput; stitching pains in head, forehead, occiput, sides of head and temples; stunning pains in head; tearing pains in head, forehead, occiput, sides of occiput, sides of head, temples and vertex. Perspiration of whole scalp; perspiration of forehead. Pulsating in the head, in forehead. Shaking or trembling sensation in the brain; uncovering the head in cool air brings on many symptoms.

The eyelids are stuck together in the morning. Cataract has been cured by this remedy. Discharges yellow and thick; dryness in the eyes; eczema around the eyes and in the eyebrows; the eyes feel hot; inflammation of the eyes, of the conjunctiva, of the lids; psoric complaints of the eyes; infected blood vessels; lachrymation in cold air. It has cured opacity of the cornea. Pain in the eyes, right most affected, better by warmth; the pains are burning, pressing, stitching, tearing; pain as if sand in eyes. It has cured paralysis of the optic nerve. Photophobia marked in daylight; redness of the eyes; spots on the cornea; staring, swollen lids; ulceration of the cornea; weak eyes. In the field of vision there are many colors, floating spots and black flies; dark colours, yellow. Dim vision. Dazzling. Complaints from exertion of vision; flickering before the eyes; thinks he is going blind; sparks before the eyes and weak vision. Discharge from ear, bloody, offensive, purulent, thick yellow. Scurfy eruption behind the ear; flapping sensation in the ears; the ears are hot; inflammation in the middle ear, intense itching deep in the ears; noises in ears with dizziness; flapping sounds, ringing, roaring. Pain in ear, mostly right, better by warmth; pain behind the ear and deep in the ear; aching, boring, cramping pain; drawing, stitching, tearing; drawing and tearing behind the ear. Pulsating pain deep in the ear; the ear feels stopped; ulceration in the ear. Hearing is acute for noise, later impaired. It has cured deafness from catarrh of the eustachian tubes and the middle ear.

Catarrh of the nose and posterior nares in chilly people who are weak and want to keep still and rest; very offensive discharge, offensive breath in syphilitic subjects; the discharge is bloody, crusty, acrid, greenish, purulent, thick, yellow. He is subject to frequent coryzas as he is taking cold constantly. Dryness in the nose; bleeding of the nose on blowing it; itching deep in the nose where many crusts form; the nose is constantly obstructed; pain in the nose, and in the bones of the nose; great soreness in nose; burning pain in nose. Smell acute, later diminished, finally lost. Frequent violent sneezing; the nose is greatly swollen; much swelling inside of nose; ulceration in the nose.

Discolouration of the face; bluish, red, pale; circumscribed red cheeks; the face is jaundiced; the lips are cracked and dry; face looks sickly and drawn with suffering expression. The face, chin, lips, upper lip, around the mouth, nose, extending down on the neck, covered with moist eczema. She was a sight to look upon and her friends all shunned her; she was comfortable only when in a very hot room. Herpes and pimples on the face. Indurated parotid gland; inflammation of the parotid gland. Itching of the face; drawing, stitching, tearing pain in the face; much sweat on the face; swelling of the cheeks, lips, parotid and submaxillary glands; ulceration of the lips; hard crust continues to form on the under lip.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.