Derived from Kent’s classroom lectures on the homeopathy remedy Calcarea Silicata. Published in 1926 as Lesser Writings, Clinical Cases, New Remedies, Aphorisms and Precepts by J.T. Kent….

The silicate of lime is a very deep-acting remedy. The symptoms come on during all parts of the day and night-morning, forenoon, afternoon, EVENING, NIGHT, after midnight. It acts profoundly upon the skin, mucous membranes, bones and glands. Abscesses, catarrhal discharges, ulcers, are marked with thick, greenish-yellow pus. Thick, greenish-yellow expectoration. Aversion to the open air. Extreme sensitiveness to drafts. One prover felt better in open air; very sensitive to wine and alcoholic stimulants. Marked paleness as in anaemia. Weakness and out of breath ascending stairs, like Calcarea. Aversion to bathing and worse from bathing; especially cold bathing makes worse, in a prover who had always enjoyed cold bathing. Complaints worse after breakfast. It has cured epithelioma and lupus. From what is known of both calcarea and silica it ought to be a remedy in caries where the symptoms agree. Change of weather, from warm to cold, makes all symptoms worse. Many symptoms are worse after coition. Worse from cold in general, cold air, becoming cold and after becoming cold; worse in cold, wet weather. Takes cold in cold weather; seems to be constantly taking cold; many internal congestions. Contraction of orifices, a convulsive tendency. It greatly mitigates the constitutional condition in patients suffering from epilepsy, making the fits lighter and farther apart. The veins are greatly distended and a sensation of fullness in many parts. The symptoms are worse during and after eating. Emaciation is marked and especially in children who have inherited phthisis. Weakness, night sweats and seminal emission. The least exertion prostrates and increases many symptoms. Faintness creeps over her. The muscles become flabby. He is more comfortable on low diet or when fasting; cold food, cold milk and cold drinks make many complaints worse. The mucous membranes bleed easily. Hemorrhage from throat, nose, larynx and chest. He is cold all the time; marked lack of vital heat. One chilly prover became warm after the proving, curative action. Great aggravation from being overheated. The body feels heavy and the organs drag down. Inflammation in external and internal parts; in bones and glands. Extremely sensitive to a jar in all internal parts. Lassitude day and night, but worse evening and night; must lie down all the time.

The muscles, tendons and joints are weak and easily strained. The weakness is much like arsenicum and china, or as though from loss of fluids. He is most comfortable when lying in bed on the back; lying helps most symptoms; after lying a while he seems very well, but as soon as he walks about all the lassitude returns and he must lie down. Many symptoms come at the menstrual period-before, during and after. All symptoms are worse from motion. Mucous secretions increased and greenish-yellow. Numbness of single parts, of parts lain on and of painful parts. The weakness suggests it in complaints following onanism. The blood seems to rush from body to head with great flushes of heat.

The pains are boring, burning, CUTTING, jerking, pressing, bruised, stitching, tearing. Burning in internal parts. The function of organs and glands much impaired and slow. Slow digestion, slow action of bowels and liver. Periodicity is marked in many symptoms. When perspiring a slight draft or cold air will suppress the sweat and he becomes lame and the symptoms in general are worse. Pulsation all over the body-internal and external.

Sensitive all over, sensitive to pain; sore internally. The bones are sore to touch. Its symptoms are like those that have come on from sexual excesses. The weakness and many other symptoms are worse standing. Stiffness in body, back and limbs when cold, after exertion and after sweating. It has swelling from dropsy and from inflammation; swelling of affected parts’ of glands with hardness. Touch aggravates many parts and he dreads being touched. Trembling all over and in limbs, much twitching of muscles. It is most useful in restraining malignant ulceration in the mammary gland. Symptoms worse from uncovering. Walking fast and walking in cold air makes him worse. Great weakness, especially in the morning on waking, after least exertion, from mental exertion, walking in open air. Great nervous weakness. He is always so weary. Wet weather brings out all his sufferings. It seems that he can hardly get through the winter, so much are his symptoms increased, and he is correspondingly improved in the summer.

He is absent-minded and excitable and easily angered and his symptoms are worse after anger. Symptoms worse when alone. Anxiety in evening in bed and during the night about her health, worse during menses and on waking in the morning, Wants many things and soon tires of them; desires the unobtainable; nothing suits and he is very critical. Inability to concentrate the mind on what he is reading or listening to. He has lost all confidence in himself. Confusion of mind in the morning on waking and in the evening, after eating, after mental exertion and while sitting. Consolation irritates him; contrary and timid, even cowardly. She sits long in one place and looks into space and does not answer when spoken to. Passive delirium; talks and acts like one insane; talking to imaginary people who have long been dead. Talks nonsense and foolish things; talks coherently, but about impossible things. Answers questions correctly and goes off into muttering. Wants to go out of the window. Thinks her husband, long dead, is in the next room, and grieves because they will not let her go to him; her living son she calls by the name of one long dead. Mutters foolish things and sees dead people. She wanders all night in her room without sleep. She seems to see and converse with dead friends, with her dead son and her dead husband; wants to get dinner for her dead husband. She imagines her husband will starve if she does not find him. Many delusions about dead people; sees dead people and corpses; she sees dogs and images at night. Horrible visions; sees disagreeable persons when half awake. Illusions of fancy; she hears voices and answers the voices of the dead. Discontent and despair; discouraged about her disease and thinks it proving an incurable disease. Dullness of mind; imaginary fears and vexations after mental exertion. Emotional and easily moved to laughter or tears; exaltation of fancy. Exertion of mind aggravates all mental and many physical symptoms. Great fear at night; fear of brain lesion with headache in the morning; fear about family matters also about financial matters; fear or dread of work or any exertion. Complaints from fear. He is so forgetful that he cannot recall the sentence just spoken. Easily frightened, all the time in a hurry. Many hysterical manifestations, and at night his ideas are abundant, but in day time deficient. Many of the mental symptoms and his appearance are like one approaching imbecility. He is very impatient with everything and everybody. “Utterly ambitionless,” no desire for physical or mental work and aversion to exercise. Irresolution. Marked irritability in the morning and evening, after coition, from consolation, during headache, about trifles. Lamenting and wailing. Lascivious. Loathing of life. Memory very weak. Mistakes in speaking; misplaces words. Changeable mood, morose, generally better when occupied; during the proving mild and yielding. Extreme prostration of mind; restless and anxious during the night; sadness in the morning and during the day; sadness during heat. Mental depression without cause. Dullness of the senses; very sensitive to noise and to mild rebuke from a friend. The mental symptoms are worse from sexual excesses. Shrieking during sleep. Easily startled. Starting during sleep. Stupefaction and disposition to suicide; indisposed to talk or to be talked to, and inclined to sit in silence. Timid and bashful. She is unconscious and her conduct is automatic; weary of life. Weeping at night, in sleep; almost impossible to keep from bursting into sobs from imaginary fears and worries; sits and weeps by the hour; the will is almost lost; great aversion to mental work.

Vertigo, morning on rising, after rising, in evening, tendency to fall backward during headache. Vertigo, looking upwards, while lying, from mental exertion, with nausea, on rising from stooping, while sitting, on stooping, while walking in the open air.

Coldness of the head, especially of occiput, and on vertex; congestion of the head at night ‘and when coughing; constriction of the forehead; eruptions on the scalp; crusts, eczema, pustules; the head inclines to fall forward; marked sensation of fullness in the head. There is bristling of the hair; the hair falls out. Heat in the whole head, worse in forehead, in the evening. Heaviness in the head in the morning; heaviness in forehead. Hydrocephalus. Itching scalp; itching occiput. Sensation as if the brain was in motion.

The head pains are severe and in all parts of the head. Worse morning, but felt also afternoon and evening, lasting all night; worse from cold air and A DRAFT; ascending steps; binding up the hair, in women; after coition; becoming cold, from taking cold; from cold, damp weather; with coryza; after eating; also worse from becoming overheated, and during heat with hammering; worse from a jar; from light; must lie down; worse before and during menses; from mental exertion; worse from moving about the room, from moving the head, from noise. The pain comes in paroxysms. It cures periodical headaches that come every day or only once each week; pulsating headaches. Pain is worse after sleep, from stimulants, stooping and stepping heavily, and from taking cold. Headache from eye strain. Head pains from touch, walking, wine, writing. The pains extend to occiput and nape of the neck. Aching deep in the brain, with pulsation on motion. Hard pain in forehead in the morning; steady dull heavy pain, better after eating and occupation; worse from mental exertion, motion, and walking and writing; better from perfect rest. Headache morning on waking; worse lying, worse rising from bed, better by occupation, better standing and walking. Severe headache in the forehead; pain over the eyes, pulsating; worse walking, worse from motion, better from lying, heat and pressure. Hard pain in occiput, and sides of the head, worse in right side. Severe pain in temples and vertex; burning pain in head; bursting pain in head, mostly in vertex; cutting in head; drawing pain in forehead and occiput; dull pain in whole head in the morning. Jerking with the pain like a jerking pain. Pressing pains in forehead; occiput, sides of occiput, temples and vertex. Pressing-out pain in forehead. Shooting pains in whole head. Shooting in occiput. Scalp is sore to touch and whole brain is sensitive to motion and jar, as if bruised. Stitching pains in forehead, occiput, sides of head and temples. The pain is so violent that he feels stunned; tearing in the forehead and frontal eminence, occiput and temples. Perspiration of the whole scalp; perspiration of forehead. Pulsating in forehead and whole head. Shaking or undulating sensation in brain. Twitching of muscles of head.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.